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Survivor: ATRL Edition (Season 12) | WINNER REVEALED!


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Acetone - 

Ampersand13 - 

Anvarie - Shakira

beatinglikeadrum - Gwen Stefani

fais_2311 - Jennifer Lopez

Kayseri Mantisi - Destiny's Child

khalyan - Bjork 

Opulent - Mariah Carey

Red Light - Britney Spears

Rotunda - Christina Aguilera

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Anvarie - Shakira

beatinglikeadrum - Missy Elliott

fais_2311 - Jennifer Lopez

Kayseri Mantisi - Destiny's Child

khalyan - Bjork 

Opulent - Mariah Carey

Red Light - Britney Spears

Rotunda - Christina Aguilera

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Acetone - 

Ampersand13 - Shania Twain

Anvarie - Shakira

beatinglikeadrum - 

fais_2311 - Jennifer Lopez

Kayseri Mantisi - Madonna

khalyan - Bjork 

Opulent - Mariah Carey

Red Light - Britney Spears

Rotunda - Christina Aguilera

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53 minutes ago, Ampersand13 said:


Acetone - 

Ampersand13 - Shania Twain

Anvarie - Shakira

beatinglikeadrum - 

fais_2311 - Jennifer Lopez

Kayseri Mantisi - Madonna

khalyan - Bjork 

Opulent - Mariah Carey

Red Light - Britney Spears

Rotunda - Christina Aguilera

This one's old, the final version is:


Acetone - 

Ampersand13 - Shania Twain

Anvarie - Shakira

beatinglikeadrum - Gwen Stefani

fais_2311 - Jennifer Lopez

Kayseri Mantisi - Destiny's Child

khalyan - Bjork 

Opulent - Mariah Carey

Red Light - Britney Spears

Rotunda - Christina Aguilera

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Acetone - 

Ampersand13 - Shania Twain

Anvarie - Shakira

beatinglikeadrum - Missy Elliott

fais_2311 - Jennifer Lopez

Kayseri Mantisi - Destiny's Child

khalyan - Bjork 

Opulent - Mariah Carey

Red Light - Britney Spears

Rotunda - Christina Aguilera


BLAD had to change also

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@Anvarie @Ampersand13 @beatinglikeadrum @fais_2311 @Kayseri Mantisi

@khalyan @Opulent @Red Light @Rotunda


Hi everyone - we hope that you are all enjoying your weekend. We will be posting the results a bit later, in the evening.


In the meantime, we have an important announcement regarding Acetone. As most are aware, nobody in the game (including the hosts) have heard from Acetone for a week now. The hosts have reached out to Acetone through multiple methods, and have not received any response. Unfortunately, the game has to keep moving forward, so we have made the decision to "med-evac" (or in non-Survivor terms, remove) Acetone from the game. This round and tomorrow's tribal council will continue as normal, just with 9 people instead of 10.


@Acetone- thank you for playing this season! We appreciate your dedication and enthusiasm throughout the game. You were a pleasure to host. We hope that everything is okay. Whenever you can, we'd love to hear from you. Everyone (viewers, hosts, contestants alike) is nervous that something might have happened; we're all thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way.



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@Anvarie @Ampersand13 @beatinglikeadrum @fais_2311 @Kayseri Mantisi

@khalyan @Opulent @Red Light @Rotunda


Welcome castaways to your 11th results show! We will reveal the rankings for each part of Musical Chairs one by one. The person with the worst average after each round will be eliminated until only one person is left, making them the winner of this immunity challenge.     


    Your placement in the challenge will be converted to a score for your average based on the following rating scale:  


    1st Place: 10

    2nd Place: 9.5

    3rd Place: 9

    4th Place: 8.5

    5th Place: 8

    6th Place: 7.5

    7th Place: 7

    8th Place: 6.5

    9th Place: 6


    After I reveal the scores, I will post the final results which will include how you ranked against all castaways, and finally the overall rankings after this round. 


NOTE: Due to Acetone's removal from the game, we had one more part than we did eliminations. As such, the final TWO left in this challenge will have both of their final two part submissions factor into who wins the overall challenge.


The first part will be posted in the next post....

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Here we go 

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Part One: Best Album Cover

Feel free to click the links and see what people sent in for each round!




  1. Mariah Carey - Beautiful cover, perfectly suiting for the album.
  2. Björk - Obviously some aspects of this cover do not stand up well over time, but I can’t deny its beauty. Also it’s not her best.
  3. Christina Aguilera - I don’t think this cover is supposed to be entirely glamorous, and I think it works and it represents the album and this time in her life very well.
  4. Missy Elliott - I love the vibes of this. She committed to the look.
  5. Shakira - I’ve always liked this one, I think it continues the story of the first part well (which has a better cover).
  6. Destiny’s Child - Stunning shot, but doesn’t give me much more than that. I will say they were serving an aesthetic here. Points for being the only one to send their artist’s actual best cover.
  7. Shania Twain - Again, beautiful but I don’t feel like I was given a hint of what the album is about here. 
  8. Britney Spears - She served a look.
  9. Jennifer Lopez - Goodbye sweetie… This isn’t even her best cover either.




  1. Björk - Beautiful. Probably what I would've picked, too. Maybe the “Volta” special edition would’ve been my second choice.
  2. Mariah Carey - Iconic. Flawless. Really captures the mood and subject of the album.
  3. Destiny's Child - Flawless. And it really captures the era.
  4. Shakira - Very nice... I like the Fijación Oral, Vol. 1 cover even more.
  5. Missy Elliott - It's cool. I like the retro flair. I don't think it's her best, though.
  6. Britney Spears - It's cute. Nothing spectacular.
  7. Christina Aguilera - You really didn't have many good covers to choose from, so I can't fault you.
  8. Shania Twain - Very boring. Just looks like something anyone could've done.
  9. Jennifer Lopez - How this was your pick is beyond me. "J.Lo", "On the 6", even "Love?" and you picked this?





  1. Bjork - You are very much resting on the fact the other covers are basic as ****. Bjork has WAAAYYY better, more inventive covers and you not using them is a bit of a shame.
  2. Mariah Carey - I don’t really like this cover but the others are That much worse. Like, this one is okay. Her hair is on point. Cute lil outfit. Basic brown background but the mocha-ness of it all really fits, especially with the way the album sounds. 
  3. Missy - This is just kinda Okay. I like the old school vibe, I feel like there’s a lot of missing space in this but whateva. The font is pretty cheap but kinda fits I suppose. It’s mid.
  4. Britney - Good basic photo combined with the filter fits the vibe of the album I suppose. But again, its just basic. Meh, Its fine though.
  5. Shania - I’ve never liked this cover but the other covers are just so much worse that it’s like wow this is actually middle of the pack. The color scheme is actually kinda cute, whoever processed this knew what they were doing, although the grey background is whatever.
  6. DC - The choice to submit this cover is….. A choice! I can think of many other DC covers that are way better than this? Nobody looks good in this. Michelle’s face expression is that of a puppy dog saying “please, more than 5 seconds of camera time this time”. Beyonce’s weave looks like garbage, I can’t believe people ever dressed like that and I bet the installation was expensive too. The angle Kelly’s face is taken from is SOOO BAD. I’ve literally never seen her look this bad.
  7. Jennifer - Just awful. The color grading is so strange. Everything is a dull grey without the strikingness of a typical black and while filter. I would not buy this album if I was seeing this in the store.
  8. Christina - This is just… kinda nasty? Like the whole hair covering boobs + the raunchy bottoms. Its not serving sexy, its just serving trash. And it’s a very strange choice the way the photo was awkwardly kinda cropped and just… sitting there, and I feel like if you’re gonna serve sex, black and white isn’t really the answer.
  9. Shakira - Visually, this is a piece of ****. I’ve always felt like this. The colors are somehow weirdly dull, there was no photoshop retouching on anything so the cheapness JUMPS out. You can tell there wasn’t anything more than $500 spent on this photoshoot. Whenever people do recreations of this cover, it looks exactly the same as the original because the original looks like cheap **** too.





  1. Mariah Carey - So stunning to me, the pose, the colors, the hair, the body, the color… for sure her best cover. 
  2. Destiny’s Child - Love it actually, they look so badass and makes you wanna listen to the album, a textless cover done right.
  3. Bjork  - I personally think she has better ones but I get why you sent this, work!
  4. Shakira - Iconic and unique, it’s a bit cheap looking but I’ve always really liked it.
  5. Christina Aguilera - I mean, it’s iconic, it’s fine. She’s not known for having good album covers so I guess you chose the best you could.
  6. Britney Spears - Not my fave by her at all, obviously an iconic and excellent album but this cover has always felt rather cheap and basic to me.
  7. Missy Elliott - It’s okay, has no impact on me, but it’s not the worst here.
  8. Shania Twain - This is so bad, the font is what is sending me the most though.
  9. Jennifer Lopez - Girl, what in the world? This cover is atrocious, I almost feel like you misread and sent her worst album cover.





Not Like the Movies

  1. Mariah Carey - What an iconic and stunning cover, it’s perfection. 
  2. DC - They are such beautiful black queens, I love this cover so so much, gorgeous! 
  3. Shakira - I adore the concept of this cover, this is pretty strong imo. 
  4. Shania - I actually really like the way she looks on this cover and the angle of her face. 
  5. Bjork - I have never been a fan of this cultural appropriation cover, she has much better covers imo. Luckily, this cover is more exciting than some here. 
  6. Christina - It’s okay, I know you did not have much options for this but I can’t score it higher just because of that, sorry. An excellent album tho!  
  7.  Missy - Cool concept but it’s forgettable.
  8. Britney - She had much much better covers to work with, not sure why this was chosen. 
  9. J. Lo - What??? I would love to know why you went with this when she has better options. 






  1. Mariah Carey - This cover is just so beautiful, peak Mariah for me
  2. Bjork - It’s super interesting for sure, definitely memorable
  3. Destiny’s Child - They all look gorgeous
  4. Shakira - It’s cute, looks a little cheap but it’s better than just a photo of her face.
  5. Christina Aguilera - Iconic album, I like her look but I always felt this cover could have used a little something more.
  6. Britney - Amazing album but this cover is probably bottom 3 for Britney album covers for me.
  7. Missy - idk this is just a little boring to me, she’s cute but yawn
  8. Shania - Hmm well, she’s pretty at least.
  9. J.Lo - Not sure why you chose this.




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fais_2311 is the first person eliminated from the challenge!


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Part Two: Best Look

Feel free to click the links and see what people sent in for each round!





  1. Britney Spears - It’s just so iconic! Often imitated, never duplicated.
  2. Björk - Another iconic look, I think it was campy and took nerve, but I actually don’t hate it.
  3. Destiny’s Child - I like this, I don’t care. 
  4. Christina Aguilera - Interesting choice, but still amazing. She is ALWAYS serving looks lately.
  5. Shakira - Very classically beautiful. 
  6. Mariah Carey - Not sure why you chose this, but not the worst here.
  7. Shania Twain - It’s hard for me to separate this cropped gif from what I know the real look is, but you lost several points here for presentation. 
  8. Jennifer Lopez - Oh…
  9. Missy Elliott - Not a fan at all. I know she has better.




  1. Britney Spears - Beyond iconic. Still talked about to this day. Really cool and interesting dress.
  2. Björk - Beyond iconic. Still talked about to this day. The shoes are a scream.
  3. Christina Aguilera - Serving a Farrah Moan soft toot.
  4. Mariah Carey - Not interesting or distinct, but pretty.
  5. Shakira - Not interesting or distinct.
  6. Jennifer Lopez - It sparkles.
  7. Missy Elliott - Puzzling choice.
  8. Destiny's Child - I think you were allowed to just send a Beyoncé look.
  9. Shania Twain - Why did you send this little ass distorted gif?






  1. Christina - A serve !
  2. Bjork - iconique!
  3. Shania - This is a really great look and an iconic one but why would you choose this tiny gif??
  4. Missy - I mean its okay but she has WAYYYYY better
  5. JLo - Good, but typical red carpet look
  6. Mariah - Good, but typical red carpet look
  7. Shakira - Good, but typical red carpet look
  8. Britney - I know this is supposed to be iconic but this was terrible then and terrible now
  9. DC - A mess! What were you thinking ma




  1. Britney Spears - A fashion statement, she was ahead of her time with this, she was the it girl.
  2. Mariah Carey - Love it actually, she looks quite stunning, it’s not super interesting but she is wearing that well.
  3. Christina Aguilera - It’s cunty, it’s a shame that absolutely no one moved for her recent Spanish era (if that’s where this is from), it looks good! Will have to check it out.
  4. Bjork - I mean, it’s iconic but I lowkey hate it, it looks so Party City to me. 
  5. Shakira - It’s whatever. I hate the hair though.
  6. Jennifer Lopez - I cannot… this is so basic girl, you had ONE job and several better looks to choose from.
  7. Destiny’s Child - Obviously severely outdated but even back then, this is just bad and tacky.
  8. Missy Elliott - No comment.
  9. Shania Twain - It’s a hat.



Not Like the Movies

  1. Mariah - Stunning gown, she looks gorgeous.  
  2. Britney - What an iconic dress.  
  3. Christina - This is so fierce and edgy, I love it! 
  4.  Shakira- It’s an odd choice because I know she has better but it’s a beautiful dress. 
  5. Bjork - This is iconic as hell but I feel like it’s not iconic for being a good look, it’s more iconic for being ridiculous/tacky because it’s ugly but it being iconic may help you in the rankings! 
  6. DC - I like the bohemian style but I am not a big fan of the outfits at all. 
  7. J Lo - Honey, you have J LO for a look category, she should have ATE! It seems like you did not even try because wtf is this basic dress! She has many excellent looks ugh! 
  8. Missy - Missy has some really cool outfits, I would have went with a different choice because this is meh. 
  9. Shania - Not sure why you would send half of a gif, was this a mistake? The entire look is good but this gif is solely what I’m supposed to judge…






  1. Bjork - This is just too iconic to not put at #1.
  2. Britney - Another iconic look, belongs in a fashion museum.
  3. Mariah - She looks so beautiful in this dress wow
  4. Christina - She is serving a look here, very nice
  5. Shakira - It’s fine
  6. J.Lo - It’s bland
  7. Destiny’s Child - Not a big fan of the shoes on any of them and the looks themselves are serving drag workroom do it yourself challenge.
  8. Missy - It’s interesting but ugly, the trench coat looks like a 1960s couch cover
  9. Shania - It’s not giving much, low quality tiny gif thats not even showing her full body? 




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Ampersand13 is the second person eliminated from the challenge!


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Part Three: Worst Single Cover

Feel free to click the links and see what people sent in for each round!




  1. Mariah Carey - Iconically terrible photoshop job. I still can’t believe this was approved.
  2. Björk - Just godawful.
  3. Christina Aguilera - Ew.
  4. Shania Twain - Embarrassing, this theme just reminded me of some of the tragic airbrushing on the TWIM era covers sdffsdgfd
  5. Shakira - Help me the editing on this is horrid.
  6. Jennifer Lopez - It’s not flattering but not tragically bad.
  7. Destiny’s Child - Also not bad.
  8. Missy Elliott - I like this.
  9. Britney Spears - It’s actually quite good, unlike the song.



  1. Shakira - Horrible.
  2. Björk - You're popping off so far... This is so unflattering. The fact that it's also the film’s poster.
  3. Shania Twain - I yelped.
  4. Christina Aguilera - Bad.
  5. Destiny's Child - The graphics make this bad.
  6. Mariah Carey - Never thought this shoot was that bad. "Memoirs" was worse.
  7. Missy Elliott - This is cool.
  8. Jennifer Lopez - This is great.
  9. Britney Spears - This isn't bad. It fits the song. "3" was right there...






  1. Christina - This is just… so nasty looking. I mean ew. EW. She really outdid herself here. The awful angle, the dead looking hair, the chin piercing. Good lord.
  2. Mariah - Iconique. Legendary photoshop skills.
  3. Bjork - No wonder this didn’t win any oscars.
  4. Missy - A little cheap looking but not that bad.The others below you are just actually pretty decent.
  5. Shania - The expression looks goofy and the cover itself is incredibly plain, but I think she actually looks kinda cute. In a weird way.
  6. Shakira - This isn’t that bad to me even though the hair is like… weird looking. It looks like she has extensions? But poorly installed? The colors are fine, if not artistic.
  7. Jennifer - I get what you were trying to say by this being terrible but I don’t think its all that bad. The vibe of the grainy low quality photo seems to be the intention rather than an adverse accident. It doesn’t look great but its meh.
  8. DC - I actually really like the outfits and the colors. The only reason its not #9 is Michelle’s terrible facial expression. Everyone else is serving slay while she’s serving “get me tf out of here”
  9. Britney - I…. Like this cover? Maybe like isn’t a good word for it, but I don’t mind it? Not iconically bad imo!





  1. Bjork - Screaming at this, terrible.
  2. Christina Aguilera - Jesus, gross.
  3. Shania Twain - Corny as hell, I hate it.
  4. Destiny’s Child - I think even I could’ve done a better job at editing this cover, the picture is good but I hope whoever did those graphics got fired. The blank space in the middle is sending.
  5. Mariah Carey - This is cracking me up, the editing on her face is so rough.
  6. Missy Elliott - It’s tacky but not awful, I’ve seen worse.
  7. Jennifer Lopez - It’s fitting for it’s time, I don’t hate it as much.
  8. Shakira - It’s harmless. It’s giving coverlandia edit but like, it’s okay.
  9. Britney Spears - This isn’t a bad cover, you should’ve tried harder and I’m sure you would have found something worse.



Not Like the Movies

  1. Christina - I am screaming, awful cover. 
  2. Bjork - Lmao pls
  3. Mariah - Iconic because it’s awful!  
  4. DC  - Serving graphic design is my passion, they look good but the editing is horrendous.  
  5. Shakira - Terrible
  6. Missy - It’s quite bad 
  7. Shania - Meh 
  8. Jlo  - It’s okay 
  9. Britney - This cover is not bad at all, fits the song. 





  1. Bjork - Yes this is awful
  2. Missy - This hurts my eyes
  3. Christina - This is gross to look at
  4. Mariah - Why she look like Wendy Williams
  5. Shania - Corny and unflattering
  6. Shakira - A messs
  7. JLo - It’s just awkward looking
  8. Destiny’s Child - It’s bad but not awful, they look good at least.
  9. Britney - This is giving camp and I love the colors




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Red Light is the next person eliminated from the challenge!



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Part Four: Funniest GIF

Feel free to click the links and see what people sent in for each round!



Contestant Artist P4: Funniest GIF
Ampersand13 Shania Twain https://media1.giphy.com/media/cKcV3uFKAFUFBwgJ2a/200.gif
Anvarie Shakira https://imgur.com/a/ipTx1S5
beatinglikeadrum Missy Elliott https://media2.giphy.com/media/c01WDsvYu1ydW/giphy.gif
fais_2311 Jennifer Lopez https://imgur.com/45tC51J
Kayseri Mantisi Destiny's Child https://c.tenor.com/pc3EQCkh71IAAAAC/beyonce-michelle.gif
Khalyan Bjork https://i.imgur.com/2aHyl.gif
Opulent Mariah Carey https://imgur.com/0xdJsah
Red Light Britney Spears https://i.imgur.com/SIbYms0.gif
Rotunda Christina Aguilera https://25.media.tumblr.com/a9e3e7c7bc29dd389f058aa64b7e44e9/tumblr_mhh76rfBCu1rhlgjgo1_400.gif






  1. Mariah Carey - ******* hilarious, I laughed out loud. 
  2. Shakira - Iconic and funny.
  3. Destiny’s Child - It’s even funnier when you think of how many Michelle gifs there could have been sent.
  4. Jennifer Lopez - Hot mess.
  5. Björk - Funny but not because of her. The paparazzi attack >>>
  6. Britney Spears - I’ve always found this to be a kii, but she has so much better.
  7. Missy Elliott - I didn’t laugh.
  8. Christina Aguilera - I didn’t laugh.
  9. Shania Twain - I have an entire imgur album full of actually funny Shania gifs.



  1. Shakira - ATRL classic.
  2. Jennifer Lopez - I-.
  3. Mariah Carey - Iconic.
  4. Destiny's Child - Iconic.
  5. Björk - Iconic, but it doesn't really make me laugh out loud.
  6. Britney Spears - You disgraced her with this pick. She has like pages and pages of funnier gifs.
  7. Christina Aguilera - N/A.
  8. Missy Elliott - N/A.
  9. Shania Twain - N/A





  1. Jennifer - This is the only gif I audibly cracked the **** up at. GWORL. She’s a mess!!!!
  2. Mariah - Mariah has PLENTY of funny gifs but this one I was not expecting. Like omg??
  3. Britney - I wish you had sent the atrl-viral gif of Brit swinging her ankles. I feel like that encapsulates the feeling of complete laziness more than this one but this one is pretty good too.
  4. Shakira - I remember saving this on imgur back in the day, when I first saw it. Nasty!
  5. Bjork - This is a hard one because she’s not actually DOING what is being told in the gif, its something someone else made. But its kinda funny so meh.
  6. DC - Poor Michelle!
  7. Shania - A weird choice but it kinda makes me laugh in a weird way?
  8. Christina - There were no funnier christina gifs? Really? REALLY?
  9. Missy - I’m not 5 so I don’t really find this very funny. ITs more campy and iconic.





  1. Shakira - I gasped, you’re going to hell.
  2. Mariah Carey - A kii and a cackle.
  3. Destiny’s Child - Their faces when she falls. Lol.
  4. Britney Spears - A slight kii but like… you had 10000 better options.
  5. Jennifer Lopez - Her poor ankle, ok?
  6. Bjork - This made no sense, the gif of her punching the paparazzi >
  7. Christina Aguilera - What even?
  8. Shania Twain - A profound silence has entered the room.
  9. Missy Elliott - It’s a gif from a music video.




Not Like the Movies

  1. DC - Iconic 
  2. Shakira - Wtf pls
  3. J. Lo - What a mess 
  4. Mariah - This is funny but I would have given you a higher spot with another entry because she has stronger and funnier gifs imo but it’s good! 
  5. Britney - Plss, she also had better options similar to Mariah but yes this is a good choice. 
  6. Christina - Come on, she has much funnier gifs, disappointing choice
  7. Missy - It’s weird yeah but funny idk . 
  8. Bjork - ?????
  9. Shania - ?????





  1. Shakira - I love how ridiculous this is
  2. Britney - I screamed
  3. Destiny’s Child - Iconic.
  4. Mariah - Such a mess I can’t.
  5. J.Lo - Idk what was going on here chile
  6. Bjork - A mess.
  7. Christina - I feel like you could have found a better gif for her.
  8. Shania - It’s cute
  9. Missy - I didn’t laugh.





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beatinglikeadrum is the next person eliminated from the challenge!

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Part Five: Worst Music Video

Feel free to click the links and see what people sent in for each round!



Contestant Artist P5: Worst Music Video
Ampersand13 Shania Twain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVvjKA22MYs
Anvarie Shakira https://youtu.be/kItRyRv0uJM
beatinglikeadrum Missy Elliott https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hHcyJPTTn9w
fais_2311 Jennifer Lopez https://youtu.be/nxtIRArhVD4
Kayseri Mantisi Destiny's Child https://youtu.be/eDp6jpOuttU
Khalyan Bjork https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHWAZNkqwN4
Opulent Mariah Carey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aop6YF1Xqqg
Red Light Britney Spears https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etfJCm0nfr4
Rotunda Christina Aguilera https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nA2k79EGHbc






  1. Mariah Carey - Yasssssss
  2. Shakira - Never knew this existed, for a good reason I fear.
  3. Destiny’s Child - The green screen and overall vibe of this is sending me for some reason.
  4. Björk - Very boring but visually okay.
  5. Britney Spears - I feel like this is only seen as her worst because we know what could have been…
  6. Jennifer Lopez - Not the worst but also not great. Very cringe.
  7. Christina Aguilera - I think this fits the song nicely. I kinda like it, but it is kinda boring. 
  8. Shania Twain - Oh no… When was right there (if we exclude all the tour performance videos ofc)
  9. Missy Elliott - …



  1. Mariah Carey - No words for this masterpiece.
  2. Britney Spears - Iconic trainwreck.
  3. Jennifer Lopez - She had the world MAD.
  4. Shakira - They gave her $1.
  5. Shania Twain - Not bad for single #15 on the album.
  6. Björk - Yeah, not great. Wish you'd sent "Earth Intruders", though.
  7. Destiny's Child - This isn't like high-budget, but it's actually pretty and effective.
  8. Christina Aguilera - This is good and fits the song.
  9. Missy Elliott - This choice made me mad.





  1. Mariah - The clear #1. Iconically bad. Horribly cheap. Zero effort. 
  2. Jlo - Revolting. I always felt like the color choices were just weird? Like the lighting and background makes everything look very unsexy. Why? 
  3. Christina - oop I almost missed this one and had to restructure my rankings. This is like that awful single cover you submitted earlier but with a moving, boring spin on it.
  4. Shania - The cheap. The raindancing. HER cheesy dancing. Gurl!.
  5. Britney - Terrible.
  6. Bjork - No one, not even bjork watched this to the end.
  7. DC - Soooo this exists.
  8. Shakira - She’s serving nothing but the colors and costuming are A+
  9. Missy - Are you out of your rabid ass mind???????? I’m actually pissed. This is one of the mest videos in music HISTORY. Get educated!!!





  1. Mariah Carey - I’m in tears, she was insane for releasing this.
  2. Destiny’s Child - The greenscreen effects are sending, I hate it.
  3. Christina Aguilera - Lord, this was bad.
  4. Shakira - So boring even at 2x playback speed.
  5. Shania Twain - It’s giving infomercial, I hate it.
  6. Jennifer Lopez - The nonexisting budget for this smash, cackling. She looks stun though.
  7. Bjork - It’s simple but effective in my opinion, I don’t think it’s bad.
  8. Missy Elliott - Ouuu can’t wait for supaspaz to drag you.
  9. Britney Spears - In hindsight, it’s awful, but I guess it’s well produced unlike almost the rest here, and she ate her solo scenes.




Not Like the Movies

  1. Mariah - I am screaming!  
  2. Christina - Yeah this is just bad. 
  3. Shakira - They didn’t even try with this video chile
  4.  Bjork - A white background and one look, I do not like this at all. 
  5. J Lo - The bare minimum. Good choice! 
  6. DC - It really isn’t that bad, compared to some of the trainwrecks here. 
  7. Britney - Even though this makes zero sense, I feel like the modernity kinda prevented it from being as terrible as other videos here. 
  8. Shania - I really don’t find this bad at all, I like it kii! 
  9. Missy - Don’t piss me off!! This is a masterpiece!





  1. Mariah - Amazingly terrible, iconic, love it and hate it
  2. Shakira - Cheap, boring, pointless
  3. Britney - Poor Britney
  4. Christina - Yeah I hate this video
  5. Bjork - It’s bad.
  6. Shania - Corny mess.
  7. Destiny’s Child - It’s not that bad
  8. J.Lo - Trashy but not really that bad
  9. Missy - Girl..





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Kayseri Mantisi is the next person eliminated from the challenge!

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  • ATRL Moderator

Also, wanted to make a note on the previous round. Destiny's Child and Bjork tied by average, so we looked at the individual rankings. Bjork was higher ranked by 4 judges. Destiny's Child was higher ranked by 2 judges. That is why DC was eliminated.

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  • ATRL Moderator

Part Six: Worst Lyric

Feel free to click the links and see what people sent in for each round!



Contestant Artist P6: Worst Lyrics
Ampersand13 Shania Twain "Every brown-eyed boy, every blue-eyed girl Gotta really go psycho, give it a whirl We're gonna rock this country Right outta this world"
Anvarie Shakira https://imgur.com/a/Vz4k9fl
beatinglikeadrum Missy Elliott Ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gniht ym tup I Ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gniht ym tup I
fais_2311 Jennifer Lopez I luh ya papi I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi Yeah that my papi I luh ya luh ya luh ya papi
Kayseri Mantisi Destiny's Child Even if the Pope said he liked you too I don't really care, 'cause you're a bug a boo. Have AOL make my emails stop cause you're a bugaboo.
Khalyan Bjork Excuse me but I just have to explode, explode this body off me, Oooooh Oooooh Oooooh Oooooh Oooooh!
Opulent Mariah Carey "Boy, you actin' so corny like Fritos / Wouldn’t have none of that without me though / Ain’t none of my business, it's tea though" https://genius.com/Mariah-carey-infinity-lyrics
Red Light Britney Spears "I smell your breath It makes me cry" - My Baby
Rotunda Christina Aguilera "Hold up, hold up, you're making no sense You're talking out your ass like a wobblehead You bobblehead Just keep your trap shut like your Mama said" https://youtu.be/6F0YYKa4-iY






  1. Britney Spears - :nickicry:
  2. Jennifer Lopez - awful, she really has no musical talent whatsoever huh 
  3. Shakira - also horrid
  4. Mariah Carey - corny!
  5. Christina Aguilera - I actually like this song but yeah it’s tragic
  6. Björk - it’s not that bad just kinda nothing
  7. Destiny’s Child - not bad either, just kinda funny
  8. Shania Twain - look a little harder next time
  9. Missy Elliott - look a little harder next time [2]



  1. Britney Spears - A scream every time.
  2. Jennifer Lopez - The way that she still has worse.
  3. Shakira - I relate to her.
  4. Christina Aguilera - "I Hate Boys" was right there.
  5. Mariah Carey - She ate.
  6. Destiny's Child - Weird choice.
  7. Shania Twain - Not awful.
  8. Björk - Now I know you didn't send a "Homogenic" lyric when "Utopia" was right there. Or even "Volta".
  9. Missy Elliott - You were not tryna win this, I see.





  1. Jennifer - Terrible. Legitimately awful. I can hear this in my head omfg. MAKE IT STOP!!!
  2. Christina - Terrible.
  3. Britney - Uhhh… ew??
  4. DC - What the hell? Somebody approved this?
  5. Mariah - These are bad but in like a way that its so bad its kinda good?
  6. Shakira - No comment
  7. Bjork - You could have found worse/weirder from her
  8. Shania - Meh.
  9. Missy - These lyrics are l’iconique. Shame on you.





  1. Britney Spears - Cackling, let me relisten.
  2. Shakira - The fact that the first 2 lines have zero correlation with the other 2 lines has me in shambles.
  3. Christina Aguilera - So cringe, should’ve left it in the drafts.
  4. Jennifer Lopez - So annoying, should’ve left it in the drafts
  5. Destiny’s Child - These are pretty bad, not as bad as the others here though.
  6. Bjork - This just makes no sense which is fitting for her.
  7. Mariah Carey - Yasss she spilled the tea the haus down boots. It’s funny.
  8. Shania Twain - Looks like a random country song lyric to me.
  9. Missy Elliott - You deserve jail time for this.




Not Like the Movies

  1. J. Lo - Lmao pure shite 
  2. Britney - Awful, great choice! 
  3. Mariah - Bad lyrics indeed, a bop tho! 
  4. Christina - sksks, Good choice.
  5. Shakira - Lmao, good choice.
  6.  DC - Another good choice, song is a fun bop tho. 
  7. Bjork - Yeah these lyrics make no sense. 
  8. Shania - What’s wrong with this??
  9. Missy - You just want to piss me off huh! 





  1. Britney - Not sure why her label didn’t prevent this from being released/recorded.
  2. J.Lo - It’s mind numbingly bad but kinda gets in your head, a parasitic earworm
  3. Mariah - She’s capable of so much better
  4. Shakira - A mess.
  5. Christina - Very cringey. 
  6. Bjork - Nonsensical mess, seems right for her tho.
  7. Destiny’s Child - Corny but the song is a bop
  8. Shania - Could be worse.
  9. Missy - I think you misunderstood the assignment




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Khalyan is the next person eliminated from the challenge!

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