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Lee's Best of 2021


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Lee's Best of 2021


Top 200 TV Shows of 2021: #25 - #1


25) Bridgerton (Netflix)


There was something really special about the first season of Bridgerton. It could have been the gap I needed with Downton Abbey off the air for a while now, but I really enjoyed this one. It was full of great dramatic and soapy events, all of the characters were complicated and full of life. The drama was renewed for three more seasons, and will follow the format of the book series with each new season following the love life of one of the Bridgerton children. The new season will follow the oldest son as he attempts to find love and I can't wait for it to return.


24) Starstruck (HBO Max)


This show went under the radar as opposed to some of HBO Max's other comedy series but it was such a pleasant surprise. The series follows a young woman from New Zealand, living in the UK, who ends up having a one night stand with a guy, but she doesn't realize he's a famous actor. The two go back and forth, with many missed opportunities for them to become more than an on and off again thing. It was funny and well written and acted. The series was renewed for a second season and I can't wait to see these characters again!


23) Solar Opposites (hulu) (Last Year: 39)


This season on Solar Opposites, the stories were even funnier, and it broke away from just being an attempt at a Rick and Morty clone series. It was full of hilarious references, and we even got a hilarious holiday episode which made me love the series even more. The aliens thought they were going to be leaving Earth finally, but their plans backfired of course. As much as they hate it, they love being on Earth as it provides for a life they never would have gotten to live out. It was crude at times, but always made me laugh. It'll be back for another season this year.


22) Loki (Disney+)


There were so many great things about Loki. It was full of mystery and gave us a new twist on the world of the MCU that we haven't seen yet. It opened the door to a whole bunch of new changes to come in all other Marvel series and films. It felt a little like a prequel with the rest of the story to come, but thankfully it will be back for another season where it can hopefully have even more of an in series story. I loved all the Loki variants and it kept me longing for new episodes to drop. The MCU is so exciting right now and Loki has a lot to be thanked for that.


21) Back To Life (Showtime)


There was a bit of a break between the first and this new second season of Back To Life but the wait was well worth it. The series picked up with Mira still adjusting to life now out of prion after serving a long sentence for the death of her friend when they were kids. The new season saw her made leaps forward in her journey and her self confidence. She now knows how to draw some lines, but at times she still can be walked over. The twist with the murder in the new season was well done and I really hope we get to see what comes next for her and her family as there is still so much more to explore in a potential third season.


20) Summer Camp Island (HBO Max) (Last Year: 20)


I absolutely adore this series about a group of kids at a magical summer camp. The series takes detours sometimes and has small event episodes which further the mythology of the island, the magic that exists, and shows how each of the characters has grown. At this point when I hear the HBO Max opening sound effect, I assume it is going to start playing the intro theme to Summer Camp Island right after. It funny, always adorable, and brings emotional heft at times which is always welcome. I can't wait for more episodes to come this year!


19) Never Have I Ever (Netflix) (Last Year: 15)


Season two of Never Have I Ever continued the story of Devi and her teenage years dealing with love, and the heartbreak and emotional fallout of losing her father. It explored her relationship with her mother more too. it was full of hilarious moments, along with emotional revelations and touching moments. The back and forth between her two love interests took a turn, and I'm still Team Devi. She still needs to love herself before she can truly commit. She's young! She still has time! And they both seem to always come back to her despite their hurt feelings. Bring on season 3 this year!


18) Everything's Gonna Be Okay (Freeform) (Last Year: 18)


This underrated gem was a great exploration of a young adult having to be a parental figure, sibling and friend to his two sisters. One is on the autism spectrum, the other has her own teenage growing up issues. The series introduced the parents of one of the young girls love interest and the additions of Richard Kind and especially Maria Bamford made it even better. We also saw Nicholas go through the ups and downs of his relationship, all while dealing with the pandemic. It ended on a great place, even with things unresolved between characters. It was announced the series would not be coming back, but it felt like a great place to end on, even if I'll miss it a lot.


17) Close Enough (HBO Max) (Last Year: 24)


Close Enough returned for another season of life going in completely unexpected directions and learning that there are no rules in life. The hilarious animated series is from the creator of Regular Show and it retains that same general feeling, but with a more adult twist. The voice acting fits the animation style perfectly. The absurd thins that happen just feel natural and normal, despite their over the top-ness. The series has been renewed for a third season which will hopefully premiere soon!


16) All American (The CW) (Last Year: 29)


I love All American and this year, the show has been giving us so many great moments and storylines, pushing characters to their limits, yet giving them moments to breathe and be human. The kids are now in their senior year, with an eye towards their futures. Many questions are still up in the air, and the cliffhanger at the end of the last episode has me worried, but I know they will handle the topic well. A spinoff series about Simone going to an HBCU is coming this year and will be paired with the main series which will likely follow those characters to college also. I can't wait for both series.


15) Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Disney+)


I hadn't watched The Clone Wars of Rebels so I was hesitant at first about this new series. The Bad Batch picks up after the final season of The Clone Wars and ties directly into the bigger Star Wars universe right off the bat with Order 66. The Bad Batch end up going off on their own, making the most of their lives on the run, while also being hunted down by one of their own brothers. Omega was a bit annoying at the beginning, but she grows a lot in the first season and I grew to really appreciate her character. I was able to make sense of things from other series when they popped up, and the completionist in me makes me want to find the time to watch Clone Wars and Rebels. I can't wait for the second season!


14) Shadow and Bone (Netflix)


I've been a huge fan of this series from the moment I read the first book shortly after it was released. The book series was captivating and well done so I knew I was going to watch this live action adaptation immediately when it premiered. In some ways the TV series did some of the character better, fleshing them out more, and not making people like Mal such jerks. It also incorporated a second book series in the universe which I had no knowledge of before the announcement. Those additional characters added even more depth and excitement for me as I got to experience something new with the story I knew and loved before. I'm hopeful the next season adaptation will be just as good and I can't wait for it to be here.


13) Wynonna Earp (Syfy) (Last Year: 17)


I love Wynonna Earp. It broke my heart that the series wasn't going to get another season aside from the second half of the fourth season which was delayed due to the pandemic. They managed to find a great way to wrap up not only the storylines of the season, but tapped into the bigger picture of the Earp legacy, Wynonna's destiny, and the destinies of those closest to her like Doc, Waverly and Haught. The series stayed just as fun as ever with the emotional depth that made it even more special. There was still so much more they could have done, but I'm glad they went out on a high note, with an idea of an ending rather than a cliffhanger or unresolved note. I miss you Wynonna!!


12) Hawkeye (Disney+)


I've loved Kate since I read her first solo comic series years ago. Once it was announced she was going to be featured in her own series, I knew it was going to be good. I just didn't know how great it would actually end up being! They did such a great job introducing her character, weaving her into Clint's life, and connecting it to the bigger and ever expanding MCU. Bringing in character from other series, and introducing characters I wasn't expecting to see was great. Placing the story at Christmas was also genius. It made it feel homey and even more special. The Agent 19 reveal bugged the SHIELD fan in me, but it was a cool nod to making the story feel even more connected to a bigger picture. This one could shine even more with a second season, but as long as Kate shows up again somewhere, maybe on Echo, I'm good. Oh and all the Yelena please!


11) Infinity Train (HBO Max) (Last Year: 11)


Infinity Train has been such a consistently impressive series since its pilot premiered on Cartoon Network's youtube page. It took years to finally get made into a series, but it's been amazing since day one on Cartoon network. Once it moved to HBO Max, I hoped it would give it the opportunity to shine even more, and secure more and more seasons of the anthology series to come. Unfortunately, someone as HBO Max is an idiot and they cancelled the series after Book 4 this year. There were so many connecting threads between all the seasons, and the creator had even more plans for future series and even a movie event which would have been so amazing. In the end, we got four phenomenal seasons. At least I can revisit Tulip, One-One, Lake, Jesse, Grace, Hazel, Min-Gi, Ryan and Kez again by re-watching this great series.


10) Russian Doll (Netflix)


I know what you're thinking. How could this one end up on your list of the best of 2021??? Well friends, I never got the chance to watch this exceptional series until this year, and I was so glad I finally watched. It was such a great ride! The way things kept changing, and people began disappearing was brilliant. The performances all around were incredible! I was hooked from the beginning to that brilliant ending scene. It left so many questions but in a good way. It left you wanting to see more. The series has been renewed for a second season, and it hasn't been announced if it will be a continuation of the story from the first season, a new character going through the same experience, or a completely different series. Annie Murphy has been cast as a lead so I'm sure it'll be great with her in it.


9) Star Trek: Discovery (Paramount+) (Last Year: 9)


Star Trek: Discovery has felt like a seasoned series since the onset of the first episode. There are so many characters, and the opportunities for them to explore feel endless. The new season this year picks up with the crew still int he future, adjusting to their new home in the future where the Federation is just starting to consolidate again. The stakes are high for it to succeed, and a new unknown threat tests the crew and the universe. Never having faced a threat like this before, Discovery jumps right in to figure it out. The result so far has been incredible character dives, emotional pain, and we even say goodbye to a longtime favorite character of mine, and meet many new faces along the way. The episode where they end up in a rift in space which tests the entire crew, and even more so Michael in her new role as captain. The second half of the season will return in a few weeks and I can't wait to see where they go next.


8) The Other Two (HBO Max)


The first season of The Other Two aired on Comedy Central and then there was a period of time where it was renewed, with no update on when it would return. They then announced the second season would air on HBO max as a Max original series. It was baffling they didn't put it on Paramount+, but I was just excited to get more episodes, no matter where it aired. The new season picks up with the sibling having to be second to another family member, and be "the other two" yet again. We see their younger brother who gave up fame deal with his place in the family. We see their mom overworking herself without anyone really noticing the strain she's under, we see the siblings find minor success in their own right, only to have things blow up in their faces like usual. The ending was interesting because I wasn't expecting that choice to be made, but I'm sure they'll address it when it returns for a third season, and it will probably be not what we think. It's hilarious and emotional at times and extremely easy to binge quickly and enjoy. I can't wait for more hilarious antics.


7) Invincible (Prime Video)


I haven known about the comic series Invincible, but it had such a long run, I felt like I didn't have the time to read it, so I let it be. When they announced this series was coming, I was excited to finally check it out and see why it had such a long run. What we got was even better than I could have imagined. It was such an exciting and thrilling first season. The story was darker and went deeper than I thought it would have gone. Having it be an animated series provided it with so many opportunities to do giant scenes which would not have ever paid off as well as they would in a live action adaptation. It also showed that animation can be exceptional TV, and not just for kids, or silly like Family Guy or The Simpsons. The voice acting was so good in this and you could feel the emotion connect with the animation for such an enjoyable experience. The series was full of so many great twists it left me longing for more. It was renewed for two more seasons and I hope we get another one this year. The bar is so high but I have so much faith in them keeping it as good going forward.


6) The Expanse (Prime Video) (Last Year: 4)


The Expanse remains one of my favorite all time series and 2021 saw the end of season five at the beginning of the year, and end with the midway point of its final season. The book series it is based on released its 9th and final book, so it caught me by surprise that season six was announced to be the final season. It makes sense in away though, because the books do a time jump for the final books. There's a part of me that hopes that we get a followup sequel type series which will focus on the final three books, but if we don't, I'm just happy we got this much. The series was initially canceled after three seasons at Syfy and Amazon stepped in and gave it three more incredible seasons. While the final run has had less action for a season dealing with a war between the Free Navy led by Marco and his rebels vs the Earth and Mars coalition led by Avasarala, it has still been such an enjoyable ride. Even having to remove a character do to his action off screen led to no hindrance because of how incredible these characters are on their own. I will miss this one so much when it ends in a few weeks. I hope this time next year the show will be in the top 10 yet again.


5) The Owl House (Disney Channel) (Last Year: 13)


The Owl House in season two so far has been such a great ride. The episodes all feel important, and there has been no filler in sight for a series meant for kids. The head right into the growing mythology of the Boiling Isles and Luz's attempts to find a way back home to her mother. There were such great twists along the way, and put a spotlight on two character who eventually realize their feelings for each other and how much they mean to one another. It's a giant win for representation of a female/female relationship, especially on a network like Disney Channel. The series was announced that they would be back for a third season of multiple mini event episodes for a final run, capping the series was before it should. There is so much left to explore and the world only felt bigger and more built up this year that it's such a shame we won't have that much more time with these incredible characters. The way characters grow in this series is such great character growth. I don't want it to end. it's up there with some of my favorite series like Gravity Falls and will no doubt leave a great legacy behind. Episodes are easy to watch, filled with humor, emotion and mystery. It's worth a look if you are interested. You won't be disappointed!


4) Arcane (Netflix)


I knew of League of Legends, but knew nothing much beyond that. When Netflix dropped a teaser for this series I thought I would check it out because the animation looked cool and so far they put out a few other animated series this year inspired by video games so why not this one. I was so blown away by not only the animation style of this series, but the story, the voice acting, and everything all together. It made for a perfect combination of entertainment. The release schedule for this series too helped to build the hype and make me anticipate the next drop each week. Netflix should utilize this method more often, especially for grand world building series like this. The story follows two sister whose lives end up on different paths, neither of their own choosing. Little do they know they are getting caught up in a bigger conflict between the underground city and the fancy city up top. The flow of this series was so smooth. Animation and story telling wise. The characters felt complete and purposeful. The music was also done by an artist I absolutely love so it was an extra cherry on top. The soundtrack was so good. Everything about this was so good. I can't wait for season two to come.


3) WandaVision (Disney+)


While it wasn't intended to be Marvel's first series to launch on Disney+, I'm so happy it was. The series was a perfect balance of normal Marvel fare, mixed with mystery, suspense and great storytelling. One of the things I really loved about it was the way they brought in characters from all different Marvel properties like Darcy and Jimmy, and mixed then in with great new additions like Agatha and Monica. It managed to feel cohesive, even when the series bounced from decade to decade, portraying all different kinds of iconic sitcoms. The way they handled Wanda's grief was so well done. The way she lost control, but grew even more powerful was a testament to the underused character previously in the MCU. It also helped send characters on different paths which will impact the rest of the MCU. The fact that this series has the most episodes of the other live action series made the experience even better. More time to appreciate the characters and get to know them. The rest of the Marvel series have a high bar to live up to because of this series. If you somehow haven't seen this series and are a fan of Marvel, you need to find a way to watch it. . 


2) Hacks (HBO Max)


Jean Smart. The end. I knew nothing about this series until shortly before it premiered. The series follows an older comedian who hires a young comedy writer, begrudgingly, in order to appease those at the venue she performs at. She had the opportunity for a promising career, but life happened, and she ended up with an underappreciated career. The new writer who joins needed a wake up call to set her on a better path because she needed a bit of an ego check. Deborah and Ava being paired together managed to be the best thing for both of them. They brought out the best, and worst in each other. The two together are an undeniable team. The series got better with each episode and by the end of the season, I was fully captivated. Each performance was a stand out. The scripts and writing were all incredible. The series was nominated for a bunch of Emmys and won a couple and it absolutely deserved it. The series was renewed for a second season and I am dying for new episodes to premiere.


and my number #1 TV Show of 2021 is...




1) Ted Lasso (Apple TV+) (Last Year: 2)


Ted Lasso is such a delight and remained that way in season two. The new season saw each character grow and featured some incredible character work. We saw the character deal with new relationships, loss, new jobs, facing the future and some good old soccer. From start to finish the season was charming and funny as always with incredible emotional depth. Each character had at the very least one moment to truly shine. Some of the character growth was for the better, and one sneaky storyline saw a character erode into a worse version of himself. Jason embodies Ted so well. He clearly has always had this role in him, but it shows how good he can play a lovable guy, who has his demons, but always looks for the best in others first. The season was also two episodes longer than the first which was worth every second of additional footage. The series was initially proposed as a three season story, but there's no way they can just end it after next season, could they??? When a show is this good, you want it to go out at its height on its own terms, but I'm selfish and want it to keep going. It's truly a great series that deserves ever bit of the praise it gets. I hope there are even more Emmy nominations next season. They each deserve to win and sucks they all have to go up against each other. Can they all tie for one??? Bring on the new season 2022!


And there it is! Lee's Best of 2021 has come to an end with my top songs and TV series of 2021. Hopefully you found a few songs or series you also enjoyed and found something new to check out! I appreciate all the comments and replies!! I can't wait to do it all over again later this year.


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ive heard the other two is good :dancehall:

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The whole MCU Disney+ roster making the top 50 :clap3: WandaVision #3 ayyy :duca: Our ranking is pretty similar, just switch Falcon/W. Soldier & Loki.

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Bed in the top 20 It is an absolute bop of the song :clap3:


I kinda forgot Karen Harding exist oh wow. Say Something is one of my favorite song back in the day. Let me get into her new music real quick


Gossip Girl drag :ahh: i haven't watched the reboot and i'm not planning too even with gay characters on it

RE animated series was a dissapointment i fear. even though the visuals are great but the story is lacking, especially coming for me as a huge RE fan


Monsters at Work, Q-Force, Dug Days, M.O.D.O.K are pretty fun series :clap3: The last season of BNN is really good too and it was a nice send off to one of my favorite TV show


I haven't watched new season of Doom Patrol and especially Only Murders in the Building because it got so much praise as far as i know and i love Selena in a great project too so i'm excited :katie2:


The acclaim for Rick and Morty, The Boys, What If...?, Lost in Space, Locke & Key & Blood & Water :clap3:

18 hours ago, Lee!! said:

Lee's Best of 2021


Top 200 TV Shows of 2021: #25 - #1


25) Bridgerton (Netflix)


There was something really special about the first season of Bridgerton. It could have been the gap I needed with Downton Abbey off the air for a while now, but I really enjoyed this one. It was full of great dramatic and soapy events, all of the characters were complicated and full of life. The drama was renewed for three more seasons, and will follow the format of the book series with each new season following the love life of one of the Bridgerton children. The new season will follow the oldest son as he attempts to find love and I can't wait for it to return.


24) Starstruck (HBO Max)


This show went under the radar as opposed to some of HBO Max's other comedy series but it was such a pleasant surprise. The series follows a young woman from New Zealand, living in the UK, who ends up having a one night stand with a guy, but she doesn't realize he's a famous actor. The two go back and forth, with many missed opportunities for them to become more than an on and off again thing. It was funny and well written and acted. The series was renewed for a second season and I can't wait to see these characters again!


23) Solar Opposites (hulu) (Last Year: 39)


This season on Solar Opposites, the stories were even funnier, and it broke away from just being an attempt at a Rick and Morty clone series. It was full of hilarious references, and we even got a hilarious holiday episode which made me love the series even more. The aliens thought they were going to be leaving Earth finally, but their plans backfired of course. As much as they hate it, they love being on Earth as it provides for a life they never would have gotten to live out. It was crude at times, but always made me laugh. It'll be back for another season this year.


22) Loki (Disney+)


There were so many great things about Loki. It was full of mystery and gave us a new twist on the world of the MCU that we haven't seen yet. It opened the door to a whole bunch of new changes to come in all other Marvel series and films. It felt a little like a prequel with the rest of the story to come, but thankfully it will be back for another season where it can hopefully have even more of an in series story. I loved all the Loki variants and it kept me longing for new episodes to drop. The MCU is so exciting right now and Loki has a lot to be thanked for that.


21) Back To Life (Showtime)


There was a bit of a break between the first and this new second season of Back To Life but the wait was well worth it. The series picked up with Mira still adjusting to life now out of prion after serving a long sentence for the death of her friend when they were kids. The new season saw her made leaps forward in her journey and her self confidence. She now knows how to draw some lines, but at times she still can be walked over. The twist with the murder in the new season was well done and I really hope we get to see what comes next for her and her family as there is still so much more to explore in a potential third season.


20) Summer Camp Island (HBO Max) (Last Year: 20)


I absolutely adore this series about a group of kids at a magical summer camp. The series takes detours sometimes and has small event episodes which further the mythology of the island, the magic that exists, and shows how each of the characters has grown. At this point when I hear the HBO Max opening sound effect, I assume it is going to start playing the intro theme to Summer Camp Island right after. It funny, always adorable, and brings emotional heft at times which is always welcome. I can't wait for more episodes to come this year!


19) Never Have I Ever (Netflix) (Last Year: 15)


Season two of Never Have I Ever continued the story of Devi and her teenage years dealing with love, and the heartbreak and emotional fallout of losing her father. It explored her relationship with her mother more too. it was full of hilarious moments, along with emotional revelations and touching moments. The back and forth between her two love interests took a turn, and I'm still Team Devi. She still needs to love herself before she can truly commit. She's young! She still has time! And they both seem to always come back to her despite their hurt feelings. Bring on season 3 this year!


18) Everything's Gonna Be Okay (Freeform) (Last Year: 18)


This underrated gem was a great exploration of a young adult having to be a parental figure, sibling and friend to his two sisters. One is on the autism spectrum, the other has her own teenage growing up issues. The series introduced the parents of one of the young girls love interest and the additions of Richard Kind and especially Maria Bamford made it even better. We also saw Nicholas go through the ups and downs of his relationship, all while dealing with the pandemic. It ended on a great place, even with things unresolved between characters. It was announced the series would not be coming back, but it felt like a great place to end on, even if I'll miss it a lot.


17) Close Enough (HBO Max) (Last Year: 24)


Close Enough returned for another season of life going in completely unexpected directions and learning that there are no rules in life. The hilarious animated series is from the creator of Regular Show and it retains that same general feeling, but with a more adult twist. The voice acting fits the animation style perfectly. The absurd thins that happen just feel natural and normal, despite their over the top-ness. The series has been renewed for a third season which will hopefully premiere soon!


16) All American (The CW) (Last Year: 29)


I love All American and this year, the show has been giving us so many great moments and storylines, pushing characters to their limits, yet giving them moments to breathe and be human. The kids are now in their senior year, with an eye towards their futures. Many questions are still up in the air, and the cliffhanger at the end of the last episode has me worried, but I know they will handle the topic well. A spinoff series about Simone going to an HBCU is coming this year and will be paired with the main series which will likely follow those characters to college also. I can't wait for both series.


15) Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Disney+)


I hadn't watched The Clone Wars of Rebels so I was hesitant at first about this new series. The Bad Batch picks up after the final season of The Clone Wars and ties directly into the bigger Star Wars universe right off the bat with Order 66. The Bad Batch end up going off on their own, making the most of their lives on the run, while also being hunted down by one of their own brothers. Omega was a bit annoying at the beginning, but she grows a lot in the first season and I grew to really appreciate her character. I was able to make sense of things from other series when they popped up, and the completionist in me makes me want to find the time to watch Clone Wars and Rebels. I can't wait for the second season!


14) Shadow and Bone (Netflix)


I've been a huge fan of this series from the moment I read the first book shortly after it was released. The book series was captivating and well done so I knew I was going to watch this live action adaptation immediately when it premiered. In some ways the TV series did some of the character better, fleshing them out more, and not making people like Mal such jerks. It also incorporated a second book series in the universe which I had no knowledge of before the announcement. Those additional characters added even more depth and excitement for me as I got to experience something new with the story I knew and loved before. I'm hopeful the next season adaptation will be just as good and I can't wait for it to be here.


13) Wynonna Earp (Syfy) (Last Year: 17)


I love Wynonna Earp. It broke my heart that the series wasn't going to get another season aside from the second half of the fourth season which was delayed due to the pandemic. They managed to find a great way to wrap up not only the storylines of the season, but tapped into the bigger picture of the Earp legacy, Wynonna's destiny, and the destinies of those closest to her like Doc, Waverly and Haught. The series stayed just as fun as ever with the emotional depth that made it even more special. There was still so much more they could have done, but I'm glad they went out on a high note, with an idea of an ending rather than a cliffhanger or unresolved note. I miss you Wynonna!!


12) Hawkeye (Disney+)


I've loved Kate since I read her first solo comic series years ago. Once it was announced she was going to be featured in her own series, I knew it was going to be good. I just didn't know how great it would actually end up being! They did such a great job introducing her character, weaving her into Clint's life, and connecting it to the bigger and ever expanding MCU. Bringing in character from other series, and introducing characters I wasn't expecting to see was great. Placing the story at Christmas was also genius. It made it feel homey and even more special. The Agent 19 reveal bugged the SHIELD fan in me, but it was a cool nod to making the story feel even more connected to a bigger picture. This one could shine even more with a second season, but as long as Kate shows up again somewhere, maybe on Echo, I'm good. Oh and all the Yelena please!


11) Infinity Train (HBO Max) (Last Year: 11)


Infinity Train has been such a consistently impressive series since its pilot premiered on Cartoon Network's youtube page. It took years to finally get made into a series, but it's been amazing since day one on Cartoon network. Once it moved to HBO Max, I hoped it would give it the opportunity to shine even more, and secure more and more seasons of the anthology series to come. Unfortunately, someone as HBO Max is an idiot and they cancelled the series after Book 4 this year. There were so many connecting threads between all the seasons, and the creator had even more plans for future series and even a movie event which would have been so amazing. In the end, we got four phenomenal seasons. At least I can revisit Tulip, One-One, Lake, Jesse, Grace, Hazel, Min-Gi, Ryan and Kez again by re-watching this great series.


10) Russian Doll (Netflix)


I know what you're thinking. How could this one end up on your list of the best of 2021??? Well friends, I never got the chance to watch this exceptional series until this year, and I was so glad I finally watched. It was such a great ride! The way things kept changing, and people began disappearing was brilliant. The performances all around were incredible! I was hooked from the beginning to that brilliant ending scene. It left so many questions but in a good way. It left you wanting to see more. The series has been renewed for a second season, and it hasn't been announced if it will be a continuation of the story from the first season, a new character going through the same experience, or a completely different series. Annie Murphy has been cast as a lead so I'm sure it'll be great with her in it.


9) Star Trek: Discovery (Paramount+) (Last Year: 9)


Star Trek: Discovery has felt like a seasoned series since the onset of the first episode. There are so many characters, and the opportunities for them to explore feel endless. The new season this year picks up with the crew still int he future, adjusting to their new home in the future where the Federation is just starting to consolidate again. The stakes are high for it to succeed, and a new unknown threat tests the crew and the universe. Never having faced a threat like this before, Discovery jumps right in to figure it out. The result so far has been incredible character dives, emotional pain, and we even say goodbye to a longtime favorite character of mine, and meet many new faces along the way. The episode where they end up in a rift in space which tests the entire crew, and even more so Michael in her new role as captain. The second half of the season will return in a few weeks and I can't wait to see where they go next.


8) The Other Two (HBO Max)


The first season of The Other Two aired on Comedy Central and then there was a period of time where it was renewed, with no update on when it would return. They then announced the second season would air on HBO max as a Max original series. It was baffling they didn't put it on Paramount+, but I was just excited to get more episodes, no matter where it aired. The new season picks up with the sibling having to be second to another family member, and be "the other two" yet again. We see their younger brother who gave up fame deal with his place in the family. We see their mom overworking herself without anyone really noticing the strain she's under, we see the siblings find minor success in their own right, only to have things blow up in their faces like usual. The ending was interesting because I wasn't expecting that choice to be made, but I'm sure they'll address it when it returns for a third season, and it will probably be not what we think. It's hilarious and emotional at times and extremely easy to binge quickly and enjoy. I can't wait for more hilarious antics.


7) Invincible (Prime Video)


I haven known about the comic series Invincible, but it had such a long run, I felt like I didn't have the time to read it, so I let it be. When they announced this series was coming, I was excited to finally check it out and see why it had such a long run. What we got was even better than I could have imagined. It was such an exciting and thrilling first season. The story was darker and went deeper than I thought it would have gone. Having it be an animated series provided it with so many opportunities to do giant scenes which would not have ever paid off as well as they would in a live action adaptation. It also showed that animation can be exceptional TV, and not just for kids, or silly like Family Guy or The Simpsons. The voice acting was so good in this and you could feel the emotion connect with the animation for such an enjoyable experience. The series was full of so many great twists it left me longing for more. It was renewed for two more seasons and I hope we get another one this year. The bar is so high but I have so much faith in them keeping it as good going forward.


6) The Expanse (Prime Video) (Last Year: 4)


The Expanse remains one of my favorite all time series and 2021 saw the end of season five at the beginning of the year, and end with the midway point of its final season. The book series it is based on released its 9th and final book, so it caught me by surprise that season six was announced to be the final season. It makes sense in away though, because the books do a time jump for the final books. There's a part of me that hopes that we get a followup sequel type series which will focus on the final three books, but if we don't, I'm just happy we got this much. The series was initially canceled after three seasons at Syfy and Amazon stepped in and gave it three more incredible seasons. While the final run has had less action for a season dealing with a war between the Free Navy led by Marco and his rebels vs the Earth and Mars coalition led by Avasarala, it has still been such an enjoyable ride. Even having to remove a character do to his action off screen led to no hindrance because of how incredible these characters are on their own. I will miss this one so much when it ends in a few weeks. I hope this time next year the show will be in the top 10 yet again.


5) The Owl House (Disney Channel) (Last Year: 13)


The Owl House in season two so far has been such a great ride. The episodes all feel important, and there has been no filler in sight for a series meant for kids. The head right into the growing mythology of the Boiling Isles and Luz's attempts to find a way back home to her mother. There were such great twists along the way, and put a spotlight on two character who eventually realize their feelings for each other and how much they mean to one another. It's a giant win for representation of a female/female relationship, especially on a network like Disney Channel. The series was announced that they would be back for a third season of multiple mini event episodes for a final run, capping the series was before it should. There is so much left to explore and the world only felt bigger and more built up this year that it's such a shame we won't have that much more time with these incredible characters. The way characters grow in this series is such great character growth. I don't want it to end. it's up there with some of my favorite series like Gravity Falls and will no doubt leave a great legacy behind. Episodes are easy to watch, filled with humor, emotion and mystery. It's worth a look if you are interested. You won't be disappointed!


4) Arcane (Netflix)


I knew of League of Legends, but knew nothing much beyond that. When Netflix dropped a teaser for this series I thought I would check it out because the animation looked cool and so far they put out a few other animated series this year inspired by video games so why not this one. I was so blown away by not only the animation style of this series, but the story, the voice acting, and everything all together. It made for a perfect combination of entertainment. The release schedule for this series too helped to build the hype and make me anticipate the next drop each week. Netflix should utilize this method more often, especially for grand world building series like this. The story follows two sister whose lives end up on different paths, neither of their own choosing. Little do they know they are getting caught up in a bigger conflict between the underground city and the fancy city up top. The flow of this series was so smooth. Animation and story telling wise. The characters felt complete and purposeful. The music was also done by an artist I absolutely love so it was an extra cherry on top. The soundtrack was so good. Everything about this was so good. I can't wait for season two to come.


3) WandaVision (Disney+)


While it wasn't intended to be Marvel's first series to launch on Disney+, I'm so happy it was. The series was a perfect balance of normal Marvel fare, mixed with mystery, suspense and great storytelling. One of the things I really loved about it was the way they brought in characters from all different Marvel properties like Darcy and Jimmy, and mixed then in with great new additions like Agatha and Monica. It managed to feel cohesive, even when the series bounced from decade to decade, portraying all different kinds of iconic sitcoms. The way they handled Wanda's grief was so well done. The way she lost control, but grew even more powerful was a testament to the underused character previously in the MCU. It also helped send characters on different paths which will impact the rest of the MCU. The fact that this series has the most episodes of the other live action series made the experience even better. More time to appreciate the characters and get to know them. The rest of the Marvel series have a high bar to live up to because of this series. If you somehow haven't seen this series and are a fan of Marvel, you need to find a way to watch it. . 


2) Hacks (HBO Max)


Jean Smart. The end. I knew nothing about this series until shortly before it premiered. The series follows an older comedian who hires a young comedy writer, begrudgingly, in order to appease those at the venue she performs at. She had the opportunity for a promising career, but life happened, and she ended up with an underappreciated career. The new writer who joins needed a wake up call to set her on a better path because she needed a bit of an ego check. Deborah and Ava being paired together managed to be the best thing for both of them. They brought out the best, and worst in each other. The two together are an undeniable team. The series got better with each episode and by the end of the season, I was fully captivated. Each performance was a stand out. The scripts and writing were all incredible. The series was nominated for a bunch of Emmys and won a couple and it absolutely deserved it. The series was renewed for a second season and I am dying for new episodes to premiere.


and my number #1 TV Show of 2021 is...




1) Ted Lasso (Apple TV+) (Last Year: 2)


Ted Lasso is such a delight and remained that way in season two. The new season saw each character grow and featured some incredible character work. We saw the character deal with new relationships, loss, new jobs, facing the future and some good old soccer. From start to finish the season was charming and funny as always with incredible emotional depth. Each character had at the very least one moment to truly shine. Some of the character growth was for the better, and one sneaky storyline saw a character erode into a worse version of himself. Jason embodies Ted so well. He clearly has always had this role in him, but it shows how good he can play a lovable guy, who has his demons, but always looks for the best in others first. The season was also two episodes longer than the first which was worth every second of additional footage. The series was initially proposed as a three season story, but there's no way they can just end it after next season, could they??? When a show is this good, you want it to go out at its height on its own terms, but I'm selfish and want it to keep going. It's truly a great series that deserves ever bit of the praise it gets. I hope there are even more Emmy nominations next season. They each deserve to win and sucks they all have to go up against each other. Can they all tie for one??? Bring on the new season 2022!


And there it is! Lee's Best of 2021 has come to an end with my top songs and TV series of 2021. Hopefully you found a few songs or series you also enjoyed and found something new to check out! I appreciate all the comments and replies!! I can't wait to do it all over again later this year.


AHHH i love most of the shows on this list :jonny5: I honestly can't wait for Invincible new season 


I haven't watched Never Have I Ever & The Other Two but it looks interesting

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On 1/3/2022 at 5:05 AM, Lee!! said:

22) Loki (Disney+)
10) Russian Doll (Netflix)

7) Invincible (Prime Video)
3) WandaVision (Disney+)





8) The Other Two (HBO Max)

2) Hacks (HBO Max)

1) Ted Lasso (Apple TV+) (Last Year: 2)

I finished the Other Two two days ago, I really really liked the first season, the second one was a bit different and was just okay


Hacks, was a fun show even tho I HATED Hannah, one of the most annoying characters I have watched lately


I need to give Ted Lasso another chance, I watched it when the first season came out and I didn't like it. It found it very cringe. My friends questioned my taste when I told them I hate it :gaycat6:

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Loki, Close Enough and Wandavision :clap:

Hawkeye was boring imo 

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All American and The Other Two:clap3:

The flavour

the taste

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On 12/30/2021 at 12:06 AM, Mr. Loco said:

So, I see that you are Team Rahim :tsk: At least we can agree that this season was a step down from last season :giraffe: It was still good tho, I'm perched for the next one

My fave part was all the hot make put sessions between Benji and Victor lol

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