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? PLATINUM HIT 10.5 ? Farewell pg.220 / Grammys pg.221 ?


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But like... if this is the matrix, then why do we have the free will to consider breaking out of this matrix? Or have the free will to even question our surrounding existence? Maybe they give us that free will because there is no way out except death and this revelation only solidifies the fact that we are living in a matrix even further. g0rl I'm gonna be researching the matrix and dreams and **** all day aklfjalkg :jonny:  I fell into the rabbit hole and now I can't get back up




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Another scary question: WHY do we see this world only through our one perspective? That's obvious, we're individuals and we each have our own unique perspective. But if you think about it..... as we go through life living our lives, billions of other people are living life experiencing something different. We live our lives and then we die, always living life through that one perspective. And then when we die, life continues for the rest. It's so weird to me. Why am I me? :dancehall: I didn't choose to be born? Or did I?


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2 minutes ago, UFO said:

OMG :dancehall:  :weeps:   whyyyyy


I think I read somewhere that when you're sleeping or in a dream-like state that you kind of go through "death consciousness" or something close to it. Maybe our dreams are a way for us to access the real world and death is the eventual complete release into the real world. It would make a LOT of sense. But like...... why do things like Grindr exist in this matrix? :skull:  I'm screaming


I legit have a fear now of going to sleep and being trapped in a dream or something. Or going to sleep and all of a sudden some demon bitch starts talking to me in my dream aklfjasdflkajkl :jonny:  

"Why do things like Grindr exist" dhdhdhjdjddhhd. Yeah life just has so many questions and possibilities. For that reason I try not to take it too seriously. Like if we are being truly realistic, anything is possible. I can believe anything I want to believe. And maybe that is true freedom. I just try to be as open as possible to life and possibility. I can't know whether or not something is real, so I don't pretend to. I think believe who are huge skeptics and don't want to believe in anything are kind of annoying for that reason. Like, you're not some special person who knows more. But then it's also a struggle to really believe in possibility because then that also means negative things are a possibility and if life isn't serious and is something that will end, then what's the point? I guess it's about finding a balance in which you can exist :dancehall: 

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3 minutes ago, UFO said:

But like... if this is the matrix, then why do we have the free will to consider breaking out of this matrix? Or have the free will to even question our surrounding existence? Maybe they give us that free will because there is no way out except death and this revelation only solidifies the fact that we are living in a matrix even further. g0rl I'm gonna be researching the matrix and dreams and **** all day aklfjalkg :jonny:  I fell into the rabbit hole and now I can't get back up




Maybe free will is just an illusion. I saw a theory of existence which talked about technology. This guy said, if you think about technology now and how much it advances quickly, where will it be in the future? Like think about VR gaming now, it's quite realistic. How will it improve in the future? To the point in which a matrix type simulation is truly possible? It's probable. The guy said he believes existence is a simulation because of this. The assumption that is in 1000 or however many years, technology will be that advanced, so in a way it's more likely than not that life is a simulation. Because eventually technology will reach that point and it will likely happen. Granted the world doesn't end. That's just one theory though. I guess if you think about it as well, time really is a construct. Because assuming the world doesn't end, it's inevitable that technology will advance to a point in which time travel is possible, surely. So as such, it could be going on around us as this very moment. God. Everything is so bfnfnfndhdjdhdhd

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2 minutes ago, keshaspearsxo said:

"Why do things like Grindr exist" dhdhdhjdjddhhd. Yeah life just has so many questions and possibilities. For that reason I try not to take it too seriously. Like if we are being truly realistic, anything is possible. I can believe anything I want to believe. And maybe that is true freedom. I just try to be as open as possible to life and possibility. I can't know whether or not something is real, so I don't pretend to. I think believe who are huge skeptics and don't want to believe in anything are kind of annoying for that reason. Like, you're not some special person who knows more. But then it's also a struggle to really believe in possibility because then that also means negative things are a possibility and if life isn't serious and is something that will end, then what's the point? I guess it's about finding a balance in which you can exist :dancehall: 

Omg right? I hate skeptics who won't even QUESTION their existence. like g0rl, ok maybe God doesn't exist (we can never know for sure, or at least right now I guess) but like how can life just appear out of nowhere by chance?  I just.... :jonny:   The fact that some are so hardcore that they refuse to consider any other possible theory for our existence is plain illogical which is ironic because many extreme, hardcore atheists pride themselves on logic and rationality. For me I'm open to everything


also, same. I try to live my life as freely as possibly even if sometimes I feel like I'm trapped fkjasfka but sometimes it's really difficult to ignore fate and the fact that maybe there's a darker reason behind all this. :dancehall:  But yeah, it's definitely more healthy to live your life as happily as possible with as few limitations as possible. All of this really ****s me up tho. Like..... WHY are we here? :weeps:  :dancehall:  :jonny:  NNNNNnnnnn


It's kind of scary to think that we could exist for some evil mastermind's experiment or something.

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7 minutes ago, keshaspearsxo said:

Maybe free will is just an illusion. I saw a theory of existence which talked about technology. This guy said, if you think about technology now and how much it advances quickly, where will it be in the future? Like think about VR gaming now, it's quite realistic. How will it improve in the future? To the point in which a matrix type simulation is truly possible? It's probable. The guy said he believes existence is a simulation because of this. The assumption that is in 1000 or however many years, technology will be that advanced, so in a way it's more likely than not that life is a simulation. Because eventually technology will reach that point and it will likely happen. Granted the world doesn't end. That's just one theory though. I guess if you think about it as well, time really is a construct. Because assuming the world doesn't end, it's inevitable that technology will advance to a point in which time travel is possible, surely. So as such, it could be going on around us as this very moment. God. Everything is so bfnfnfndhdjdhdhd

:jonny:  :jonny3:  We will definitely be able to create simulated worlds in the future, without a doubt. It's just inevitable. Also VR gaming is so cool :jonny:  :smitten: I feel like in the future they'll make a video game like Pokemon Go but instead of it being an app on our phone and walking around, we're actually inside the game askfjaskgajsdkg :duca:  :duca:  


But like... I wonder, what would happen if humans were to go extinct? :rip:   ak;jfaskfjak Would the simulation restart?  if you think about it, we've only been on this planet for a small time compared to how old it is. That's CRAZY

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3 minutes ago, UFO said:

Omg right? I hate skeptics who won't even QUESTION their existence. like g0rl, ok maybe God doesn't exist (we can never know for sure, or at least right now I guess) but like how can life just appear out of nowhere by chance?  I just.... :jonny:   The fact that some are so hardcore that they refuse to consider any other possible theory for our existence is plain illogical which is ironic because many extreme, hardcore atheists pride themselves on logic and rationality. For me I'm open to everything


also, same. I try to live my life as freely as possibly even if sometimes I feel like I'm trapped fkjasfka but sometimes it's really difficult to ignore fate and the fact that maybe there's a darker reason behind all this. :dancehall:  But yeah, it's definitely more healthy to live your life as happily as possible with as few limitations as possible. All of this really ****s me up tho. Like..... WHY are we here? :weeps:  :dancehall:  :jonny:  NNNNNnnnnn


It's kind of scary to think that we could exist for some evil mastermind's experiment or something.

Like literally what the **** IS existence? Everything comes from something.... There has to be an end point somewhere. So like literally what the ****. I don't even know how to word is. Like where the **** did God come from? Everything has to have a creator. That's the only way it makes sense. So how did existence begin? Logically it doesn't even seem possible... This is why I kind of have to believe in more. You can try to explain everything as scientifically as possible but how does an explosion just happen is space and then all the planets are created? What causes the explosion? What created the space in the first place? Like I try to imagine the universe inside a box.. The universe HAS to have an end, logically, so picture the universe inside a box. How did this box come to exist? There must be something MORE outside of this box in which the box exists in the first place.. Like it literally just goes on forever, you can't explain the existence of ANYTHING. It's amazing but also awful ?

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ooh bitch I just remembered


There's another theory that before humans and before dinosaurs or whatever, there was like an alien race that lived on Earth and are the originally owners of Earth or whatever :dancehall: idk much about that one but it's very scary

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22 minutes ago, UFO said:

why do things like Grindr exist in this matrix? 

yes, this is my question




#7 :weeps: i feel so hyped. thank you so much!

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Just now, mxtthewdelrey said:

yes, this is my question




#7 :weeps: i feel so hyped. thank you so much!

:ahh:  :ahh:  congrats sis! :heart2:


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4 minutes ago, UFO said:

:jonny:  :jonny3:  We will definitely be able to create simulated worlds in the future, without a doubt. It's just inevitable. Also VR gaming is so cool :jonny:  :smitten: I feel like in the future they'll make a video game like Pokemon Go but instead of it being an app on our phone and walking around, we're actually inside the game askfjaskgajsdkg :duca:  :duca:  


But like... I wonder, what would happen if humans were to go extinct? :rip:   ak;jfaskfjak Would the simulation restart?  if you think about it, we've only been on this planet for a small time compared to how old it is. That's CRAZY



i mean in in the end there's nothing we can do about it anyway. We just gotta keep going and see if one day we get a red pill and a blue pill I guess ?

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1 minute ago, keshaspearsxo said:

Like literally what the **** IS existence? Everything comes from something.... There has to be an end point somewhere. So like literally what the ****. I don't even know how to word is. Like where the **** did God come from? Everything has to have a creator. That's the only way it makes sense. So how did existence begin? Logically it doesn't even seem possible... This is why I kind of have to believe in more. You can try to explain everything as scientifically as possible but how does an explosion just happen is space and then all the planets are created? What causes the explosion? What created the space in the first place? Like I try to imagine the universe inside a box.. The universe HAS to have an end, logically, so picture the universe inside a box. How did this box come to exist? There must be something MORE outside of this box in which the box exists in the first place.. Like it literally just goes on forever, you can't explain the existence of ANYTHING. It's amazing but also awful ?



Like...... I believe that there has to be something MORE, like not everything can be explained by science. That's just ****ing ridiculous. I also hate it when people dismiss theories because it cannot be explained by science. Like g0rl open your mind, maybe not everything that exists in this world can be understood within our human comprehension yet. It's just so egotistical to think that. Anyway but yeah I believe there is something more but at the SAME time I kind of find it hard to believe there is this ONE creator or whatever, because that creator needs to have its own creator - right? :rip:  And the cycle of cause and effect just continues on and never ends alskfjasklg


Also another thing I find disturbing: if everything has a cause and effect, and everything has a beginning and an end... then that means the Universe WILL end someday :dancehall:  it could literally happen at any time. 

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2 minutes ago, keshaspearsxo said:



i mean in in the end there's nothing we can do about it anyway. We just gotta keep going and see if one day we get a red pill and a blue pill I guess ?

RIGHT :ahh:  it's not like we can do anything about it. I'm screaming :skull:  


I do feel like dreams are a key to the truth of this world tho. Like.... it's been thousands and thousands of years, and humans still haven't discovered why we are here? what kind of KIII

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1 minute ago, UFO said:

Also another thing I find disturbing: if everything has a cause and effect, and everything has a beginning and an end... then that means the Universe WILL end someday :dancehall:  it could literally happen at any time. 

As long as I get to win a Platinum Hit season before that happens, I'm ok with it

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2 minutes ago, keshaspearsxo said:

As long as I get to win a Platinum Hit season before that happens, I'm ok with it

Nnnnn see you in Platinum Hit Season 567 then henny aklfjalkg



I kind of understand why someone would pick the blue pill a lot more now. Like.... what if the truth of this universe and world is very ****ing disturbing? I wouldn't want to live in a world knowing what it actually is now that I think about it :dancehall:  ugh it really is a tough decision


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Just now, UFO said:

RIGHT :ahh:  it's not like we can do anything about it. I'm screaming :skull:  


I do feel like dreams are a key to the truth of this world tho. Like.... it's been thousands and thousands of years, and humans still haven't discovered why we are here? what kind of KIII

I mean I kind of agree, there's something very fishy about dreams, I've dreamt things many times or seen things in dreams and then they've happened / I've seen them in real life. Something is up. I also once had a dream which was such a powerful spiritual experience, I kind of tell myself I dreamt of heaven or something, I had this feeling during it which is so hard to explain, it was like ultimate bliss, ultimate safety, ultimate love, but it was all encompassing, all over my body, like in my soul, I can't even fathom it, I think back to it and whew, it moves me, I can only really liken it to receiving a glimpse of heaven. 

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1 minute ago, UFO said:

Nnnnn see you in Platinum Hit Season 567 then henny aklfjalkg



I kind of understand why someone would pick the blue pill a lot more now. Like.... what if the truth of this universe and world is very ****ing disturbing? I wouldn't want to live in a world knowing what it actually is now that I think about it :dancehall:  ugh it really is a tough decision


We Lord we have been on such a journey here tonight. You better write about this bitch, there is so much MATERIAL here



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1 minute ago, UFO said:

Nnnnn my notifications are a keshaspearsxo-filled MESS :deadbanana2:  :skull:


I literally have 32 ugh but I'm kinda used to it cause I always get flooded from this game with people quoting me, @ing me, sending entries 

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Just now, keshaspearsxo said:

I mean I kind of agree, there's something very fishy about dreams, I've dreamt things many times or seen things in dreams and then they've happened / I've seen them in real life. Something is up. I also once had a dream which was such a powerful spiritual experience, I kind of tell myself I dreamt of heaven or something, I had this feeling during it which is so hard to explain, it was like ultimate bliss, ultimate safety, ultimate love, but it was all encompassing, all over my body, like in my soul, I can't even fathom it, I think back to it and whew, it moves me, I can only really liken it to receiving a glimpse of heaven. 

OMG RIGHT :jonny:  it can't just be all "coincidental", right? Sometimes I would fall asleep and feel my soul float outside of my body and then all of a sudden it would fall back in. An out-of-body experience. I FELT that. Btw my soul didn't "float" it was actually very ****ing violent :toofunny2:  and happened so quick, it's the same feeling you get when you dive into a swimming pool or something. But yas dreams are so mysterious to me. They're too real. I feel like whatever they are: parallel universes, an access to consciousness etc etc, there's definitely something going on there. We need to invest more money and time into researching dreams tbh :rip: I can't believe we still don't really know why we have them

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4 minutes ago, keshaspearsxo said:

We Lord we have been on such a journey here tonight. You better write about this bitch, there is so much MATERIAL here



G0rl I can't believe it's 7am alkfajglka this discussion has left me SHOOK and oh, don't worry. My song will definitely be inspired by what we discussed. at least somewhat :fan:



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2 minutes ago, UFO said:

OMG RIGHT :jonny:  it can't just be all "coincidental", right? Sometimes I would fall asleep and feel my soul float outside of my body and then all of a sudden it would fall back in. An out-of-body experience. I FELT that. Btw my soul didn't "float" it was actually very ****ing violent :toofunny2:  and happened so quick, it's the same feeling you get when you dive into a swimming pool or something. But yas dreams are so mysterious to me. They're too real. I feel like whatever they are: parallel universes, an access to consciousness etc etc, there's definitely something going on there. We need to invest more money and time into researching dreams tbh :rip: I can't believe we still don't really know why we have them

I mean we are still discovering species all the time, humans are a mess like we are so dumb, people need to stop pretending they know everything, bitch I'm waiting for they day they find a mermaid and I can say HA bitch told you so. I mean I like to believe magic exists too like why the **** not?

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