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DL breaks TUN record with 5.6M in US, 11.5M global


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The way she's pulling bigger numbers with her debut single than those pop girls who are considered streaming monsters :ahh: 

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The immediate and massive success of this is so so random and strange

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I guess this officially makes her a main pop girl for ATRL :psyduck:

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19 week #1 incoming... :jonny:


2021 coming in with the surprises in its first 12 days.

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her phone must be blowing up these psst couple of days with all the A-listers begging for a collab  :dies:

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2 minutes ago, thatsmydemi said:

The way she's pulling bigger numbers with her debut single than those pop girls who are considered streaming monsters :ahh: 

right? i truly want music business insiders to break down how is she pulling those numbers, demographic wise, etc.

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Taylor's nonnsingle beating her single? Taylor is a streaming monster. But wow at DL especially coming from a brand new artist. Thats incredible.

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1 minute ago, Hunter_13 said:


1M in the UK :deadbanana2:

this is just something else :deadbanana2:

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2 minutes ago, NewStanner said:

I'm sorry, but at this point it's sure that she's using some fraudulent tactics to boost her numbers :rip:

based on what LMAO... everyone is talking about this single and everyone is listening to it... 

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1 minute ago, Hunter_13 said:


1M in the UK :deadbanana2:



What other songs have even managed that

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