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Rihanna's hits skyrocket on Apple Music on NYE


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#64 Hungary (+27)

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#116 Slovenia (+13)

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#209 Netherlands

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#336 Denmark

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#413 Ireland

#426 Sweden

#443 Spain

#454 Norway

#469 United States (+41)



#54 Denmark (+331)

#137 Finland (+204)

#138 Sweden (NE)

#140 Ireland (+287)

#146 Germany (NE)

#147 United Kingdom (+369)

#152 Australia (+29)

#187 Poland (NE)

#195 Netherlands (+178)

#198 New Zealand

#201 Austria (NE)

#205 Norway (NE)

#217 Canada (NE)

#234 Belgium (NE)

#257 Brazil (+84)

#274 South Africa (+139)

#295 Philippines (+165)

#399 Italy (NE)

#465 Switzerland (NE)



#157 Netherlands (NE)

#164 Belgium (NE)

#176 United Kingdom (+279)

#184 Norway (NE)

#257 Ireland (NE)

#339 Canada (NE)

#364 France (NE)

#385 Italy (NE)

#396 South Africa (NE)

#403 Brazil (NE)

#453 Philippines (+38)

#876 United States (+119)


+ several other songs like Wild Thoughts, Rude Boy, Only Girl, Disturbia


HI GUYS THANKSSS FOR 46k. I appreciate this !!! | Rihanna riri, Rihanna,  Rihanna fenty

Edited by istan4badgalriri
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People getting their fix before another year of non music related releases like Fenty Pottery and Fenty Eyewear.

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Timeless Classics + Casual Smash-Hits.




I’ll now peacefully await the #R9 boost too.



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Can't wait for her new album too :clap3: 


Did apple music ever reveal how many  streams Rihanna had? I know that she has more than 15B on pandora :clap3: 

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22 minutes ago, cuneytb said:

Can't wait for her new album too :clap3: 


Did apple music ever reveal how many  streams Rihanna had? I know that she has more than 15B on pandora :clap3: 

Well, she was the #1 Female on AM prior to 2017.


Both Grande and Swift then surpassed her which pushed her #3 by 2018.


They're both still ahead of her, most likely, given they’ve released two/three albums each since that last update while she hasn’t. She should still be at #3 overall however. (I can see Billie Eilish being in the top five now too).

Edited by GoodGuyGoneGhetto
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She has an unrivaled catalog of hits :clap3:


and that's a good thing cause god knows when new songs are coming :rip:

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5 hours ago, dylanx said:

She has an unrivaled catalog of hits :clap3:


and that's a good thing cause god knows when new songs are coming :rip:


14 minutes ago, Medonerpls said:

Classics upon classics :clap3:



59 minutes ago, badgirlriri said:

Told yall Work was a party classic :clap3:

Imagine thinking it isn’t? 


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