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Hot 100 final predictions: #1 Watermelon Sugar


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3 hours ago, Fitzswiftie said:

Saw this on Barbz Struggle Tweets and I can’t stop cackling





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1 hour ago, effy said:

 they only made it available because fans begged" sure_jan.gif. 

I mean they clearly did, hence putting it out at the very end of tracking week rather than at the beginning. If it was the plan all along, obviously they’d have released it earlier. 

But your attitude makes it very clear you have an axe to grind here, so I guess there’s not much point going back and forth.

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2 hours ago, effy said:

ayy, lmao the old ~harry didn't tweet about it so he doesn't care about the charts~ narrative, you all are hilarious... unlike the gofundme "joke".


"they only made it available because fans begged" sure_jan.gif. I didn't get anything wrong, you're just mad because i listed all the things he did to get a #1. if you think there's nothing wrong with releasing 100 bundles and all the other stuff he did then why are you so upset? :gaycat5:

The instrumental wasn’t available until Thursday... because fans begged since the Friday before


And once again, it sold ~1,000 copies. You could erase its existence and over the position wouldn’t change.


I’m saying Harry didn’t tweet because you’re claiming that they “pushed fans to buy” which is blatantly untrue because all they did was release two vinyls and a cassette and tweet that it was available.


He didn’t release 100 bundles. He released a vinyl and a cassette on Friday July 31st and a second vinyl on Wednesday August 5th. Dassit. He can’t help being relevant enough to sell 45,000 bundles with two items and 23,000 on iTunes with a five day discount (it’s back at the regular price).

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