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Webkinz Reality TV Show Season 2 || well, it's over ?


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1 hour ago, Gay Rat Divorce said:

I made the changes you asked for


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1 hour ago, Gay Rat Divorce said:

I made the changes you asked for

The cactus and water buckets are suppose  to be smaller too 


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Remove me from this ****, I don't want any part of this ****ed up game!!

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2 hours ago, PinkBox said:

DQ Erik for being annoying!! 

you've been annoying all season long where's your DQ you fat bitch

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minho cuts the effort


@PinkBox - Nice looks, I like the consistent theme and the chicken heels.  THose beak faces have to go


@thecptz - cute cow looks, it was middle of the pack for me though and that's the real dairy


@Overprotected - Love how on brand this was!


@EriKills - Come on biome themed show.  Screaming at the cactus pieces flying everywhere


@Dessy - The way this is what I was expecting from the round ngl, but instead they all said let's be fashionistas.  This is good


@Rence - the return of the chicken heels weeeee, the turkey n


Good entries! 

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Overall: good work everyone



Wait, these kind of being really fashionable. I'm kind of screaming at these looks being better than anything Dame Rose ever wore. It's a fun concept although certain aspects don't make tons of sense like the mother wearing others' feathers



The Monique Heart stuff feels like an in-reference that only I would get on this panel cuz I'm the only one that watches Drag Race lol. This was a good idea overall to make a cow collection, loved the hair being from the cows, but I wish it either went all the way in the fashion (like the last look) or in the comedy (like the makeup, the wigs, etc)



I- lkasdgalks the Googles just make me scream every time. This is a good take fitted for both humor and fashion, love the heads shopped onto the bodies. As the looks went on they got weaker though, and the last one was really lacking in both the look and the comedy departments; not sure why the Google eyes weren't used



Your entry really took me there the most whew. At first I was like wtf is going on in these pictures and, but after I got it I was like oh cool! The cacti flying through the air alksdkals. And the looks are not perfect but are actually really fashionable! I liked your vision although it was weird to start with two reveals and not end with them



This was an interesting idea!! Your song fits the best out of all of them TBQFH, I feel like those things worked well together. I did feel like it was lacking detail though. Maybe some more elements could have been used to give us a more developed picture



You are kind of the only person (besides OP) to do what I actually was expecting this round, which was funny messy looks. Not saying that's good or bad but yeah LOL. I did laugh the most at your entry. I asked for a cohesive collection though and I can't tell you a single thing Friday, Thanksgiving and Cup O' Noodles have in common


Now I'm gonna start getting results together!! It was really close :/ 



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iJTWVTn8gPcqd7oqS_SUx5pcbEmJLIQb4HW_PHcIhgelIxbQvtTneBoi2F-4FZRzASzbva0LrUIyucJhFTOhdISRu8BqWUMEOJbViK2ahIHtV2WJyxLmmKxMbR5AiIa-pT9Pp15_ ROUND 10DESIGN A FASHION iJTWVTn8gPcqd7oqS_SUx5pcbEmJLIQb4HW_PHcIhgelIxbQvtTneBoi2F-4FZRzASzbva0LrUIyucJhFTOhdISRu8BqWUMEOJbViK2ahIHtV2WJyxLmmKxMbR5AiIa-pT9Pp15_



Welcome back 'Kinz. This round, you all served lerks that will go down in the history berks. Two of you were in competition to snag that Star Webkinz title this week...



EriKills and PinkBox! One of you is the Star Webkinz this round.


EriKills! Your fashion collection may have been about the desert, but it was anything but dry.

PinkBox! Wham, bam, thank you ma'am. This week, you let us get inside your f*cking Dame Boa fam.



PinkBox. You're a Star Webkinz, baby! Congrats.


1. @PinkBox with an average of 2.33


That means EriKills is our second place.


2. @EriKills with an average of 3





#3 and #4 coming next, then the bottoms

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iJTWVTn8gPcqd7oqS_SUx5pcbEmJLIQb4HW_PHcIhgelIxbQvtTneBoi2F-4FZRzASzbva0LrUIyucJhFTOhdISRu8BqWUMEOJbViK2ahIHtV2WJyxLmmKxMbR5AiIa-pT9Pp15_ ROUND 10DESIGN A FASHION iJTWVTn8gPcqd7oqS_SUx5pcbEmJLIQb4HW_PHcIhgelIxbQvtTneBoi2F-4FZRzASzbva0LrUIyucJhFTOhdISRu8BqWUMEOJbViK2ahIHtV2WJyxLmmKxMbR5AiIa-pT9Pp15_



I'm just going to do this in one post to save time lol



Dessy. Your fashion collection was sugar sweet, but could it have used some more calories?


I'm sorry my dear but you are in the bottom 2 this round.


Overprotected. Your entry tried to give us S&M, but were the judges getting more Cheers (Drink to That)?


I'm sorry my dear but you are in the bottom 2 this round.


Rence. You Cup Noodles look had us snacking, but was your entry's theme lacking?


You are safe.


3. @Rence with an average of 3.33


thecptz. You entry was moo-ving, but did it stand out enough from the herd?


You are safe.


4. @thecptz with an average of 3.67


My bottom 2 Webkinz. Prior to tonight you were asked to prepare a performance to Can I Go to the Washroom Please? by Miss Karen English Teacher. This is your last chance to impress me and save yourself from euthanization. Good luck, and don't fudge it up.





Dessy does a backflip when Miss Karen English Teacher sings "yeeEeEEAAAhhH!!!"



Overprotected does the robot to the upwards scale part with the footsteps.



In the middle of the performance, Dessy actually leaves to go to the washroom, causing him to lose the battle.


5. @Overprotected with an average of 4

6. @Dessy with an average of 4.67


Dessy :weeps: It's really sad to see you go. You are always a pleasure to have as a contestant and I had a lot of fun reading your entries. The Micro Feeble Fenix will always be an icon, legend, and star. Thank you for playing but I must euthanize you now.




Next round later

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iJTWVTn8gPcqd7oqS_SUx5pcbEmJLIQb4HW_PHcIhgelIxbQvtTneBoi2F-4FZRzASzbva0LrUIyucJhFTOhdISRu8BqWUMEOJbViK2ahIHtV2WJyxLmmKxMbR5AiIa-pT9Pp15_ ROUND 11: DEFEND A CLIENT IN COURT iJTWVTn8gPcqd7oqS_SUx5pcbEmJLIQb4HW_PHcIhgelIxbQvtTneBoi2F-4FZRzASzbva0LrUIyucJhFTOhdISRu8BqWUMEOJbViK2ahIHtV2WJyxLmmKxMbR5AiIa-pT9Pp15_


DEADLINE: Saturday, August 29th, 2020, 11:59 PM EDT



My top 5 Webkinz!!!!! Welcome to the semifinals!!!!! You all have made it so far, and each one of you has been Star Webkinz at least once people. The competition is close, each of you can almost taste the crown. It's anyone's game, truly, not even lying!!


However, we must remember the Webkinz that came before us. Ten Webkinz have been euthanized so far, and there's a lot we didn't know about their lives. They had families and friends or whatever. But also, did you know they all have criminal records? This round, you'll be getting lawyered up as you defend one of your fallen Webkinz competitors in court for a crime they may or may not have committed. Feel free to use the law – or not, this is Webkinzland after all! Just make sure to entertain us and convince us that your client is innocent!


In the spoiler box below is a list of prompts you can work with in your entry. Please sign up for one in the thread so we don't have repeats!!! After you sign up you can switch as many times as you want and whenever you want.



Axo Lottle the Axolotl is suing the Google Association of Webkinzland (GAW) for forced conversion therapy to become a Webkinz Google.


Sharthatcream the Celestial Unicorn is being sued by her neighbor after the neighbor suffered critical injuries due to falling off Sharthatcream’s bad banana swing. Sharthatcream had no permit.


Stuffy the Moonlight Wolf is a bourgeois Webkinz, and is being sued by the state for committing tax fraud.


Tag the Snowy Summit Wolf has been caught selling weed brownies with candy mdma sprinkled on top. They argue it is a health food. 


Lil’ Otter Pup the Otter is facing charges after photoshopping images of himself as captain of the high school rowing team in order to get into an elite Webkinzversity.


Pecky the Chicken, a chef at a local cafe, is being sued by a patron after undercooked souffle pancakes gave the customer severe food poisoning.


PinkBox the Orca Whale is accused of starting an MLM that sells vaccines that were promoted as fighting against vaccines. 


Pancake the Zombie Pup has been charged with shoplifting 25 copies of “Babe: Pig in the City” from the local Webkinzmart.


Angel the Mud Hippo has been sued by Webkinz Reality TV Show, Inc. for hacking into the judging system in order to modify competition results.


Micro Feeble Fenix the Phoenix has been charged a fine for illegally parking in front of a hospital-nursing home for poor, orphaned fire hydrants.


@PinkBox, as the Star Webkinz of last round, you get to force a competitor of your choice into having only two of the options as possibilities - but you must make this decision ASAP, because if you don't let me know within 12 hours the power is gone!


Let me know if you have any questions. I know this is starting to get exhausting but we're almost at the end and I have a very fun finale planned so hang in there!!!! I love you all



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This challenge is one I've been looking forward to all season shshsh can't wait to see the entries!

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I would never do that... but since you already said it, guess we'll just have to roll with it...!

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I’ll be defending PinkBox! The defense: no defense, euthanize ha please :heart:

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