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Marvel Mafia | the end!


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well while it's true that Hug's ability is useless now, he's still a confirmed townie, which is still useful to us, especially so early. Witch is not a confirmed townie.

the triple kill thing is not really a threat to us this early on in the game. the mafia have to be pretty confident to use the triple kill, because if wrong, they kill nobody. so even a second townie role reveal is not really a threat, although at that point its definitely a concern. anyway.



5 hours ago, TeenageDreaming said:

Don't really know what's going on, but Hug is obviously Hulk and if you're lynching a known innocent then you're pretty much dumb so Lynch Witch Privilege 11TxorG.gif

this is correct


lynch witch privilege

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Ok before I vote can someone smart explain to me how we know Witch is mafia? Idk who to vote for cuz they both could be townie, but also Hug role confirmed which is both good (confirmed townie) and bad (triple kill) ???

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lynch witch privilege

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39 minutes ago, Gay Rat Divorce said:

Ok before I vote can someone smart explain to me how we know Witch is mafia? Idk who to vote for cuz they both could be townie, but also Hug role confirmed which is both good (confirmed townie) and bad (triple kill) ???

We don’t know if Witch is mafia/3P or town, however it seems pretty clear at this point that Hug is town so I (and I’m speaking from my point of view) think it’s better to go the safe route and save the one we know is town instead of lynching him in order to save someone who might actually not be town (although we have no evidence to say that Witch could be mafia/3P)

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1 hour ago, Taylucifer said:

Oh okay I understand the point... can I still change my vote? @disruptive 


yes love, you can change your vote all you want throughout the day. Your last lynch vote will be the one that counts.


Remember to Unlynch User A and Lynch User B when changing your vote though

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"Day 1 and we're already having a duel? This is gonna be so much fun!"

Deadpool PNG images free download

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Vote tally:


Hug (9) - Witch Privilege, luckystrike, Element, Overprotected, Rotunda, Taylucifer, Prismee, Dylan', Speezy

Witch Privilege (9) - Hug, Hikari, TeenageDreaming, Sexbot., DougAF, Rence, Daylight, Fruity, touya kinomoto




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1 hour ago, disruptive said:

yes love, you can change your vote all you want throughout the day. Your last lynch vote will be the one that counts.


Remember to Unlynch User A and Lynch User B when changing your vote though

Oh okay then... Unlynch Hug then Lynch Witch Privilege




1 hour ago, disruptive said:



Deadpool PNG images free download


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Still unsure how we got to this point of using Hulk's powers D1? Going with Lynch Hug tbh

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wait lemme keep things on a tie so they both die


unlynch witch, lynch hug

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looks like I missed so much nsnnd


Lynch Witch

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6 hours ago, Gay Rat Divorce said:

Ok before I vote can someone smart explain to me how we know Witch is mafia? Idk who to vote for cuz they both could be townie, but also Hug role confirmed which is both good (confirmed townie) and bad (triple kill) ???

we don't know Witch is mafia or 3P.... we just know that Hug is definitely neither, so the odds are in his favour

the numbers are 100% townie (hug) vs. 60% townie (witch)

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Vote tally:


Witch Privilege (11) - Hug, Hikari, TeenageDreaming, DougAF, Rence, Daylight, Fruity, touya kinomoto, Sanguine, Taylucifer, Guero

Hug (10) - Witch Privilege, luckystrike, Element, Overprotected, Rotunda, Prismee, Dylan', Speezy, Chiidish, Sexbot.


16 hours left!

Yet to vote:  @Gay Rat Divorce @Not Like The Movies @minho @LGBTQQ2IAAA+ 



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Mess I didn't realize I was one of the last people left :skull: 


Okay well not to sound unhinged but... Lynch Hug because I know Witch could be mafia but what if he's an important townsperson? Like one that can help us out. Versus Hug is confirmed town but that a) supports the mafia getting closer to a triple kill and b) he's kind of useless now that he used the Hulk power already. I know it's good to have a known townie but what if Witch is like Iron Man or something? Hug said he chose Witch arbitrarily so I'm kinda scared to just kill him off for no reason :/


Maybe one of the people with investigative powers could sleuth Witch tonight?

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19 hours ago, Hug said:

Anyway vote how you want ladies, I only joined bc miguel needed the ratings :giraffe:


19 hours ago, Hug said:

Deserved, I get bullied even when I actually try. Good luck everybody else I had my fun :giraffe:


13 hours ago, Daylight said:

I think Hug is the Hulk and while I do agree that it was not the smartest move to give his hero role out to mafia like that (although I appreciate wanting to shake things up for day 1) I just can’t in good conscience lynch someone that I think is a townie over someone I’m not sure at all.


So... Lynch Witch Privilege 


11 hours ago, Fruity said:



well while it's true that Hug's ability is useless now, he's still a confirmed townie, which is still useful to us, especially so early. Witch is not a confirmed townie.

the triple kill thing is not really a threat to us this early on in the game. the mafia have to be pretty confident to use the triple kill, because if wrong, they kill nobody. so even a second townie role reveal is not really a threat, although at that point its definitely a concern. anyway.



this is correct


lynch witch privilege


10 hours ago, touya kinomoto said:

lynch witch privilege


8 hours ago, Sanguine said:

Lynch Witch Privilege


2 hours ago, Guero said:

looks like I missed so much nsnnd


Lynch Witch

Please reconsider voting for someone who is a townie, and is invested in this game, which Hug obviously is not based on his posts above.


I would just like to note that the bandwagon vote for me is VERY sketchy. Mafia has one of the roles now, so they want to keep Hug, who isn't invested in the game and used his power, so he won't be a threat to them. I am an obvious threat to them.

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11 hours ago, Prismee said:

why do i feel like @Witch Privilege is Mafia/3P

Well, I'm a townie, so. :foxaylove2:

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Hmm... As a new person to this series of games catching up it seems like there’s the chance Witch could be an important town member and therefore I’d want to save them without taking the risk.


lynch Hug

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lol lynching a confirmed townie? i know the mafia has the power of the triple kill but it is very unlikely that they will get two more roles correct at night 1. i would be more worried about those voting for hug tbh. 

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10 minutes ago, touya kinomoto said:

lol lynching a confirmed townie? i know the mafia has the power of the triple kill but it is very unlikely that they will get two more roles correct at night 1. i would be more worried about those voting for hug tbh. 

A confirmed townie who's now useless and going to kill off another townie. You think the mafia is going to kill him right away? They're going to let him live until they figure out 2 more roles, which they could do by night 2.

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