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Marvel Mafia | the end!


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5 hours ago, luckystrike said:

I’m actually very more suspicious of the more inactive people like Sanguine

Just because I don’t say much doesn’t mean I’m mafia :psyduck: my voting pattern proves that I’m townie. I generally go for whoever makes the most sense to me and it ends up being the majority every time. Any chance I would have had to help the mafia out, I never took, evidenced specifically by day one when I voted for Witch while the votes were close but not quite even, and Witch was just a bit behind and could’ve still stayed in but who would've known. Then when it was the day Gay Rat got voted out, I broke the tie while Prismee and Taylucifer waited until it was clear he would get lynched to vote him. Also, even if I was mafia I doubt they would want me to stay silent and look innocent for this long -  builds too much suspicion and I probably wouldn't make it to the end. So if anyone is suspicious of me, I promise you're making the wrong decision because the timing of my votes and most of the choices themselves would make no sense if I was mafia. If you’re insisting on lynching one of the people who talks less I would suggest Rotunda, who has a slightly more suspicious voting history with that seemingly random last minute switch to lynching Witch, possibly as a sacrifice for the mafia to get an easier triple kill, and then a fight with minho that kinda seemed staged to help them both look innocent (bit of a reach I guess) for minho to then redirect his mafia talking points onto making Fruity look guilty instead after each time. However this was when it was looking possible for minho to get lynched earlier on, so I don’t actually suspect Rotunda all that much. 


Idk honestly, I trust Fruity and I think I trust you because you defended me in a previous day and instead encouraged people to vote for minho. Prismee has the most suspicious voting history, the only mafia they’ve ever voted for besides yesterday was Gay Rat, which like I mentioned wasn’t until it was more clear he was gonna be out. 


Votes Update:

Fruity: Witch - Gay Rat - Sexbot - OP - Minho - Minho

luckystrike: Hug - JAIL - Sexbot - OP - Minho - Minho

Rotunda: Witch - minho - Sexbot - OP - Speezy - Minho

Taylucifer: Witch - Gay Rat - Sexbot - OP - Speezy - Minho

Prismee: Hug - Gay Rat - Sexbot - OP - No Lynch - Minho

Sanguine: Witch - Gay Rat - Sexbot - OP - Speezy - Minho

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Honestly, I’m 50/50 with lucky being evil :stare:There’s a big chance that the evil role will win even with 5-1. And it could be any of you... :mandown:

Edited by Taylucifer
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Let's go back to Day 5. All of town (including me) thought both Speezy and minho were Mafia, but only minho and the other Mafia himself knew only minho is Mafia while Speezy isn't.


Day 5 voting history...


Prismee votes Speezy Speezy - 1 (Prismee)
Speezy votes minho Speezy - 1 (Prismee), minho - 1 (Speezy)

minho votes Rotunda Speezy - 1 (Prismee), minho - 1 (Speezy), Rotunda - 1 (minho)


Yeah I don't get this thing at all. This entire game I've been targeted and for what? NEVER has there been actual justification, it's always based on flimsy ideas of who I've voted for when I've explained myself thoroughly in both of those occasions, (not to mention they were early game as I got the hang of things.) There have been suspicious people all along that no one seems to even give a second glance towards.


We're still not questioning why Rotunda did that last minute switch? You know, when it was clear Mafia's votes didn't matter anymore? Or why Fruity has been extremely vocal, leading/igniting the campaigns against... everyone, almost as though he knows something (or wants to prevent the rest of us from knowing something). I've had my eye on Rotunda for a while, he's been awfully quiet and often tends to just side with Fruity in a lot of cases. There's something that the two of them know that they're not sharing and its created false targets frequently throughout this game. Lynch Rotunda


Rotunda votes minho minho - 2 (Speezy, Rotunda), Speezy - 1 (Prismee), Rotunda - 1 (minho)


Anyway there is literally nothing suspicious about my vote switch. I switched the vote because I came in the thread and saw Fruity’s CORRECT rationale, and ended up voting out a mafia when the vote was extremely close. That’s the very opposite of suspicious. 

The only time I voted in the minority was because I did what Fruity asked, but didn’t return to the thread and notice that they had changed the target to someone else later. 

I have never attempted to throw ANYONE under the bus, nor make waves in any capacity in this game, which is more than can be said by minho

minho switches vote from Rotunda to Fruity minho - 2 (Speezy, Rotunda), Speezy - 1 (Prismee), Fruity - 1 (minho)


Thanks for clarifying. This is kind of my point though ... you weren't the right target though, so I apologize.


What I mean is, here is Fruity, vocal throughout the thread trying to get people to side with what he says and it has WORKED in the past, like you've done and like I've done too. Here we are again though, with him aiming for people under the baseless idea of "getting information" when its very clear that there are people who know more than we know.

Rence votes Speezy minho - 2 (Speezy, Rotunda), Speezy - 2 (Prismee, Rence), Fruity - 1 (minho)


Fruity votes Speezy Speezy - 3 (Prismee, Rence, Fruity), minho - 2 (Speezy, Rotunda), Fruity - 1 (minho)


Rotunda switches vote from minho to Speezy Speezy - 4 (Prismee, Rence, Fruity, Rotunda), minho - 1 (Speezy), Fruity - 1 (minho)


luckystrike votes minho Speezy - 4 (Prismee, Rence, Fruity, Rotunda), minho - 2 (Speezy, luckystrike), Fruity - 1 (minho)


Sanguine votes Speezy Speezy - 5 (Prismee, Rence, Fruity, Rotunda, Sanguine), minho - 2 (Speezy, luckystrike), Fruity - 1 (minho)


Speezy switches vote from minho to Rence Speezy - 5 (Prismee, Rence, Fruity, Rotunda, Sanguine), minho - 1 (luckystrike), Fruity - 1 (minho), Rence - 1 (Speezy)


Fruity switches vote from Speezy to minho Speezy - 4 (Prismee, Rence, Rotunda, Sanguine), minho - 2 (luckystrike, Fruity), Fruity - 1 (minho), Rence - 1 (Speezy)


Taylucifer votes Speezy Speezy - 5 (Prismee, Rence, Rotunda, Sanguine, Taylucifer), minho - 2 (luckystrike, Fruity), Fruity - 1 (minho), Rence - 1 (Speezy)


Prismee switches vote from Speezy to minho Speezy - 4 (Rence, Rotunda, Sanguine, Taylucifer), minho - 3 (luckystrike, Fruity, Prismee), Fruity - 1 (minho), Rence - 1 (Speezy)


Rence switches vote from Speezy to minho minho - 4 (luckystrike, Fruity, Prismee, Rence), Speezy - 3 (Rotunda, Sanguine, Taylucifer), Fruity - 1 (minho), Rence - 1 (Speezy)


Prismee switches vote from minho to no lynch

minho - 3 (luckystrike, Fruity, Rence), Speezy - 3 (Rotunda, Sanguine, Taylucifer), Fruity - 1 (minho), Rence - 1 (Speezy), No lynch - 1 (Prismee)


minho switches vote from Fruity to Rence

minho - 3 (luckystrike, Fruity, Rence), Speezy - 3 (Rotunda, Sanguine, Taylucifer), Rence - 2 (Speezy, minho), No lynch - 1 (Prismee)

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Yeh, to be honest I see the game in mafia's favour right now considering it's about to become 4-1 and nobody has a strong theory or hard evidence... and the remaining mafia (whoever it is) has behaved extremely believably at blending into the town (congrats :toofunny2:). 


I wish that when I had written my essay on day 3 pushing the town to vote for minho (I've quoted this several times) that I had campaigned way harder for that, because the town might be in a much better position right now if we had lynched minho instead of sexbot on day 3. However I was busy on day 3 (since it was a Saturday and I was out for ages), and I also thought that my chaotic voting pattern on day 2 was suspicious, so instead deferred to other (more reliable) members of the town.





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I think it's quite clear from above I'm NOT Mafia. Why would I switch from Speezy to minho when Speezy was leading 5-2, then afterwards even change my vote to a No Lynch to achieve a tie? 


There's some suspicious moves above but I'll leave it y'all to point it out.



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Anyways I hate to say this AGAIN (I'm only repeating in case I die tonight) but the more I contemplate the game rn, I really am leaning towards lynching luckystrike because as you can see from our voting records that Sanguine just posted, it's identical for days 3, 4, and 6, while day 5 only differs because we intended to split the vote. This makes day 1 and 2 easily the most important days to analyse, and lucky and Prismee's record are the ones that differ from the rest of us here. However I think Prismee's behaviour throughout the game has given me more confidence that he is town than lucky's has (campaigning harder against minho + more active + asking lots of question in town favour), not to mention the fact that lucky was potentially saved from that all exposing Element vote on day 2 by being in jail. However Prismee could have known that minho was going to be lynched eventually and played a deep town decoy by attacking him a lot, but idk.


As for Rotunda and Sanguine, I kinda trust them more due to voting record and timing (like Sanguine said), and Taylucifer I think of as pretty neutral (you haven't given me much to go on).


Something to note: minho posted a lot on day 2 that we shouldn't only be suspicious of players who voted for Hug on day 1... but so far, 5/5 dead mafia voted for Hug.

Imo given the little info we have, we have to act on that info.

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I'm inclined to believe @Fruity and @luckystrike too. luckystrike voted for minho very early on, while Fruity switched over despite Speezy leading. And both stuck with voting minho, despite me intentionally causing a tie.

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1 minute ago, Prismee said:

I think it's quite clear from above I'm NOT Mafia. Why would I switch from Speezy to minho when Speezy was leading 5-2, then afterwards even change my vote to a No Lynch to achieve a tie? 


There's some suspicious moves above but I'll leave it y'all to point it out.



I agree, I was thinking this earlier that the switching to achieve the double lynch from you (and me and Rence) is definitely townie behaviour since we were originally heading for a Speezy only lynch.


However it's within the bounds of possibility that you might've just done it to be very clever (as mafia) following my lead, since if it was gonna happen, then it was gonna happen. :foxaylove2: Like I was probably gonna try and force it to happen by tagging people


@Taylucifer's vote for Speezy AFTER I switched to minho is... not the most innocent of behaviours

On the working theory that lucky is the remaining mafia, he probably just voted for minho because it seemed v likely that Speezy was being lynched already nn

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2 minutes ago, Fruity said:

Anyways I hate to say this AGAIN (I'm only repeating in case I die tonight) but the more I contemplate the game rn, I really am leaning towards lynching luckystrike because as you can see from our voting records that Sanguine just posted, it's identical for days 3, 4, and 6, while day 5 only differs because we intended to split the vote. This makes day 1 and 2 easily the most important days to analyse, and lucky and Prismee's record are the ones that differ from the rest of us here. However I think Prismee's behaviour throughout the game has given me more confidence that he is town than lucky's has (campaigning harder against minho + more active + asking lots of question in town favour), not to mention the fact that lucky was potentially saved from that all exposing Element vote on day 2 by being in jail. However Prismee could have known that minho was going to be lynched eventually and played a deep town decoy by attacking him a lot, but idk.


As for Rotunda and Sanguine, I kinda trust them more due to voting record and timing (like Sanguine said), and Taylucifer I think of as pretty neutral (you haven't given me much to go on).


Something to note: minho posted a lot on day 2 that we shouldn't only be suspicious of players who voted for Hug on day 1... but so far, 5/5 dead mafia voted for Hug.

Imo given the little info we have, we have to act on that info.

This is the thing that's throwing me off. The way Gay Rat Divorce and minho were actively pushing the "what if some mafia voted for Witch" narrative is so suspicious. I've said before that I think it's likely that ALL Mafias voted for Hug, and I still believe so. But that only leaves us with @luckystrike and me (and I'm obviously not Mafia). So it's luckystrike?? Idk. :rip: And if it's really you I'll be VERY pissed djkslfslk



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1 minute ago, Prismee said:

This is the thing that's throwing me off. The way Gay Rat Divorce and minho were actively pushing the "what if some mafia voted for Witch" narrative is so suspicious. I've said before that I think it's likely that ALL Mafias voted for Hug, and I still believe so. But that only leaves us with @luckystrike and me (and I'm obviously not Mafia). So it's luckystrike?? Idk. :rip: And if it's really you I'll be VERY pissed djkslfslk



this is referring to luckystrike btw n

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1 minute ago, Prismee said:

This is the thing that's throwing me off. The way Gay Rat Divorce and minho were actively pushing the "what if some mafia voted for Witch" narrative is so suspicious. I've said before that I think it's likely that ALL Mafias voted for Hug, and I still believe so. But that only leaves us with @luckystrike and me (and I'm obviously not Mafia). So it's luckystrike?? Idk. :rip: And if it's really you I'll be VERY pissed djkslfslk

Completely agree.

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On 6/26/2020 at 2:09 AM, luckystrike said:

well I’m jailed for a long while so I’m just gonna say my thoughts. 

I don’t completely trust Element nor Gay Rat and a few other people. I don’t really think minho is evil though, I kind of truly think he’s just innocent and new.


So if you look at the voting tally from day 1 and exclude Witch, I was the first person who voted for Hug, BUT I did it based on what Element had said which sounded reasonable to me at the time (which I now think was not the best decision and I know it makes me sus, although no one was pointing out, I am because I have nothing to hide). He was the first person who suggested lynching Hug to which I then agreed, and now I feel like it was a setup to make several townies look suspicious on the long run. AND there was also one point in the voting when Witch was leading in the votes and out of nowhere many votes for Hug came in, the first one being Chiidish (confirmed mafia), shortly after, Sexbot (unlynched Witch and lynched Hug, trying to save his mafia teammate?), and then Gay Rat (very suspicious as we all know), then came minho who I personally think was another townie who got dragged into the Hug vote (obviously could still be mafia).

I also think Rotunda is townie, I don’t really see why he’d switch like that at the last minute if he was mafia. 

And looking at the current tally, my main suspects would be Element, Gay Rat, Sexbot and maybe Dylan’ (who also voted for Hug, weirdly voted for minho right now, and I agree with Speezy’s post above, it’s very sus to just bandwagon on a vote with no reason) But I’m very iffy on the last one, I feel like maybe the 4th mafia could be one of the Witch voters? I don’t really know, but well, that’s what I had to say, lemme just sit on my prison cell. 


Let me analyse this post on day 2 (when lucky was Jailed). Look at the sentence I've put in orange. He is suspicious of pretty much everyone but strangely, not minho?? Very interesting.


ALSO on day 1, lucky is THE FIRST PLAYER (who's not Witch) to vote for Hug.


Here is the post


On 6/23/2020 at 5:16 AM, luckystrike said:

I mean..... he basically threw in the towel so it kind of makes more sense to me that Hug is Hulk?


and I’m pretty sure his role is useless now and it just gives mafia an advantage for triple kill so Lynch Hug :deadbanana:

More fear mongering about the triple kill, in fact he STARTED this fear mongering :ahh: 


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I think the whole minho/Rotunda thing is suspicious. 


minho accuses Rotunda, and they vote for each other.

minho switches his vote to Fruity, then a while later Rotunda switches to Speezy.


It's not the first time a Mafia accuses another Mafia as a smokescreen, then switches his vote to a townie afterwards (Gay Rat/minho in Day 2)


We were onto Speezy and minho by then so the Mafia knew minho's time is gonna be up soon regardless of that day's result. So that whole exchange between Rotunda and minho could've been a similar strategy.

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@Fruity now that you've mentioned it... luckystrike is the first to start the Sexbot bandwagon in Day 3 :rip: 

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On 6/27/2020 at 4:09 PM, Taylucifer said:

This actually makes a lot of sense and I'd be down to take on this theory :giraffe: 

Also on day 3, Taylucifer voices support for my theory (that would've had town lynch minho).


On 6/27/2020 at 8:44 PM, luckystrike said:

Okay I just caught up with the thread and I definitely think @Fruity’s theory is very interesting and something we could get behind. 

Also this :deadbanana4: they’re just giving me strong mafia teas. 

So I’d say we basically have 3 lynch candidates for today; Dylan, Sexbot or minho. As I stated in my post when I was jailed, I personally was the least suspicious about minho, but after reading Fruity’s theory I’m definitely way more iffy now, although I think there’s a way higher chance of Dylan/Sexbot being mafia, lynching minho would be pretty useful. I really don’t know what to do :deadbanana4:

Lucky agrees with my theory that lynching minho would provide useful information, but reinforces/deflects strongly that Dylan/Sexbot have higher chances of being mafia. So really this counts for nothing.


On 6/27/2020 at 11:07 PM, luckystrike said:

I mean mentioning NLTM is definitely interesting since his lynch votes are a bit suspicious, I think no one has been paying attention to him because he just comes in to drop his vote at the end of the phase and leaves, he’s been so lowkey but now that you said it I think definitely we shouldn’t cross him out. 

Overprotected’s vote on Sanguine on the other hand is a bit more questionable since (to me) Sanguine hasn’t really raised any red flags, they’ve also been very lowkey but their voting tendencies haven’t given us anything to worry about :michael: and even less with at least 4 other people being way more sus. 


Lucky agrees that NLTM is suspicious, but AGAIN deflects to Overprotected as "more questionable".


There is always a deflection away from mafia :deadbanana2:

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6 minutes ago, Prismee said:

@Fruity now that you've mentioned it... luckystrike is the first to start the Sexbot bandwagon in Day 3 :rip: 

Right. We really could've lynched minho on this day if sexbot narrative hadn't taken over nn.

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1 minute ago, Prismee said:

One of us is so gonna die tonight ain't it :rip: @Fruity

Well this is why I wanted to start discussion now and I'm glad we did :deadbanana2:


By the way an option for the upcoming day is that all town members could role reveal. It's risky but it would give us with a 50/50 shot of win lose.

The mafia member would duplicate one of the town roles. If we choose correctly, we win, and if we choose wrongly, we lose (because mafia would triple kill at night).

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Just now, Fruity said:

Well this is why I wanted to start discussion now and I'm glad we did :deadbanana2:


By the way an option for the upcoming day is that all town members could role reveal. It's risky but it would give us with a 50/50 shot of win lose.

The mafia member would duplicate one of the town roles. If we choose correctly, we win, and if we choose wrongly, we lose (because mafia would triple kill at night).

I was just about to suggest a role reveal tomorrow. There's only gonna be one role overlap so it essentially boils down to choose the right person out of 2 candidates.

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6 minutes ago, Prismee said:

I was just about to suggest a role reveal tomorrow. There's only gonna be one role overlap so it essentially boils down to choose the right person out of 2 candidates.

Yup yup yup. It's a possibility, let's see who dies tonight and other player's thoughts.


In b4 mafia triple kills tonight. :toofunny3:



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I only voted for speezy because I was kinda busy that time and panicked when I checked the thread cause I thought I was the only one who didn’t get to vote yet. Don’t worry, I’m not mafia. :) I’m leaning towards lucky being mafia tbh... The one I’m sure isn’t mafia is Fruity. If Fruity is mafia, then I’m gonna be dumbfounded.  

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1 minute ago, disruptive said:

yeah bb

don't forget you declared that town won yesterday :heart2: 

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On 7/2/2020 at 12:08 PM, disruptive said:


Kaecelius had it under control. After seeing how the last few nights had developed, he finally had a target in mind. He used his sorcery to take control of Daredevil and redirect his powers toward Prismee, who ended up jailed and unable to vote.


Meanwhile, Mysterio was plotting who their next target was. It only seemed that Captain America should be the next to go, he was the biggest threat after all. 

@Daylight has been killed by the villains, his role was:

  Reveal hidden contents



@Prismee has been jailed by Daredevil



btw this is literally proof that i can't be Mafia if anyone's still wondering.

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