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Survivor: All Stars (ATRL Edition) | FINAL TRIBAL COUNCIL!!!


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Jesus take the wheel

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Lucky#17 The Fatback Band - Please Stay
dussymob Slipping Away - Grayscale
EriKills David Cook - Lie
Touch It Ariana Grande - One Last Time
Tom Vercetti Angel City - Stay


The Fatback Band - Please Stay

  • Astro - 9.5 - Yeah, this is pretty much it.
  • Clue - 10 - Pretty great.
  • Dylan - 9 - Worst song ever made but that’s besides the point. Good choice. 
  • Supaspaz - 9 - This man is a player. I’ll bet he just doesn’t like that he’s the one getting dumped.
  • Speezy - 10 - I thought this good regardless of the sound


Slipping Away - Grayscale

  • Astro - 4 - While I can see how it could be interpreted as what we’re looking for, he’s the one wanting to leave by him saying “wide awake, think it’s time that, we step away for a while,” aside from the slipping away line, this is relatively not on topic.
  • Clue - 3 - He’s like putting blame on himself for not giving his all in the relationship. And he literally says that they need time apart. It’s not what we asked for. Only the “slipping away” part is there.
  • Dylan - 4 - This sounds straight out of 2004 in the best way but it’s really not a good fit for the round. He’s accepted the relationship is over and he’s to blame. He’s upset but he’s not begging for them to stay. 
  • Supaspaz - 6 - He’s just kind of resigned to losing his relationship. And honestly, I can’t blame her (I heteronormatively assume) for leaving. He seems very whiny.
  • Speezy - 4 - This is sorta of a breakup depression song to be honestly and hes acknowledging his worth in the relation ship


David Cook - Lie

  • Astro - 10 - Oh, this is really sad sdjflksdf. He knows it’s gone, but he wants to be in denial and hold onto one last time (pun intended) before it’s finally over.
  • Clue - 10 - This is great. He acknowledges that it’s over, but he wants to keep the memory of their relationship alive, basically.
  • Dylan - 9.5 - Oh yes, we are always here for an Idol throwback. 
  • Supaspaz - 10 - This is perfect. He knows they’re done, but he doesn’t want to confirm what’s so obvious. The middle eight, with his futile and pathetic final request for her to “just stay,” clinches it.
  • Speezy - 10 - David Cook did what he had to do and wants the relationship back 


Ariana Grande - One Last Time

  • Astro - 9 - It’s not the interpretation I was expecting, but it captures it pretty well. We’ve all been here, and if you haven’t, good for you.
  • Clue - 9.5 - The more I listened to this and read the lyrics, the better it got. Oh wow.
  • Dylan - 8.5 - “Quirky” take on the theme but overall works pretty well. 
  • Supaspaz - 9 - This is an interesting interpretation of the theme. The relationship is already over, and she knows she can’t really salvage it nor does she deserve to, but she can’t help herself.
  • Speezy - 8 - This is cute, she acknowledges her wrongs in the relationship but she just wants him back for last time


Angel City - Stay

  • Astro - 10 - Well, it’s pretty on point.
  • Clue - 10 - Perfect. She’s pleading.
  • Dylan - 10 - Perfect.
  • Supaspaz - 10 - Hits the theme spot on, even if the arrangement is oddly buoyant.
  • Speezy - 10 - Excelennt


Nomadis next...

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thecptz Adele - All I Ask
Yvess Twinnie - Lie to Me
Not Like the Movies Shelby Lynne - Pretend
Buddy! Lewis Capaldi - Hold Me While You Wait
Marvin Usher - Burn



Adele - All I Ask

  • Astro - 7.5 - I’m torn. While she’s aware that the flame is gone, and they’re leaving, she isn’t really pleading for them to stay, she’s just kind of pleading for a goodbye **** like supa said jldfkjdflg.
  • Clue - 10 - Perfect.
  • Dylan - 6 - She’s not necessarily asking them to stay so I don’t think this works out that well for you. Halfway there. 
  • Supaspaz - 5 - All she’s asking for is a goodbye ****.
  • Speezy - 6.5 - The song reminds me of a one-night stand scenario but she just wants one last good memory instead of the entire relationship back


Twinnie - Lie to Me

  • Astro - 7.5 - For the most part, it’s very vague. The bridge is kind of all it has going for it and it saves it just enough for this not to be considered off-topic.
  • Clue - 6 - It’s alright. It doesn’t tackle the theme head on enough for me.
  • Dylan - 8 - It’s like a less good version of the other “Lie” entry submitted this round. 
  • Supaspaz - 8 - The middle eight connects directly with the theme. But the rest of the song falls a bit flat.
  • Speezy - 8.5 - It was a solid entry. They wanted a part of the relationship back even if the ex  had to lie and suffer through it all over again.


Shelby Lynne - Pretend

  • Astro - 9.5 - The more I see the pretending, the more I keep thinking of Tinashe and how someone should’ve sent her generic Aquarius song Pretend for the kiis.This is cute tho.
  • Clue - 10 - Yup yup yup.
  • Dylan - 9.5 - Yeah, it does the thing.
  • Supaspaz - 9.5 - Lots of songs this week about pretending to be in love for one more night!
  • Speezy - 10 - Right off the bat she is begging for him and that “romance” back


Lewis Capaldi - Hold Me While You Wait

  • Astro - 8 - I think, it’s almost just right. You don’t really know if the relationship is really over, but, there’s the feeling it might be. Like I said, almost, but almost is never enough.mp3
  • Clue - 6.5 - No one really says that the relationship is over? It sounds like he’s paranoid or sumn.
  • Dylan - 7.5 - I don’t really know if the relationship is over or if he’s just insecure. 
  • Supaspaz - 8 - It seems to fit the theme, but it’s all a bit vague.
  • Speezy - 7.5 - The song hits the begging part but Im unsure if they are in the dating phase of a new relationship or something else


Usher - Burn

  • Astro - 2 - Xz3qFwDr7xzsEHnVwYVsPFYgIfftLdyfjDt7wFJ3ilp3EjRAzboNK2OLwX0_HNUJ17YpPmvOjJ_SZWAlGneCp1PPwPCBf1vNnZ68PfAGB9JX4JTVM76S2xsv-ctSPxuqWw
  • Clue - 2 - The hosts tricked you with that round title.
  • Dylan - 3 - He has some regrets after the break up but I think this is more of an acceptance anthem for broken hearts than a please don’t leave me song. 
  • Supaspaz - 2 - This song immediately sprang to my mind, too. (Hello, “Flame” connection!) But...it’s a terrible pick! He literally dumps his girlfriend in the first verse. The only thing that saves you is he regrets it in the second verse.
  • Speezy - 1.5 - this is honestly a classic but really dont hit the round criteria . Maybe if you sent Ganja Burn by Nicki Minaj things wouldve been better


Final results coming up!

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A nightmare

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Now that you've all seen how you've done independently, let's see how you rank among your tribe, among all players, and finally which TWO tribes are heading to Tribal Council this round.

Note: The highest scoring player for each tribe is immune if their tribe heads to Tribal Council.



  1. kipperskipper - 9.80 - IMMUNE
  2. DripDrip - 9.40
  3. Bey_Rihstan - 8.60
  4. kiiwii - 7.70
  5. Staryu - 4.20



  1. Tom Vercetti - 10.00 - IMMUNE
  2. EriKills - 9.90
  3. Lucky#17 - 9.50
  4. Touch It - 8.80
  5. dussymob - 4.20


  1. Not Like the Movies - 9.70 - IMMUNE
  2. Yvess - 7.60
  3. Buddy! - 7.50
  4. thecptz - 7.00
  5. Marvin - 2.10



1. Tom Vercetti 10.00 (+8)

2. EriKills 9.90 (+11)

3. Kipperskipper 9.80 (+6)

4. Not Like the Movies 9.70 (+8)

5. Lucky#17 9.50 (=)

6. DripDrip 9.40 (+2)

7. Touch It 8.80 (+9)

8. Bey_Rihstan 8.60 (+7)

9. kiiwii 7.70 (-4)

10. Yvess 7.60 (-9)

11. Buddy! 7.50 (-6)

12. thecptz 7.00 (-8)

13. dussymob 4.20 (-12)

13. Staryu 4.20 (-13) 1

15. Marvin 2.10 (-4)




1. EriKills 9.36

2. Gateau 9.10

3. Not Like the Movies 9.02

4. Kipperskipper 8.81

5. Yvess 8.68

6. Tom Vercetti 8.57

7. DripDrip 8.54

8. Lucky#17 8.51

9. Marvin 8.27

10. Kiiwii 8.12

11. Golden 7.68

12. URBAN 7.53

13. thecptz 7.43

14. Buddy! 7.42

15. Adr 7.36

16. dussymob 7.27

17. Staryu 7.04 1

18. Touch It 6.64

19. Bey_Rihstan 6.61

20. Medo 6.38

21. prézli 4.97


Which tribe is heading to Tribal Council this round?


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Coming in 1st place this round is







































































Tribe Archon with an average of 8.48!




Which means that...

Tribe Adrestia comes in second place and will be heading to Tribal Council with average of 7.94.

Tribe Nomadis comes in last place and will be heading to Tribal Council with average of 6.78.


When you are ready, please DM your vote to the group chat you submitted your entry in on Discord. If you fail to vote within the time period, you will incur a self-vote.
 Please use the parchment image below and write/type the name of your vote by using photo editing software! If you change your mind, simply send me another DM with an updated choice for elimination.


Votes will be due at NOON EDT on Friday, July 3rd. Remember, kipperskipper and Not Like the Movies are immune from elimination and cannot be voted for.



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This twist :eek:, thanks judges on the scores. 

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2 hours ago, Staryu said:



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@Bey_Rihstan @Buddy! @DripDrip @dussymob @EriKills

@kiiwii @kipperskipper @Lucky#17 @Marvin  @Not Like The Movies

 @Staryu @thecptz @Tom Vercetti @Touch It @Yvess


A contestant has summoned the power of Hera for this tribal council....








































































@Yvess stands.

"I am playing my immunity necklace this round"





This is an individual immunity necklace, meaning that Yvess is now immune and CAN NOT be voted for at tribal council this round. Let the hosts know of any questions.


Votes are due in less than 12 hours!!

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Just now, kipperskipper said:

What should i eat for breakfast 


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