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Rihanna - Streaming updates [DSTM 1B on Spotify (her 16th)]

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Posted (edited)
@rihanna´s most streamed albums on @SPOTIFY 4/26


#1 GGGB: +1,723M [2,345B]
#2 ANTI: +1,699M [4,119B]
#3 Loud: +1,220M [1,843B] 
#4 UNA: +1,170M [2,130B]
#5 TTT: +919k [1,565B]
#6 MusicoftheSun: +365k [401M]
#7 GirlLikeMe: +323k [458M]
#8 RaterR: +313k [594M]
@rihanna´s top songs on @Spotify 4/26
#1 Umbrella: +547k [653M]
#2 LoveontheBrain: +395k [713M]
#3 S&M: +394k [406M]
#4 Stay: +383k [626M]
#5 WeFoundLove: +380k [712M]
#6 WhereHaveUBeen: +372k [294M]
#7 NeededMe: +355k [894M]
#8 Diamonds: +349k [681M]
#9 DontStopTheMusic: +323k [398M]
#10 PondeReplay: +321k [326M]
#11 OnlyGirl: +316k [388M]
#12 45Seconds: +313k [770M]
#13 Disturbia +269k [273M]
#14 Work: +247k [1,032B]
#15 TakeaBow: +231k [446M]
#16 Desperado: +206k [229M]
#17 BBHMM: +195k [563M]
#18 RudeBoy +191k [261M]
Edited by mikekorcok
did not pay attention

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@rihanna´s most streamed albums on @SPOTIFY 4/27


#1 GGGB: +1,767M [2,346B]
#2 ANTI: +1,749M [4,121B]
#3 Loud: +1,250M [1,845B] 
#4 UNA: +1,209M [2,131B]
#5 TTT: +939k [1,566B]
#6 MusicoftheSun: +377k [401M]
#7 GirlLikeMe: +333k [458M]
#8 RaterR: +323k [595M]
@rihanna´s top songs on @Spotify 4/27
#1 Umbrella: +559k [654M]
#2 LoveontheBrain: +410k [714M]
#3 S&M: +404k [406M]
#4 Stay: +394k [627M]
#5 WeFoundLove: +391k [712M]
#6 WhereHaveUBeen: +375k [294M]
#7 NeededMe: +364k [894M]
#8 Diamonds: +361k [681M]
#9 DontStopTheMusic: +334k [399M]
#10 PondeReplay: +332k [326M]
#11 OnlyGirl: +323k [388M]
#12 45Seconds: +320k [771M]
#13 Disturbia +274k [274M]
#14 Work: +255k [1,032B]
#15 TakeaBow: +236k [447M]
#16 Desperado: +210k [229M]
#17 BBHMM: +202k [564M]
#18 RudeBoy +197k [261M]
@rihanna´s most streamed albums on @SPOTIFY 4/28


#1 GGGB: +1,808M [2,348B]
#2 ANTI: +1,769M [4,123B]
#3 Loud: +1,265M [1,846B] 
#4 UNA: +1,231M [2,132B]
#5 TTT: +948k [1,567B]
#6 MusicoftheSun: +390k [402M]
#7 GirlLikeMe: +342k [459M]
#8 RaterR: +327k [595M]
@rihanna´s top songs on @Spotify 4/28
#1 Umbrella: +566k [654M]
#2 LoveontheBrain: +413k [714M]
#3 S&M: +409k [406M]
#4 Stay: +399k [627M]
#5 WeFoundLove: +393k [712M]
#6 WhereHaveUBeen: +377k [294M]
#7 NeededMe: +365k [894M]
#8 Diamonds: +364k [681M]
#9 PondeReplay: +344k [327M]
#10 DontStopTheMusic: +341k [399M]
#11 45Seconds: +331k [771M]
#12 OnlyGirl: +330k [388M]
#13 Disturbia +286k [274M]
#14 Work: +258k [1,032B]
#15 TakeaBow: +241k [447M]
#16 Desperado: +210k [230M]
#17 BBHMM: +205k [564M]
#18 RudeBoy +200k [261M]
22 hours ago, godisadele said:

@mikekorcok your stats are amazing! great job :heart:


@rihanna´s most streamed albums on @SPOTIFY 4/29


#1 GGGB: +1,857M [2,350B]
#2 ANTI: +1,791M [4,125B]
#3 Loud: +1,302M [1,847B] 
#4 UNA: +1,257M [2,134B]
#5 TTT: +963k [1,568B]
#6 MusicoftheSun: +403k [402M]
#7 GirlLikeMe: +353k [459M]
#8 RaterR: +343k [595M]
@rihanna´s top songs on @Spotify 4/29
#1 Umbrella: +583k [655M]
#2 LoveontheBrain: +419k [715M]
#3 S&M: +411k [407M]
#4 Stay: +409k [627M]
#5 WeFoundLove: +398k [713M]
#6 WhereHaveUBeen: +382k [295M]
#7 Diamonds: +374k [682M]
#8 NeededMe: +370k [895M]
#9 PondeReplay: +356k [327M]
#10 DontStopTheMusic: +347k [399M]
#11 45Seconds: +336k [771M]
#12 OnlyGirl: +334k [389M]
#13 Disturbia +291k [274M]
#14 Work: +263k [1,033B]
#15 TakeaBow: +250k [447M]
#16 Desperado: +213k [230M]
#17 BBHMM: +208k [564M]
#18 RudeBoy +206k [261M]
@rihanna´s most streamed albums on @SPOTIFY 4/30


#1 GGGB: +1,982M [2,352B]
#2 ANTI: +1,842M [4,126B]
#3 Loud: +1,392M [1,849B] 
#4 UNA: +1,287M [2,135B]
#5 TTT: +1,025M [1,569B]
#6 MusicoftheSun: +451k [403M]
#7 GirlLikeMe: +375k [459M]
#8 RaterR: +367k [596M]
@rihanna´s top songs on @Spotify 4/30
#1 Umbrella: +628k [656M]
#2 S&M: +447k [407M]
#3 WeFoundLove: +432k [713M]
#4 LoveontheBrain: +430k [715M]
#5 Stay: +408k [628M]
#6 WhereHaveUBeen: +402k [295M]
#7 PondeReplay: +401k [328M]
#8 Diamonds: +391k [682M]
#9 DontStopTheMusic: +386k [400M]
#10 NeededMe: +381k [895M]
#11 OnlyGirl: +362k [389M]
#12 45Seconds: +352k [772M]
#13 Disturbia +312k [274M]
#14 Work: +281k [1,033B]
#15 TakeaBow: +252k [447M]
#16 RudeBoy +221k [262M]
#17 BBHMM: +221k [564M]
#18 Desperado: +215k [230M]
#19 SOS +191k [135M]
#20 LoveeeeeSong +189k [97M]
#21 WhatsMyName +176k [263M]
#22 PourItUp +125k [205M]
#23 ShutUpandDrive +123k [114M]
#24 ManDown +122k [211M]
#25 HateThatILoveYou +120k [203M]
@rihanna's top collabs @spotify [4/30]
#1 Love The Way You Lie +524k [785M]
#2 This Is What You Came For +358k [1.131B] 
#3 Live Your Life +263k [300M] 
#4 Wild Thoughts +261k  [809M]
#5 Believe It +256k [212M]
#6 The Monster +234k [638M]
#7 All Of The Lights +226k [344M]
#8 Take Care +222k [360M]
#9 Too Good +190k [831M]
#10 Run This Town +164k [163M]
#11 Famous +148k [419M]
#12 LOYALTY +133k [419M]
#13 WhosThatChick +117k [93M]
#14 CantRemembertoForgetYou +102k [232M]
@rihanna´s most streamed albums on @SPOTIFY 5/1


#1 GGGB: +1,907M [2,354B]
#2 ANTI: +1,749M [4,128B]
#3 Loud: +1,338M [1,850B] 
#4 UNA: +1,208M [2,136B]
#5 TTT: +986k [1,570B]
#6 MusicoftheSun: +447k [403M]
#7 GirlLikeMe: +354k [460M]
#8 RaterR: +350k [596M]
@rihanna´s top songs on @Spotify 5/1
#1 Umbrella: +621k [656M]
#2 S&M: +437k [408M]
#3 WeFoundLove: +421k [714M]
#4 LoveontheBrain: +402k [715M]
#5 PondeReplay: +396k [328M]
#6 DontStopTheMusic: +387k [400M]
#7 WhereHaveUBeen: +383k [296M]
#8 Diamonds: +377k [683M]
#9 Stay: +374k [628M]
#10 NeededMe: +366k [895M]
#11 OnlyGirl: +348k [389M]
#12 45Seconds: +330k [772M]
#13 Disturbia +300k [275M]
#14 Work: +271k [1,033B]
#15 TakeaBow: +230k [447M]
#16 RudeBoy +215k [262M]
#17 BBHMM: +211k [564M]
#18 Desperado: +204k [230M]
#19 SOS +185k [135M]
#20 LoveeeeeSong +179k [97M]
On 4/28/2021 at 9:25 PM, godisadele said:

@mikekorcok your stats are amazing! great job :heart:

Yes @mikekorcok thanks as always !!

@rihanna´s most streamed albums on @SPOTIFY 5/2


#1 GGGB: +1,653M [2,356B]
#2 ANTI: +1,575M [4,130B]
#3 Loud: +1,163M [1,851B] 
#4 UNA: +1,110M [2,137B]
#5 TTT: +865k [1,571B]
#6 MusicoftheSun: +367k [403M]
#7 GirlLikeMe: +310k [460M]
#8 RaterR: +310k [596M]
@rihanna´s top songs on @Spotify 5/2
#1 Umbrella: +535k [657M]
#2 S&M: +376k [408M]
#3 LoveontheBrain: +362k [716M]
#4 WeFoundLove: +360k [714M]
#5 Stay: +352k [629M]
#6 WhereHaveUBeen: +339k [296M]
#7 Diamonds: +339k [683M]
#8 NeededMe: +330k [896M]
#9 PondeReplay: +324k [328M]
#10 DontStopTheMusic: +321k [400M]
#11 OnlyGirl: +300k [390M]
#12 45Seconds: +296k [772M]
#13 Disturbia +259k [275M]
#14 Work: +234k [1,033B]
#15 TakeaBow: +207k [448M]
#16 RudeBoy +187k [262M]
#17 Desperado: +184k [230M]
#18 BBHMM: +184k [565M]
#19 LoveeeeeSong +170k [97M]
#20 SOS +158k [135M]
@rihanna´s most streamed albums on @SPOTIFY 5/3


#1 GGGB: +1,702M [2,357B]
#2 ANTI: +1,640M [4,131B]
#3 Loud: +1,199M [1,852B] 
#4 UNA: +1,187M [2,138B]
#5 TTT: +894k [1,572B]
#6 MusicoftheSun: +367k [404M]
#7 GirlLikeMe: +326k [460M]
#8 RaterR: +325k [597M]
@rihanna´s top songs on @Spotify 5/3
#1 Umbrella: +535k [657M]
#2 Stay: +385k [629M]
#3 LoveontheBrain: +384k [716M]
#4 S&M: +383k [408M]
#5 WeFoundLove: +368k [714M]
#6 Diamonds: +354k [683M]
#7 WhereHaveUBeen: +352k [296M]
#8 NeededMe: +342k [896M]
#9 PondeReplay: +326k [329M]
#10 DontStopTheMusic: +320k [401M]
#11 OnlyGirl: +310k [390M]
#12 45Seconds: +309k [772M]
#13 Disturbia +266k [275M]
#14 Work: +238k [1,034B]
#15 TakeaBow: +227k [448M]
#16 RudeBoy +191k [262M]
#17 Desperado: +191k [231M]
#18 BBHMM: +189k [565M]
#19 LoveeeeeSong +185k [97M]
#20 SOS +163k [136M]
@rihanna´s most streamed albums on @SPOTIFY 5/4


#1 GGGB: +1,737M [2,359B]
#2 ANTI: +1,673M [4,133B]
#3 Loud: +1,226M [1,854B] 
#4 UNA: +1,202M [2,140B]
#5 TTT: +913k [1,573B]
#6 MusicoftheSun: +385k [404M]
#7 GirlLikeMe: +336k [461M]
#8 RaterR: +330k [597M]
@rihanna´s top songs on @Spotify 5/4
#1 Umbrella: +544k [658M]
#2 LoveontheBrain: +395k [717M]
#3 S&M: +391k [409M]
#4 Stay: +389k [629M]
#5 WeFoundLove: +375k [715M]
#6 WhereHaveUBeen: +361k [297M]
#7 Diamonds: +353k [684M]
#8 NeededMe: +348k [896M]
#9 PondeReplay: +342k [329M]
#10 DontStopTheMusic: +328k [401M]
#11 OnlyGirl: +316k [390M]
#12 45Seconds: +316k [773M]
#13 Disturbia +267k [276M]
#14 Work: +244k [1,034B]
#15 TakeaBow: +236k [448M]
#16 BBHMM: +197k [565M]
#17 RudeBoy +193k [262M]
#18 Desperado: +192k [231M]
#19 LoveeeeeSong +187k [97M]
#20 SOS +168k [136M]



Thanks for all your hard work, King. 


@rihanna´s most streamed albums on @SPOTIFY 5/5


#1 GGGB: +1,775M [2,361B]
#2 ANTI: +1,706M [4,135B]
#3 Loud: +1,247M [1,855B] 
#4 UNA: +1,226M [2,141B]
#5 TTT: +925k [1,574B]
#6 MusicoftheSun: +391k [404M]
#7 GirlLikeMe: +345k [461M]
#8 RaterR: +335k [597M]
@rihanna´s top songs on @Spotify 5/5
#1 Umbrella: +555k [658M]
#2 LoveontheBrain: +401k [717M]
#3 S&M: +398k [409M]
#4 Stay: +398k [630M]
#5 WeFoundLove: +383k [715M]
#6 WhereHaveUBeen: +364k [297M]
#7 Diamonds: +363k [684M]
#8 NeededMe: +356k [897M]
#9 PondeReplay: +347k [329M]
#10 DontStopTheMusic: +337k [401M]
#11 45Seconds: +323k [773M]
#12 OnlyGirl: +322k [391M]
#13 Disturbia +274k [276M]
#14 Work: +247k [1,034B]
#15 TakeaBow: +241k [448M]
#16 BBHMM: +199k [565M]
#17 RudeBoy +197k [263M]
#18 Desperado: +197k [231M]
#19 LoveeeeeSong +189k [98M]
#20 SOS +173k [136M]
@rihanna´s most streamed albums on @SPOTIFY 5/6


#1 GGGB: +1,811M [2,363B]
#2 ANTI: +1,750M [4,137B]
#3 Loud: +1,278M [1,856B] 
#4 UNA: +1,243M [2,142B]
#5 TTT: +943k [1,575B]
#6 MusicoftheSun: +404k [405M]
#7 GirlLikeMe: +350k [461M]
#8 RaterR: +343k [598M]
@rihanna´s top songs on @Spotify 5/6
#1 Umbrella: +568k [659M]
#2 LoveontheBrain: +411k [717M]
#3 S&M: +408k [410M]
#4 Stay: +398k [630M]
#5 WeFoundLove: +391k [715M]
#6 Diamonds: +369k [684M]
#7 WhereHaveUBeen: +367k [297M]
#8 NeededMe: +364k [897M]
#9 PondeReplay: +356k [330M]
#10 DontStopTheMusic: +348k [402M]
#11 45Seconds: +334k [773M]
#12 OnlyGirl: +330k [391M]
#13 Disturbia +279k [276M]
#14 Work: +255k [1,034B]
#15 TakeaBow: +243k [449M]
#16 BBHMM: +205k [565M]
#17 RudeBoy +201k [263M]
#18 Desperado: +201k [231M]
#19 LoveeeeeSong +193k [98M]
#20 SOS +174k [136M]
@rihanna´s most streamed albums on @SPOTIFY 5/7


#1 GGGB: +1,947M [2,364B]
#2 ANTI: +1,826M [4,138B]
#3 Loud: +1,374M [1,857B] 
#4 UNA: +1,290M [2,143B]
#5 TTT: +1,003M [1,576B]
#6 MusicoftheSun: +446k [405M]
#7 RaterR: +370k [598M]
#8 GirlLikeMe: +369k [462M]
@rihanna´s top songs on @Spotify 5/7
#1 Umbrella: +617k [660M]
#2 S&M: +442k [410M]
#3 LoveontheBrain: +427k [718M]
#4 WeFoundLove: +426k [716M]
#5 Stay: +399k [631M]
#6 PondeReplay: +395k [330M]
#7 Diamonds: +392k [685M]
#8 WhereHaveUBeen: +385k [298M]
#9 DontStopTheMusic: +383k [402M]
#10 NeededMe: +381k [898M]
#11 OnlyGirl: +359k [391M]
#12 45Seconds: +349k [774M]
#13 Disturbia +303k [276M]
#14 Work: +274k [1,035B]
#15 TakeaBow: +252k [449M]
#16 BBHMM: +220k [566M]
#17 RudeBoy +218k [263M]
#18 Desperado: +213k [231M]
#19 LoveeeeeSong +202k [98M]
#20 SOS +186k [136M]
RIHANNA Spotify Numbers 05/04/2021
(1 month update)

Followers: 42.501M (+471k)
Monthly listeners: 45.190M (#19) [+700k]

This is Rihanna playlist: 2,132M (+23k)
Tracks above 100M streams: 37 (55 with features)
Tracks above 300M streams: 14 (24 with features)

Total on her page: 16 070 869 624 (+268m)
(8 albums + remix + orphan + Believe it + Lemon /Drake remix + Edit / + Princess of China)

TOTAL STREAMS ON SPOTIFY:23 653 837 262 (+355m)
(remixes & features included, If I Never See – counted only once!!)

1. MUSIC OF THE SUN (2005) – 404 186 299 (+11 879 719)

1. Pon de Replay - 329 076 776 (+10,481M)
2. Here I Go Again - 8 134 724 (+290k)
3. If It's Lovin' that You Want - 26 084 783 (+0,570M)
4. You Don't Love Me - 7 370 290 (+58k)
5.That La, La, La - 2 599 189 (+26k)
6. The Last Time - 1 704 683 (+27k)
7. Willing to Wait - 1 104 648 (+12k)
8. Music of the Sun - 2 045 809 (+24k)
9. Let Me - 1 897 229 (+23k)
10. Rush - 1 302 094 (+15k)
11.There's a Thug in My Life - 3 657 019 (+60k)
12.Now I Know - 1 147 135 (+11k)
13. Pon de Replay (Elephant Man Remix) - 18 061 920 (+276k)

2. A GIRL LIKE ME (2006) – 460 898 441 (+9 666 117)

1. SOS - 136 042 890 (+4,517M)
2. Kisses Don't Lie - 3 362 828 (+31k)
3. Unfaithful - 206 262 377 (+3,328M)
4. We Ride - 52 660 000 (+0,951M)
5. Dem Haters - 3 750 588 (+32k)
6. Final Goodbye - 3 704 282 (+34k)
7.Break It Off - 27 316 077 (+0,508M)
8. Crazy Little Thing Called Love - 3 440 440 (+24k)
9. Selfish Girl - 2 205 225 (+21k)
10. P.S. (I'm Still Not Over You - 9 720 636 (+109k)
11. A Girl like Me - 3 159 092 (+25k)
12. A Million Miles Away - 4 243 161 (+40k)
13. If It's Lovin' that You Want, Part 2 - 2 853 615 (+26k)
14. Pon de Replay (Full Phatt Remix) - 2 177 230 (+13k)

3. A GOOD GIRL GONE BAD: RELOADED (2008) – 2 357 711 887 (+53 489 213)

1. Umbrella - 657 848 463 (+17,368M)
2. Push Up on Me - 10 082 056 (+111k)
3. Don't Stop the Music - 401 232 300 (+10,181M)
4. Breakin' Dishes - 19 431 964 (+263k)
5. Shut Up and Drive - 114 592 632 (+3,334M)
6. Hate That I Love You - 204 304 976 (+3,298M)
7. Say It - 6 630 169 (+75k)
8. Sell Me Candy - 7 678 803 (+86k)

9. Lemme Get That - 7 857 387 (+85k)
10. Rehab - 121 348 487 (+2,337M)
11. Question Existing - 6 372 405 (+72k)
12. Good Girl Gone Bad - 20 654 398 (+218k)
13. Disturbia - 275 791 663 (+8,291M)
14. Take a Bow - 448 423 637 (+7,013M)
15. If I Never See Your Face Again - 55 462 547 (+0,750M)

4. RATED R (2009) – 597 311 690 (+9 675 512)

1. Mad House - 6 618 796 (+37k)
2. Wait Your Turn - 10 556 843 (+63k)
3. Hard - 38 631 647 (+0,449M)
4. Stupid in Love - 17 227 771 (+107k)
5. Rockstar 101 - 21 259 939 (+178k)
6. Russian Roulette - 110 926 943 (+1,528M)
7. Fire Bomb - 9 109 751 (+50k)
8. Rude Boy - 262 708 023 (+5,925M)
9. Photographs - 16 085 977 (+87k)
10. G4L - 7 025 365 (+42k)
11. Te Amo - 79 684 260 (+1,100M)
12. Cold Case Love - 11 161 019 (+69k)
13. The Last Song - 6 315 356 (+34k)

5. LOUD (2010) 1 852 833 098 (+37 375 398)

1. S&M - 408 891 180 (+12,146M)
2. What's My Name? - 263 650 548 (+4,896M)
3. Cheers - 81 657 388 (+0,892M)
4. Fading - 27 000 713 (+0,203M)
5. Only Girl - 390 509 937 (+9,832M)
6. California King Bed - 171 467 006 (+2,735M)
7. Man Down - 212 148 283 (+2,987M)
8. Raining Men - 28 321 718 (+0,250M)
9. Complicated - 27 100 293 (+0,201M)
10. Skin - 74 517 302 (+0,936M)
11. Love the Way You Lie (Part II) - 160 890 036 (+2,225M)
12. Only Girl (The Bimbo Jones Club) - 6 678 694 (+66k)

6. TALK THAT TALK Deluxe (2011) 1 572 540 971 (+28 842 651)

1. You da One - 161 786 200 (+2,143M)
2. Where Have You Been - 296 826 844 (+11,966M)
3. We Found Love - 714 816 938 (+11,871M)
4. Talk That Talk - 102 642 402 (+0,971M)
5. Cockiness - 51 747 414 (+0,342M)
6. Birthday Cake - 81 897 150 (+0,694M)
7. We All Want Love - 23 039 961 (+0,093M)
8. Drunk on Love - 36 013 406 (0,196M)
9. Roc Me Out - 22 836 809 (+0,111M)
10. Watch n' Learn - 24 355 938 (+0,151M)
11. Farewell - 18 720 897 (+98k)
12. Red Lipstick - 11 654 515 (+65k)
13. Do Ya Thang - 13 286 270 (81k)
14. Fool in Love - 12 916 227 (+55k)

7. UNAPOLOGETIC (2012) 2 138 888 441 (+33 976 526)

1. Phresh Out the Runway - 33 120 060 (+0,285M)
2. Diamonds - 683 803 923 (+10,791M)
3. Numb - 32 020 353 (+0,241M)
4. Pour It Up - 206 112 769 (+3,229M)
5. Loveeeeeee Song - 97 658 329 (+3,863M)
6. Jump - 42 201 461 (+0,306M)
7. Right Now - 83 886 617 (+1,312M)
8. What Now - 162 090 144 (+1,345M)
9. Stay - 629 419 382 (+11,384M)
10. Nobody's Business - 40 025 298 (+0,342M)
11. Love Without Tragedy / Mother Mary - 27 302 462 (+0,186M)
12. Get It Over With - 15 028 490 (+116k)
13. No Love Allowed - 30 703 143 (+0,221M)
14. Lost in Paradise - 19 003 390 (+0,127M)
15. Half of Me - 22 569 173 (+0,142M)
16. Diamonds (Dave Audé 100 Extended Mix) - 7 742 776 (+41k)
17. Diamonds (Gregor Salto Downtempo Remix) – 6 200 671 (+36k)

8. ANTI (2016) 4 131 956 858 (+51 200 069)

1. Consideration - 159 282 591 (+2,156M)
2. James Joint - 64 277 107 (+0,606M)
3. Kiss It Better - 229 617 098 (+2,817M)
4. Work - 1 034 075 189 (+7,749M)
5. Desperado - 231 076 594 (6,436M)
6. Woo - 74 531 051 (+0,608M)
7. Needed Me - 896 572 751 (+10,923M)
8. Yeah, I Said It - 113 155 536 (+1,211M)
9. Same Ol' Mistakes - 94 040 050 (+1,141M)
10. Never Ending - 63 422 512 (+0,483M)
11. Love on the Brain - 716 660 437 (+11,761M)
12. Higher - 99 580 177 (+1,014M)
13. Close to You - 94 744 488 (+1,056M)
14. Goodnight Gotham - 28 776 997 (+0,291M)
15. Pose - 31 604 729 (+0,272M)
16. Sex with Me - 200 539 551 (+2,668M)

ALBUMS TOTAL (8): 13 516 327 685 (+236 105 205)

Singles (OST + not included on albums) – 1 620 330 177 (+18 939 813)
  1. Sledgehammer (Star Treck Beyond OST, 2016) - 44 522 491 (+0,408M)
  2. FourFiveSeconds (2015) - 772 996 324 (+9,738M)
  3. Bitch Better Have My Money (2015) - 565 341 215 (+6,156M)
  4. American Oxygen (2015) - 129 622 548 (+0,577M)
  5. Towards the Sun (HOME OST, 2015) - 44 412 833 (+0,818M)
  6. Dancing in the Dark (HOME OST, 2015) - 38 081 559 (+1,010M)
  7. As Real As You And Me (HOME OST, 2015) - 8 270 521 (+103k)
  8. Redemption Song - for Haiti Relief 2010 - 1 861 018 (+10k)
  9. Hole in My Head (w/ Justin T., Rated R Nokia BT, 2009) – NOT AVAILABLE
  10. Cry (Good Girl Gone Bad UK, Japanese BT, 2007) - 14 890 166 (+0,112M)
  11. Haunted (Good Girl Gone Bad Japanese BT, 2007) - 164 912 (+1k)
  12. The Hotness (feat Shontelle) (Save The Last Dance 2 OST, 2006) - 166 590 (+824)
  13. Who Ya Gonna Run To (A Girl Like Me Japanese BT, 2006) – NOT AVAILABLE
  14. Coulda Been the One (A Girl Like Me Japanese BT, 2006) – NOT AVAILABLE
  15. Should I (ft. J-Status) (Music Of The Sun, 2005, UK BT) – NOT AVAILABLE
  16. Hypnotized (Music Of The Sun, 2005, Japanese BT) – NOT AVAILABLE
Remixes - 448 841 683 (+3,4M)

Rated R: Remixed 2010 – 17 323 621 (+68k)
Good Girl Gone Bad: The Remixes 2009 – 33 345 726 (+168k)

Top gainers:
  1. Umbrella – 17.3M
  2. S&M – 12.1M
  3. Where Have You Been – 11.9M
  4. We Found Love – 11.8M
  5. Love on The Brain – 11.7M
  6. Stay – 11.3M
  7. Needed Me – 10.9M
  8. Diamonds – 10.7M
  9. Pon de Replay – 10.4M
  10. Don´t Stop the Music – 10.1M
  11. Only Girl – 9.8M
  12. Four Five Seconds – 9.7M
  13. Disturbia – 8.2M
  14. Work – 7.7M
  15. Take a Bow – 7M
  16. Desperado – 6.4M
  17. BBHMM – 6.1M
  18. Rude Boy – 5.9M
FEATURES8 123 800 264 (+98 176 439)
  1. Believe it (Partynextdoor, 2020) - 213 218 183 (+7,46M)
  2. Lemon Remix (ft. Drake) (2018) - 121 493 325 (+0,953M)
    1. Lemon - Edit (N.E.R.D., 2017) - 55 232 334 (+0,512M)
    2. Lemon (N.E.R.D., 2017) - 137 961 541 (+1,17M)
  3. Loyalty (Kendrick Lamar, 2017) - 419 615 765 (+3,71M)
  4. Selfish (Future, 2017) - 236 821 796 (+0,805M)
  5. Wild Thoughts (DJ Khaled, 2017) - 810 033 808 (+6,69M)
    1. Wild Thoughts NOTD Dance Remix 2017 - 9 096 923
    2. Wild Thoughts Mike Cruz Dance Remix 2017 - 126 564
    3. Wild Thoughts Medasin Dance Remix 2017 - 14 667 013 (+173k)
    4. Wild Thoughts Dave Audé Remix 2017 - 8 817 393
    5. Wild Thoughts Bee´s Knees Dance Remix 2017 - 5 998 200
  6. I am Back (w/ Question, 2016) – 37 004
  7. This Is What You Came For (Calvin Harris, 2016) - 1 132 320 978 (+9,84M)
    1. This Is What You Came For – Extended Mix - 5 301 579
    2. This Is What You Came For – Dillon Francis Remix - 8 592 084
    3. This Is What You Came For – R3hab vs Henry Fong Remix - 10 499 043
    4. This Is What You Came For – R3hab Remix - 7 071 113
    5. This Is What You Came For – Grandtheft Remix - 3 073 915
    6. This Is What You Came For – Tony Jnuor Remix - 1 571 413
    7. This Is What You Came For – Bobby Puma Remix - 2 580 742
  8. Nothing Is Promised (Mike Will Made-It, 2016) - 94 628 473 (+0,673M)
  9. Famous (Kanye West, 2016) - 420 286 947 (+4,08M)
  10. Too Good (Drake, 2016) - 831 758 911 (+4,61M)
  11. Can´t Remember to Forget You (Shakira, 2014) - 232 433 308 (+2,67M)
  12. The Monster (Eminem, 2013) - 639 496 843 (+6,502M)
  13. Bad (Wale, 2013) - 70 784 353 (+0,975M)
  14. Princess of China (Coldplay, 2012) - 180 403 283 (+1,68M)
    1. Princess of China - Radio edit - 35 250 486 (+0,512M)
    2. Princess of China - Invisible Men Remix - 3 910 898
    3. Princess of China – Acoustic - 56 264 853 (+0,186M)
    4. Princess of China LIVE - 6 218 146
  15. Take Care (Drake, 2011) - 361 502 278 (+5,53M)
  16. Shy Ronnie 2: Ronnie & Clyde (Lonely Island, SNL, 2011) - 21 242 486 (+0,156M)
  17. Shy Ronnie 1 – NOT AVAILABLE
  18. Love The Way You Lie (Eminem, 2010) - 786 885 003 (+14,77M)
  19. Fly (Nicki Minaj, 2010) - 84 746 415 (+1,207M)
    1. Fly - Instrumental 2011 – 36 564
  20. Stranded (Haiti Mon Amour) (Jay Z, Bono, Rihanna, 2010) – NOT AVAILABLE
  21. All of The Lights (Kanye West, 2010) - 345 554 332 (+6,302M)
    1. All of The Lights - Interlude - 42 801 560 (+0,656M)
  22. Who´s That Chick (David Guetta, 2010) – Single Version - 69 918 808 (+0,229M)
    1. Who´s That Chick (David Guetta, 2010) – Main - 94 133 837 (+2,98M)
    2. Who´s That Chick (David Guetta, 2010) – FMIF Remix - 665 449**
    3. Who´s That Chick (David Guetta, 2010) – FMIF Dub Remix - **
    4. Who´s That Chick (David Guetta, 2010) – Afrojack Remix - 1 266 488
    5. Who´s That Chick (David Guetta, 2010) – Afrojack Tipsy Dub - 2 972 644
  23. Run This Town (Jay Z, 2009) - 164 081 835 (+4,44M)
  24. Live Your Life (T.I., 2009) - 301 769 267 (+7,22M)
  25. JUST STAND UP! (Artists Stand Up To Cancer, 2008) - 5 532 082 (+64k)
  26. If I Never See Your Face Again (Maroon 5, 2008) - 55 462 547 (+0,750M)
    1. If I Never See Your Face Again – Remix Edit - 1 061 601
    2. If I Never See Your Face Again – Live MSN Control Room – 125 673
  27. Numba 1 (Tide is High) (Kardinal Offishall, 2008) - 3 002 355 (+50k)
  28. Throw Your Hands Up (Elephant Man, 2008) - 390 706
  29. Livin´ a Lie (The Dream, 2007) - 2 051 651 (+14k)
  30. Roll It (J Status, 2007) – NOT AVAILABLE
  31. First Time (Fabolous, 2007) - 891 704
  32. Boom Boom (Cham, 2006) - 913 708
  33. The One (Memphis Bleek, 2005) - 1 224 054 (+48k)

  1. Work - 1 034 075 189 (+7,749M)
  2. Needed Me - 896 572 751 (+10,923M)
  3. FourFiveSeconds - 772 996 324 (+9,738M)
  4. Love on the Brain - 716 660 437 (+11,761M)
  5. We Found Love - 714 816 938 (+11,871M)
  6. Diamonds - 683 803 923 (+10,791M)
  7. Umbrella - 657 848 463 (+17,368M)
  8. Stay - 629 419 382 (+11,384M)
  9. Bitch Better Have My Money - 565 341 215 (+6,156M)
  10. Take a Bow - 448 423 637 (+7,013M)
  11. S&M - 408 891 180 (+12,146M)
  12. Don't Stop the Music - 401 232 300 (+10,181M)
  13. Only Girl - 390 509 937 (+9,832M)
  14. Pon de Replay - 329 076 776 (+10,481M)
  15. Where Have You Been - 296 826 844 (+11,966M)
  16. Disturbia - 275 791 663 (+8,291M)
  17. What's My Name? - 263 650 548 (+4,896M)
  18. Rude Boy - 262 708 023 (+5,925M)
  19. Desperado - 231 076 594 (6,436M)
  20. Kiss It Better - 229 617 098 (+2,817M)
  21. Man Down - 212 148 283 (+2,987M)
  22. Unfaithful - 206 262 377 (+3,328M)
  23. Pour It Up - 206 112 769 (+3,229M)
  24. Hate That I Love You - 204 304 976 (+3,298M)
  25. Sex with Me - 200 539 551 (+2,668M)
  26. California King Bed - 171 467 006 (+2,735M)
  27. What Now - 162 090 144 (+1,345M)
  28. You da One - 161 786 200 (+2,143M)
  29. Love the Way You Lie (Part II) - 160 890 036 (+2,225M)
  30. Consideration - 159 282 591 (+2,156M)
  31. SOS - 136 042 890 (+4,517M)
  32. American Oxygen - 129 622 548 (+0,577M)
  33. Rehab - 121 348 487 (+2,337M)
  34. Shut Up and Drive - 114 592 632 (+3,334M)
  35. Yeah, I Said It - 113 155 536 (+1,211M)
  36. Russian Roulette - 110 926 943 (+1,528M)
  37. Talk That Talk - 102 642 402 (+0,971M)
  38. Higher - 99 580 177 (+1,014M)
  39. Loveeeeeee Song - 97 658 329 (+3,863M)
  40. Close to You - 94 744 488 (+1,056M)
  41. Same Ol' Mistakes - 94 040 050 (+1,141M)
  42. Right Now - 83 886 617 (+1,312M)
  43. Birthday Cake - 81 897 150 (+0,694M)
  44. Cheers - 81 657 388 (+0,892M)
  45. Te Amo - 79 684 260 (+1,100M)
  46. Woo - 74 531 051 (+0,608M)
  47. Skin - 74 517 302 (+0,936M)
  48. James Joint - 64 277 107 (+0,606M)
  49. Never Ending - 63 422 512 (+0,483M)
  50. We Ride - 52 660 000 (+0,951M)
  51. Cockiness - 51 747 414 (+0,342M)
  52. Sledgehammer - 44 522 491 (+0,408M)
  53. Towards the Sun - 44 412 833 (+0,818M)
  54. Jump - 42 201 461 (+0,306M)
  55. Nobody's Business - 40 025 298 (+0,342M)
  56. Hard - 38 631 647 (+0,449M)
  57. Dancing in the Dark - 38 081 559 (+1,010M)
  58. Drunk on Love - 36 013 406 (0,196M)
  59. Phresh Out the Runway - 33 120 060 (+0,285M)
  60. Numb - 32 020 353 (+0,241M)
  61. Pose - 31 604 729 (+0,272M)
  62. No Love Allowed - 30 703 143 (+0,221M)
  63. Goodnight Gotham - 28 776 997 (+0,291M)
  64. Raining Men - 28 321 718 (+0,250M)
  65. Break It Off - 27 316 077 (+0,508M)
  66. Love Without Tragedy / Mother Mary - 27 302 462 (+0,186M)
  67. Complicated - 27 100 293 (+0,201M)
  68. Fading - 27 000 713 (+0,203M)
  69. If It's Lovin' that You Want - 26 084 783 (+0,570M)
  70. Watch n' Learn - 24 355 938 (+0,151M)
  71. We All Want Love - 23 039 961 (+0,093M)
  72. Roc Me Out - 22 836 809 (+0,111M)
  73. Half of Me - 22 569 173 (+0,142M)
  74. Rockstar 101 - 21 259 939 (+178k)
  75. Good Girl Gone Bad - 20 654 398 (+218k)
  76. Breakin' Dishes - 19 431 964 (+263k)
  77. Lost in Paradise - 19 003 390 (+0,127M)
  78. Farewell - 18 720 897 (+98k)
  79. Stupid in Love - 17 227 771 (+107k)
  80. Photographs - 16 085 977 (+87k)
  81. Get It Over With - 15 028 490 (+116k)
  82. Cry - 14 890 166 (+0,112M)
  83. Do Ya Thang - 13 286 270 (81k)
  84. Fool in Love - 12 916 227 (+55k)
  85. Red Lipstick - 11 654 515 (+65k)
  86. Cold Case Love - 11 161 019 (+69k)
  87. Wait Your Turn - 10 556 843 (+63k)
  88. Push Up on Me - 10 082 056 (+111k)

  1. This Is What You Came For (Calvin Harris, 2016) - 1 132 320 978 (+9,84M)
  2. Too Good (Drake, 2016) - 831 758 911 (+4,61M)
  3. Wild Thoughts (DJ Khaled, 2017) - 810 033 808 (+6,69M)
  4. Love The Way You Lie (Eminem, 2010) - 786 885 003 (+14,77M)
  5. The Monster (Eminem, 2013) - 639 496 843 (+6,502M)
  6. Famous (Kanye West, 2016) - 420 286 947 (+4,08M)
  7. Loyalty (Kendrick Lamar, 2017) - 419 615 765 (+3,71M)
  8. Take Care (Drake, 2011) - 361 502 278 (+5,53M)
  9. All of The Lights (Kanye West, 2010) - 345 554 332 (+6,302M)
  10. Live Your Life (T.I., 2009) - 301 769 267 (+7,22M)
  11. Selfish (Future, 2017) - 236 821 796 (+0,805M)
  12. Can´t Remember to Forget You (Shakira, 2014) - 232 433 308 (+2,67M)
  13. Believe it (Partynextdoor, 2020) - 213 218 183 (+7,46M)
  14. Princess of China (Coldplay, 2012) - 180 403 283 (+1,68M)
  15. Run This Town (Jay Z, 2009) - 164 081 835 (+4,44M)
  16. Lemon (N.E.R.D., 2017) - 137 961 541 (+1,17M)
  17. Lemon Remix (ft. Drake) (2018) - 121 493 325 (+0,953M)
  18. Nothing Is Promised (Mike Will Made-It, 2016) - 94 628 473 (+0,673M)
  19. Who´s That Chick (David Guetta, 2010) – Main - 94 133 837 (+2,98M)
  20. Fly (Nicki Minaj, 2010) - 84 746 415 (+1,207M)
  21. Bad (Wale, 2013) - 70 784 353 (+0,975M)
  22. Who´s That Chick (David Guetta, 2010) – Single Version - 69 918 808 (+0,229M)
  23. Princess of China – Acoustic - 56 264 853 (+0,186M)
  24. If I Never See Your Face Again (Maroon 5, 2008) - 55 462 547 (+0,750M)
  25. Lemon - Edit (N.E.R.D., 2017) - 55 232 334 (+0,512M)
  26. All of The Lights - Interlude - 42 801 560 (+0,656M)
  27. Princess of China - Radio edit - 35 250 486 (+0,512M)
  28. Shy Ronnie 2: Ronnie & Clyde (Lonely Island, SNL, 2011) - 21 242 486 (+0,156M)
  29. Wild Thoughts Medasin Dance Remix 2017 - 14 667 013 (+173k)
  30. This Is What You Came For – R3hab vs Henry Fong Remix - 10 499 043

  1. Work – R3HAB Remix – 52 389 920 (+183K)
  2. S&M Remix (Britney Spears, 2011) – 25 938 448 (+538K)
  3. Diamonds Remix (Kanye West, 2012) – 25 377 123 (+140K)
  4. Kiss It Better – R3hab Remix – 23 278 527 (+201K)
  5. Right Now – Dyro Radio Edit – 22 444 267 (+38K)
  6. Love On The Brain - Don Diablo Remix – 20 709 631 (+83K)
  7. Pon de Replay – Elephant Man Remix 2005 - 18 061 920 (+276K)
  8. Bitch Better Have My Money – R3HAB Remix (2015) – 15 908 841 (+94K)
  9. Umbrella Radio Edit – 15 416 540 (+377K)
  10. Work – Bad Royale Remix – 13 375 718 (+46K)
The rise of #CantRemembertoForgetYou by #Shakira and #Rihanna on @spotify this week:
4-29 -> 231.9M (+96k)
4-30 -> 232M (+102k)
5-1 -> 232.1M (+103k)
5-2 -> 232.2M (+115k)
5-3 -> 232.4M (+147k)
5-4 -> 232.6M (+180k)
5-5 -> 232.8M (+207k)
5-6 -> 233M (+245k)
5-7 -> 233.3M (+270k)

@mikekorcok Your updates are absolutely insane! I love reading them - thank you so much for all the work :clap3: 


Lov7 Song, Live Your Life and CRTFY are all gaining momentum at the moment :deadbanana4:

@rihanna´s most streamed albums on @SPOTIFY 5/8


#1 GGGB: +1,897M [2,366B]
#2 ANTI: +1,754M [4,140B]
#3 Loud: +1,338M [1,859B] 
#4 UNA: +1,245M [2,145B]
#5 TTT: +970k [1,577B]
#6 MusicoftheSun: +436k [406M]
#7 RaterR: +354k [599M]
#8 GirlLikeMe: +353k [462M]
@rihanna´s top songs on @Spotify 5/8
#1 Umbrella: +619k [660M]
#2 S&M: +438k [410M]
#3 WeFoundLove: +416k [716M]
#4 LoveontheBrain: +411k [718M]
#5 DontStopTheMusic: +387k [403M]
#6 PondeReplay: +386k [330M]
#7 Diamonds: +385k [685M]
#8 Stay: +375k [631M]
#9 WhereHaveUBeen: +370k [298M]
#10 NeededMe: +365k [898M]
#11 OnlyGirl: +350k [392M]
#12 45Seconds: +335k [774M]
#13 Disturbia +293k [277M]
#14 Work: +267k [1,035B]
#15 TakeaBow: +232k [449M]
#16 BBHMM: +215k [566M]
#17 RudeBoy +214k [263M]
#18 Desperado: +205k [232M]
#19 LoveeeeeSong +203k [98M]
#20 SOS +181k [136M]
4 hours ago, NumbFentyStan said:

@mikekorcok Your updates are absolutely insane! I love reading them - thank you so much for all the work :clap3: 


4 hours ago, Starkboy said:

Lov7 Song, Live Your Life and CRTFY are all gaining momentum at the moment :deadbanana4:

I really hope some other songs of her will go viral, should be somezihng from RaterR now hehe.

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