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yas summer <3

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Let me start my ratings. I may have more than one 10.... which could make my top 3 hard

Edited by dweebz
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stomp list :sparkles:

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6 minutes ago, dweebz said:

Let me start my ratings. I may have more than one 10.... which could make my top 3 hard

speaking of hard, remember to factor in those nudes i sent to my score xx

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Judge: Nanna Øland Fabricius  (SPRING)




Serving Chanel Money Honey Realness. It is clearly summer but just not done in a clever way. Its not really different or exciting. Its you in a pool with a swim suit on. It just screams... literal. It's still a great photo just... meh for this round.



I love this photo, its not my favorite this round but I think it is effective for summer... to a degree. The colors look more like spring colors to me, but that is my interpretation. Yours was more towards summer, probably because of the water. Your face is stunning and the hair is giving me everything I need!



You were the only person to do winter and I commend you on that. You took a risk and though I dont think it paid off super well, I think its effective. My only problem is that unfortunately its dated. And dated isn't a bad thing if its iconic, the problem is that its not iconic. It just looks catalogue to me.



Just... breathtaking really. I mean when I think of SPRING I think of flowers and pastels. And you gave me both in a beautiful way. My first concern was that this is a lot around you for your petite body and you were getting swallowed by both the dress and the flowers around but I think it works in an angelic soft way for you. Definitely have opened my eyes to you in this competition.



Girl first of all, pull up your pants... unless you want us to see those cheeks. I think for summer its a safe photo, nothing to gag over but it works. What I do love about this photo is that I can see the heat in the photo. Gotta stan a latino king... call me.



Honestly, this is one of the outliers when it comes to summer for the rest of the summer photos. Simply put, its weird and its an interesting take on summer. Its not 100% clicking with me but I can see where your mind was going and for that, it works. I think my biggest issue is the pose. If it was in a more loose pose with a softer face this could have really worked.



Hello Jackson, you're probably the front runner for the guys and this round I can see why. Your interpretation of summer is interesting considering you have long pants and a sweater in this photo but the color and the genius filter really work with the theme. I dont think its anything to run home to but, it works for me.



You along with Jon and Bella have the best track record in the game so far. And with this picture, I can see why. Does it scream SUMMER at first glance? No, not really. BUT when I look at it more and more and more, I CAN SEE IT! And honestly its probably the best SUMMER photo for me. I LOVE the green contrast with your golden tan skin. And the silver chain dress on top of your skin just exudes sexiness, which is an element of summer. Its a thinker but a very effective photo. Im not going to lie, when I first saw this I was like "Damn Rihanna may have flopped" but after more studying, its great for this round.



Mans, um. Ok.. lets me say this. I can see summer and that is the most important part and to some degree you are modeling. The body is on point but the rest... leave a lot more to be desired.



Sigh, I feel like every round I keep saying this is my favorite photo of the season and I feel like a broken record when I say it again and again. This is a serve, not only were you the only person to do FALL but you killed it. Serving spooky ookie autumn witch elf realness! Simply saying giving this anything less than a perfect score would warrant capital punishment.



Sunflower stunning and that's on period. The fact that you could have used this in the MOVEMENT round and didn't but used this for spring is amazing. You're kind of the dark horse in the competition and the most versatile so far. If I could complain about anything, the background is a bit off putting but I mean, its still an amazing photo.



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37 minutes ago, kipperskipper said:

speaking of hard, remember to factor in those nudes i sent to my score xx

I dont even think your nudes are worth it. 2mhv7ew.gif

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ty ty

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The Adut praise is... interesting its literally comic con cosplay in the middle of Indiana. :dies:

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thank you :heart2:

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1 minute ago, boys said:

The Adut praise is... interesting its literally comic con cosplay in the middle of Indiana. :dies:

I YELLED! giphy.gif

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Thanks nana fibrosis :heart2:

idk why anyone is talking about cosplay when they look like a 70s **** star crossed with ****ing Sasquatch. Worry about the 10 h&m spreads you have to recycle all season, i have plenty more vogue editorials to pick from xoxo

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omg I remember this game :weeps:  If there is a Season 2 i'll make sure to join :fan:

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If people have 10 Vogue editorials to choose from then they definitely should've used one of them instead of what was submitted instead of looking like a rejected character from AHS: Coven but imagine calling Jon a sasquatch when their model looks like a peanut M&M just missing the stamp of approval.

Edited by boys
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how is my photo too literal but Christina's is "effective"


7 hours ago, boys said:

The Adut praise is... interesting its literally comic con cosplay in the middle of Indiana. :dies:

very that. i don't see "FALL" it could be any season really. plus she looks fugly



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also on rihanna




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6 minutes ago, mokitsu said:

how is my photo too literal but Christina's is "effective"


very that. i don't see "FALL" it could be any season really. plus she looks fugly



And yet he tried to read me because I spoke about his CRITIQUE not even his photo :rip:

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You can speak on me once you have a win miss sister bought me a modeling career 

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Girlies, these votes are MESSY!

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post more critiques :nicki: 

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Judge: Gulf Kanawut





I disagree with Miss Nana on this one. This one i actually a great shot. Serving rich girl summer. She looks like the wife of a multibillionaire taking a cute dip in their mansion's Olympic-sized swimming pool with a martini on hand. My only critique is that she looks a bit lazy. Other than that, great photo.



Oh wow oh wow. This is a serve. The overall composition of this photo makes it so great. The waves on the foreground makes this very artistic. And even though her being fully clothed in the beach feels a bit awkward, she is still serving summer fashion. Great job!



Wottice dis? Ma'am, I was rooting for you. We were all rooting for you. How dare you? I thought after you were going to continue the upward trajectory with your entries but you decided to send... this. I get the winter theme but she looks so... generic. Pose? Basic. Outfit? Hideous. If you survive the round, I hope you don't repeat the same mistake again.



Florals? For spring? Groundbreaking.

Anyhow, you can never go wrong with flowers with spring but what I like about this shot is how delicate she looks. Very representative of how newly-sprung plants and newborn animals are during springtime. Her light makeup, soft expression, sweet pose and magnificent dress work perfectly. Great job!



Ugh, this is such a serve. What makes this work better is that it came after Spring Zendaya. What she showed in her photo, he does the opposite. The strong facial expression, motion-like pose, minimal but effective outfit and the props and background makes this a great shot. The filter helps too.



Taking summer to the extreme huh? I like this. I am not in love with it but also not hating it. She is serving with her expression and her pose but I am not feeling it as much as Jon's. Still a nice photo.



You have been the best male model for me so far so I was kinda expecting a lot from you. And seeing this, I was feel a but letdown. It's not working for me as much as Jon's nor even Liu's. What works for your favor is his laidback pose and the filter. Other than that, it's barely a summer photo.



Riri has been serving the past few rounds for me but I am somehow getting tired of her? Idk but maybe it is her facial expression. It is quite similar with her beauty shot and for a summer theme, it's kinda ineffective. When I think of summer, I think of either happy or sexy. This is neither. She looks bored and her pose is kinda lazy.



This is just... bad. I am not gonna sugarcoat it. Idk if you cannot find a professional shot of him in the beach but this is just not working. Yes, you hit the theme on the head with the body out in the beach but the ugly quality of the photo, the filter used, the background with too much people drags this photo down by a lot.



I am usually head over heels for Miss Adut especially last round where I gave that beauty shot a 10. Now this is something new for her where she is serving weird/fantasy. However, if you remove the elven ears and the long nails, this is plain. Basic. Generic. Still much better than the a few photos. Also props for doing a season that nobody else did.



Florals? For spring? Groundbreaking. [2]

Anyhow, Miss Jeana is serving motion. She is looking fierce and I love it. However, I agree that the background looks a bit off. Also, if we are gonna be honest, that dress is hideous. Burn it. But yeah, I like this photo a lot.



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