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Survivor: ATRL Edition (Season 9) | FINALE!!


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4 minutes ago, Gateau said:

yeah, you were the one vote from Galatea that I didn't have a say in, I would have really liked you to stick around. if you have any questions for me, I'm always game to give a [short] answer haha

mess, i never typed of the question i actually had, lmao. 


as i said, you probably hold the least advantage from the top 3 for me, but that doesn't mean my decision is made. what do you think you did during this game run that stands out over the other two? aka why should you be the winner?

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2 minutes ago, EriKills said:

Again, congrats to the final 3, i look forward to your answers to help form my decisio


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10 minutes ago, EriKills said:

@Touch It  Hi Touch It, so our interactions during this game was mostly that initial alliance post merge followed by me breaking that and you constantly calling me a snake (which i'm not x ). I love y'all outside the game which made me realize how big of threats you guys were, and that was my reasoning for not aligning and instead trying to take y'all out while the numbers were still possibly there. My question to you, do you think I was wrong for targeting you and that alliance and trying to take less social girls to the final 3? Also this season has been panned by the hosts for relying on personal drama rather than actual strategy and bold moves, what was your role in both of those aspects? 


hello eri! I totally understood why you wanted to come after me and others from the start of merge and it was a great move for you to do so. I was honestly joking whenever I called you a snake and it just ended up being the joke of the season kii. You were definitely not wrong at all and I'm happy that you made this season become more interesting. I feel like I didn't really rely on personal drama too much for my decisions, but rather just going after the other alliance since my alliance was really solid and loyal. I feel like if I truly relied on personal drama to make my decisions, I would've voted for Gateau every week until he was gone, but instead I went after other people instead to be unpredictable, due to the use of idol plays throughout the game. I guess I could've flipped on my alliance to make more a bold move, but since the other side was mostly after clue and I, I would of buried myself in a hole if I flipped with really everybody in the game wanting to get me out if I did so. On a viewer level I feel like I did cause the game to become more boring but that's what I had to do to get to the end. If I ever play this again (probably won't fff) I'll try to be more entertaining with crazy moves x

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@dussymob Hi Dussy, my question for you is, what was the strategy in taking out Krazii (referring to the Krazii vote out obvs) over a MUCH bigger threat like ClueLESS, those were TWO FREE VOTES to essentially help take out a power player. You were doing good with making STRATEGY moves, that that particular vote out was quite puzzling and overall disappointing for the game. Follow up question, I think you did an amazing job of managing playing in the middle! How were you able to secure your spot in the alliance to where they didnt flip on you despite working with the minority alliance to take out one of them? 


@EriKillsWhat's up Erik, That vote out wouldn't have made any sense because it would've just tied with Clueless and Krazii which would make both of them safe. And then I, nick, and alena would be the only ones drawing rocks. Also by that point the game was becoming excruciating and my bond with Gateau began to diminish. I did give both of them a fighting chance by giving him back his necklace he recklessly gave me which I could've used to blindside him. I felt good in the alliance I was in and knew I could maneuver my way to the final 3 no matter what. I'm still pretty new to the games section but I do believe I have a great personality that people just like. So I stayed true and was myself. It worked great and my convos with you were all real. I began to get headaches and felt bad from every vote out Guero, yours, movies, krazii. I would've felt even worst voting out my allies who I went through so much with during premerge. I said I wanted to play an honorable from the beginning so being a backstabber and playing a shady game I tried to do as little of as possible. I wanted to play my way. 


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57 minutes ago, Gateau said:

okay, here's how this just went.

you: you have bad jury management because you fought with a bunch of members of the jury

me: well actually, it was really only the two of you and I was fine with everyone else

you: your jury management is bad because the other jurors saw how you fought us

me: well wouldn't that same logic apply to touch it because he fought me, and his attacks were completely random?

you: ...


I don't really know what you're trying to get at here. Yes, things did go poorly with you and alena. No, your experiences do not relect the experiences of the others, and the "people" you're bringing up are all members of your telesto alliance echo chamber. Of course they're going to give leniency to Nick and Dussy and have less patience for me getting into fights with their friends, and they're not going to care about how the Galatea were treated. People are better than me at plenty of things, but I'm not going to say the other two are better jury managers than me because their errors in jury management are with a different group of people than the jurors I made errors with.

It's almost scary how you just can't grasp it. No the people I was working with aren't the only ones who think you had the worst jury management no matter how bad you want to believe that. 


I said the jury watches and sees these fights that people get into it I never excluded all the fights other people got into. Yes Nick fought, Alena fought, I fought we all understand and acknowledge it, no one is denying that. What is being said is that YOUR interactions just YOU not speaking about anyone else right now but you. Your interactions were far worse because you had it out with so many people and it got bad. You don't know who's going to be on the jury or not and you fought with like 4 or 5 people and acted a fool. We all could've ended up on the jury together so it's not just about me and Alena. You had poor jury management because of if the deck had been stacked differently and other people ended up on jury and your alliance was in the final 3 you wouldn't have a shot in hell of winning this game lol.

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1 hour ago, EriKills said:

@Gateau Hi Gateau, of the final 3 you had the absolute biggest uphill battle to get where you are. Whereas I couldn't take the lashings and ended up lowkey quitting fff, you persevered despite 10x the lashings from fellow competitors, so i respect you SO much for not giving up. My question is, were there ever any times you felt like quitting? Also another question, so one thing you have been dragged for is your social game.  Was jury management anything you considered throughout the game? What moves did you make to showcase that? 


God I miss you. :heart2:


So, I have this really weird brain mechanic where if something is difficult and emotionally taxing, it makes me gravitate towards it and come even harder. The best thing about survivor for me is that its essentially one long series of problems, and you have to work your way through them to solve them. Even if it didn't work every round, I LOVED coming up with new theories and different ways to spin the game. So like, every round I was like "WE HAVE TO OTE SO AND SO TO MAKE BLAH BLAH BLAH HAPPEN", I really did think there was a chance that it would happen! Like at F8 when I gave dussy my immunity to get him to go to rocks with us, or F7 when I played my immunity on krazii thinking it would cause fractures in the telesto group, or f6 where I begged everyone to go to rocks for me and krazii. Even though those things didn't work out, just the possibility that they could was exciting to me. And the sweet payoff of continuing to stay despite all the fuss I caused and how much everyone wanted me out was so satisfying.


I complained a ton about the challenges, but those were one of the things that helped me too. I HATE reading my own writing, but the challenges I excelled the most at were the ones that made me write, like the perfect 10s I scored in both the F7 playlist challenge and the F4 album review. It gave me a ton of confidence I otherwise would not have had.


So as far as jury management, I did consider that a lot during the merge. During the beginning stages of the merge, my intentions were to build relationships with the telestos that would eventually blossom into full fledged alliances, so while I wasn't always around to respond to every message, everytime I did respond to someone, I gave them my full effort in the conversation and focused on being very friendly and open. I believe after the telestos gained majority at F8, and the alena screenshots were posted which alienated me from the other ones, there really wasn't anything I could do to repair my relationships with them, as they weren't willing ot hear me out. So I focused on consolidating the allies I had, and proving that I was fiercely loyal to them, such as during the F6 Live TC round that the entire jury was able to see me fighting for krazii's life in there, and making sure my case was heard.

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1 hour ago, disruptive said:

mess, i never typed of the question i actually had, lmao. 


as i said, you probably hold the least advantage from the top 3 for me, but that doesn't mean my decision is made. what do you think you did during this game run that stands out over the other two? aka why should you be the winner?

other than the fact I had a MUCH more difficult road to get here, I think what sets me apart from the other two is that I was never comfortable just in my own alliance, and I made an attempt to work with everyone who would listen. This caused me to avoid elimination the first two rounds of the merge and I was able to get out Boys due to my outside-the-tribe-connection. While dussy can say he also reached out to the other side, he didn't really use it to his advantage, it just made him look sneaky in the eyes of the telestos and his actions were largely inconsequential to the propellant of his game.

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50 minutes ago, boys said:

It's almost scary how you just can't grasp it. No the people I was working with aren't the only ones who think you had the worst jury management no matter how bad you want to believe that. 


I said the jury watches and sees these fights that people get into it I never excluded all the fights other people got into. Yes Nick fought, Alena fought, I fought we all understand and acknowledge it, no one is denying that. What is being said is that YOUR interactions just YOU not speaking about anyone else right now but you. Your interactions were far worse because you had it out with so many people and it got bad. You don't know who's going to be on the jury or not and you fought with like 4 or 5 people and acted a fool. We all could've ended up on the jury together so it's not just about me and Alena. You had poor jury management because of if the deck had been stacked differently and other people ended up on jury and your alliance was in the final 3 you wouldn't have a shot in hell of winning this game lol.

"you fought with like 4 or 5 people and acted a fool"

i can't wait to meet these mysterious four or five people. because it seems like we've reiterated quite a few times that the only two people I fought with were you and alena, so I'm very curious to the others I'm coming for. If the deck had been stacked differently and it was me and my alliance in the final 3, then there would be no bad blood between any juror except you, because the entire F8 fight literally only happened because telesto gained majority, and I would have a shot at winning.  The only reason it "got bad" between us is because YOU continued to antagonize me and got surprised when I came back more venomously than anticipated. This is a YOU thing.


also, the irony in your original question being "Compare the jury management of each other" suddenly becoming a "we aren't speaking about anyone but YOU" thing is just ridiculous. You have a hard time owning up to the fact that your allies could be just as nasty (and actually.. quite a bit nastier as I would never gossip and poke fun at someone's personal life) as me.

Edited by Gateau
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3 minutes ago, Gateau said:

"you fought with like 4 or 5 people and acted a fool"

i can't wait to meet these mysterious four or five people. because it seems like we've reiterated quite a few times that the only two people I fought with were you and alena, so I'm very curious to the others I'm coming for. If the deck had been stacked differently and it was me and my alliance in the final 3, then there would be no bad blood between any juror except you, because the entire F8 fight literally only happened because telesto gained majority, and I would have a shot at winning.  The only reason it "got bad" between us is because YOU continued to antagonize me and got surprised when I came back more venomously than anticipated. This is a YOU thing.

Yup I'm the only one who said you have the worst jury management.



If it's just a me thing then move on.

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3 minutes ago, Gateau said:

also, the irony in your original question being "Compare the jury management of each other" suddenly becoming a "we aren't speaking about anyone but YOU" thing is just ridiculous. You have a hard time owning up to the fact that your allies could be just as nasty (and actually.. quite a bit nastier as I would never gossip and poke fun at someone's personal life) as me.

I said in that moment I was talking about only you right now because you're the only one having a hard time grasping it I was trying to lessen the load on your brain. 

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ok may the best one win :cm:

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  • ATRL Moderator
13 hours ago, disruptive said:

neither of you know when to ****ing shut up, my god


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  • ATRL Moderator




Everyone give a stream of this AMAZING swing pop bop!

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@disruptive @boys @Guero @EriKills @Not Like The Movies @Staryu @Krazii @Alena @clue


Voting is open and will end at 9 PM EDT. PLEASE get your vote in and use the parchment below.




ADDITIONALLY, the reunion/vote reveal will start at 9:30 PM EDT, so be here!!!! We'll chat everything about the season and reveal all the stats, votes, powers, etc. while hashing it out.

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excited x, voting with my head and not my heart x, good luck to everyone! 

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good luck to the equally undeserving finalists :heart2: 

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Peeps, the finale is TONIGHT @ 9:30 PM EDT! The winner will be revealed, along with a bunch of other fun things.



@bowdown @Gateau @Touch It @Anthem @Staryu @fiercE @Krazii @Overprotected

@luckystrike @Disruptive @Psycho @Alena @touya kinomoto @Not Like The Movies @dussymob

@Moonlightbae @boubour @boys @Guero @Clueless @Sabbath @EriKills @A Public Affair @DougAF

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