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The Color Game 8 UwU | .......AND THE WINNER IS ?????


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SFDGFGH :bibliahh:clueloser

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5MLOjZ8KRGGD8eIqWID9xrMGvXxbm9Raeze-1ZBKMfdSySFCh6QbnL7I4OjO-wqf_rv-8jIpE6k66JrFJHH0OYWWZNQZmbyr7OMDVxFmTprdiDbSi7vgOmXs18ttlR8yDK6jBoaf  vHtYmF_2tfbfjIq5u84F7Cs8TSVAgqBGvQlhvFiWeGKUqky5Ug9mgrZmNVFed8PGj0iPnj_nNwFG6AFn773T8fROMKyx8_mjr3smtPnzGV_Z2sEUzkMp4-Yr8x_kJdPJ8Di43qxc  OqXLApd-T90oUH1vnNbQO3fGXu2jIGf2KAZHJY0pHdrsGboTfIqakjadA8CIB6h8MU9d_3GuYaab1xPSwOK0XCE8oly9DdH3GhtCdHyV7zSQ0Pn4_WeXF7YYpFQmp3kOapKr6qQZ












Aquaria is a queen who lives and breathes fashion, with her inspirations including iconic designers and and pop queens. I chose these three looks as her best this season because they are a good representation of Aquaria. They are fashion forward and diverse, talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it… just like Aquaria.


The first look displays a beautiful latex gown, and she looks stunning. In the second look, Aquaria serves high fashion aristocrat and looks flawless. In the third look, Aquaria puts her own spin on a Thierry Mugler look from the 90s, an example of her respect for iconic fashion designers and ability to reference. All three looks are diverse and stunning in their own way. Aquaria is not simply a model wearing designer clothes or pageant gowns; she curates and flawlessly executes her looks to create cohesive and memorable moments™️.


Now, why should I win? Well, I have the highest amount of points on the scoreboard (73 points vs Adut’s 70 points vs Catriona’s 66 points). I have NEVER fallen in the Bottom, whereas Adut and Catriona have both been in the Bottom multiple times. Unlike Kylie Jenner last season, I have the wins to back this up (7 overall wins, 5 being #1 wins). On top of that, I have served consistency this season, whereas Adut has been inconsistent, bottoming one week and topping the next, then going back to bottoming soon after . As for Catriona, her looks rarely stood out of the pack, as she only has one #1 win; pretty pageant gowns do not a Color Game winner make. Lastly, both Adut and Catriona have infamously recycled lewks this season, whereas I have not.


Ultimately, I believe I deserve to win Color Game 8 because I have been consistent, had several great and memorable looks and have always brought something different to the table (also, a kii if Aquaria wins after Sasha, like in real life ). My opponents have served some great looks this season but have not been as consistent, slayful and diverse as I have.


Thank you to the judges and all the contestants for an incredible season! I never expected at the beginning of this season to make it this far with Aquaria, but I believe I represented her to the best of my ability, and I have a newfound appreciation for her, and hopefully so do you. I had tons of fun this season and even made it to top 3 after just missing it last year! This time, I feel like a winner.









Good evening Judges, Finalists, Players and TV Audiences all around the world, the universe rather.

I want to share how ecstatic I am to be part of this Grand Finale. This is my debut performance in this wonderful game so reaching this far is truly a great honor and a great experience in my NewTRL Journey! This Finale Entry of mine might be a handful to read but I hope you can bear with me as I pour my heart into it.


ATRL Universe, let me present....


Catriona Elisa Magnayon Gray, 25, from the Pearl of the Orient, Philippines!

Tonight is a monumental event as it signifies a chance to get the 8th crown of this game, I will do my best to prove why I deserve to win this title and while I do that I can’t move forward without reflecting back at the same time.




The decision of beginning my "The Colour Game 8" journey is synonymous to reaching a goal, a career, a milestone or a dream that is never easy. At first, signing up with a non-pop star, acclaimed model, or even an international actress like Catriona Gray seems so daunting because I felt like reaching the end of this game with Miss Universe 2018 seems to be so far away. To add more pressure, the people I look up to in ATRL seem to have had such a big head start, unmatchable portfolio of looks, or too charismatic of a personality that seemingly can have an easy way up. I must believe that there are so many obstacles I faced before I’ve even started…but the reality is: most of those obstacles exist only in my head. Aside from being an honor and great experience, this game was also synonymous to my journey of overcoming obstacles.


But those obstacles seemed to be lifted as my time in this game goes by and all thanks to my growing passion to showcase Catriona Gray's diversity and my own country, the Philippines' colorful history of arts and folklore.The first rounds made me realize that I need to have the fighting spirit of Catriona and not let the obstacles in my head get the best of me and it paid off as I got more inspired and connected to my model which is a brave soul that steps up and shows us that sometimes the road to success is the path you’re already on. And that’s exactly what Catriona Gray did! She still proudly represents the Philippines and has brought home the 4th Miss Universe crown and it truly made me believe in the looks that I've been sending and it paid off as I got to have one of the longest streaks of Wins and Highs of this season and I never got into the Bottom in the early to middle rounds ( I only ended up in the Bottom when I reached the Top 5 and Top 4 - which is inevitable when we have few players in the game) and just like Catriona Gray, I want to believe that I made sure to let everyone know that underneath her exquisite physical beauty is an even more beautiful theme and mindful inspiration on her looks. And this game witnessed how Catriona slayed her way to the top with her well-loved and memorable looks.

That's why I am more than excited to present the three looks that I chose to showcase Catriona's colorful journey to the The Color Game crown






from Round 8

Image result for silver glitters gif png

"I’ve always taught myself to look for the beauty in it, to look in the beauty of the children and be grateful. I would bring this aspect as a Miss Universe to see situations with a silver lining and to assess where I could give something, where I could provide something as a spokesperson"

- Catriona Gray


First off, this look and the story behind it is one of the reasons why I humbly believe I deserve to win, my first #1 WIN. Wearing fringe-themed outfits is not a guarantee of a gag-worthy moment, most especially if there is a "nude illusion" element attached to it. But Catriona successfully pulled it off making it as one of the memorable look in the game (it is nominated in the Best Look category at the TCG8 Awards together with my other memorable look) and it was the first baptism of fire within me in this game as it made me believe that I can actually have a shot at winning. This fringe silver gown is my first WIN in this game and it wowed the judges based on their CRITIQUES seeing the word "SERVE" on the four judges' critiques made me believe that seeing the silver linings in hopeless situations pays off. As you know, there was a round before this that made me feel really bad and that was the Orange round where my supposed First Win was cancelled due to a rank #23 from a judge that dragged the #2 and #3 rankings I got from the other judges. Admittedly, it was hard to be okay with it but looking at the bright side of things made me continue my TCG journey and it paid off as I got a win from my Silver / Gray entry.

I deserve to win because I did everything I can in looking for potential entries, I worked my hardest in each entries I sent, all because I believe that if I do those I might have a shot at aSILVER lining.



froRound 12


"Inside each and every one of us is a king or queen with the ability to conquer the universe, whatever that may be for you. But we must first conquer ourselves, conquer what others perceive of us, and finally, conquer with a purpose. To conquer our dreams. Philippines, I will forever raise our flag."

- Catriona Gray

Image result for catriona gray natcos miss universe HD

If my first look didn't convince you enough to give me the win, let me share this second look and the lessons I learned from it. This look came from the Unconventional round and it scored me a HIGHplacement at #4. The judges were not prepared to see Catriona walking the ramp with a giant lantern while sporting a traditional look. This look is not just an epitome of being "extra" which that round is looking for, instead, it was a celebration of my country that's why this look is called "Celebrate" by Catriona herself. The ensemble itself looked like a magnificent mishmash of designs: a patterned bodysuit, a beaded headdress, a molded brass belt, various fabrics on her thigh-high shoes, and a brightly-colored lantern as backdrop. You may call it a costume but it is still wearable outfits – and one of the prettiest ones that with some adjustment, would not have looked out of place in a high-fashion editorial. This is also one of the looks that started my long record of Win/High streak record in this season and it is one of my biggest risques in the game that paid off. It is so special since it was right after the PermabanGate drama that I've been to, wherein I was so close to giving up but good thing, there were people who believed in me and I owe it to them to do better in this game by risking more, hoping it can lead me to reach and maintain higher placements. That leads me to another reason why I deserve to win -

In this game, there's a notion that sometimes cultural appropriation by Asian contenders aren't being rewarded properly or Asian pegs doesn't go too far, and I am pretty sure Beauty Pageant Queens like Catriona did not reach this far yet in the game. but those circumstances did not stop me from showcasing my country's colorful culture. Let alone stop me from aiming to win this game, not even the permabangate can break my spirit. My whole run in this game is all about risks, it takes me long preparations and constant internal debates with myself to get a final entry. It is always a risk for me and I love that I took those risks because it took me where I am right now. An Asian Beauty Queen that is so fond of sending in Cultural Appropriation-themed looks who is now in the FINALE. 

I deserve to win because "taking risks" is my middle name as I play maybe because I already know I have nothing to lose since I have a very UNCONVENTIONAL contestant in the game and I remind myself all the time that those who play win, only those who risk win. Tracing our history, life favors risk-takers and it forgets the timid while everything else can be regarded as commentary.



from Round 16


"I think first of all, it takes bravery. To win is to carry a burning torch. It is like action carried out by one to illuminate the lives of many. And I would dedicate my whole self, my love for the arts, and my voice to trying to uplift, empower, and educate people. And it would be my greatest honor and duty to hold this torch high enough so that all the world could feel and see its light"

- Catriona Gray


The final look that I am very much proud to present and I will hate myself if I will not submit this entry without it is the....LAVA DRESS that Catriona showcased in the Red Round where it got a HIGHPlacement at #2. This look is even regarded as a WIN-worthy look by some players/viewers of the game, one notable player who praised it was my co-finalist Kipperskipper who adored it and thought it was DESERVING of a WIN during her Eulogygate. This is also nominated in the Best Look category in our Awards Ceremony, if those reasons weren't enough to solidify Catriona's worth in this finale and winning the crown, don't worry..I still have some tricks up my sleeves. This gown was dubbed as Catriona's Best Gown by the panel and I believe it is her best since its COLOR pops so vibrantly and it excellently flaunts Catriona's assets. The gown in motion (that's why I asked clearance from Sabbath if I can use this gif for this entry) is very reminiscent of lava dripping and exploding from an active volcano, very similar to the burning passion I have in me to win this game. Since Day 1, I never got complacent and worked hard with my entries and I always give my 101% effort in perfecting my entry due to my passion of showcasing the beauty of her look and to share the story behind her looks. I deserve to win despite the dramas I've been involved to, I always resurfaced with a burning desire to prove my worth in this game as much as I could. 

I deserve to win this explosive season of "The Color Game" as I identify myself as a passionate player of this game that I am very much willing to go the extra mile just to do wonders and polish my vision on every round that all of us were assigned to slay. Until to this very minute of doing my Finale Entry, I can still feel the bright RED fire of passion within me, it is so palpable that I advice you all to keep your torches burning since mine is burning stronger than ever.




I may not be the player with the most number of #1 placements or wins but I strive hard just like everyone to be here in this very moment and I have a great record of consecutive high/win placements for seven rounds - that's what you call CONSISTENCY.

Yes, I do deserve to WIN.

I may have been in the bottom twice but it only happened when the number of players were down to 5 and 4 which is hard to avoid but I never let that intimidate me since I know in my heart, I gave my very best in every rounds as evidenced by my detailed and comprehensive submissions and served multiple wonderful and slayful looks - that's what you call GRIT.

Yes, I do deserve to WIN.

I may not be everyone's favorite in the panel or players, I may not be that well-known in this site, I may not have the most popular model in this game but I never gave up to each challenges I faced in this game with the hopes of my worth being recognized one day - that's what you call TENACITY

Yes, I do deserve to WIN.


Bonus Answer:




This game will always be a huge part of my 2019 and my entire ATRL journey as I experienced a rollercoaster of an adventure. For that fact alone, I am very grateful since what followed me in this game was an overwhelming experience of generosity, kindness and endless support. I get to know people who selflessly dedicated and invested their time and skills into my journey.  Thank you to the host and judges and players especially to my co-finalists, here's my small gift of appreciation to you guys :heart2: 

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In conclusion, most people only see the result of the tournament. But that's not all that was gained or maybe lost. I want to believe that my "Behind the Tournament" experience was a complete journey of self-discovery, revelation, challenges and faith. 

I became a more understanding, better atrler and a person, I still strive to be better and this tournament played a part on that self-realization journey. I fully realized that through this game that even though you’re faced with so many obstacles you just need to try, take that first step and persist. Let people help you, because no-one can do it alone. And last of all, never lose faith – in yourself, your future and your purpose. 

I am very much ready to take on the legacy of The Color Game if you, the panel, decides to crown me as your newest winner based on my run and how I fought for my worth in this game. I accept your final decision and believe you know how to crown a rightful winner.


I am Yvess representing Catriona Gray,

an Asian Beauty Queen that may merit her as an UNCONVENTIONAL Finalist but despite all that,

I have that burning RED passion and always determined to see and experience the SILVER linings as we head the conclusion of this tournament.

And that's why I Deserve To Win


And I, Thank You!




Throughout this competition, Adut Akech showed that she was fierce competition showing us look after look after look and taking risks that would pay off, showing off kipperskipper’s great strategic mind as well.


Adut Akech brought moments like EulogyGate and NoahGate, that will always be in our hearts. But today also brings a new memory, a last minute new memory: heartbreak.


It is with a heavy heart that I let you all know that kipperskipper has failed to meet the deadline, ask for an extension, read my message or DO ANYTHING.


Out of respect for our now top 2 that sent on time, and considering it’s been over an hour of unofficial “extension” and you were online before the deadline passed, kipperskipper, your Color Game race ends here.


Sashay away.




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cLueLess took a big fat L :bibliahh:

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Edited by Yvess
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omg the real loser of the entire competition isn't even a contestant, it's Clueless :bibliahh:

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Wait whatttt... :ahh:

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2 minutes ago, Navyofbadgals said:

cLueLess took a big fat L :bibliahh:

Just now, PinkBox said:

omg the real loser of the entire competition isn't even a contestant, it's Clueless :bibliahh:

Y'all ain't SHIIIIIT oh my GOD :jonny2: djkfsdgjkjfgdfgghfddfg

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1 minute ago, Clueless said:

Y'all ain't SHIIIIIT oh my GOD :jonny2: djkfsdgjkjfgdfgghfddfg

The way this isn’t even an L for anyone else, just you :bibliahh:

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OMG! SO ECSTATIC TO BE HERE! :-* Being in the Top 3 is such a great honor. What a journey!





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8 minutes ago, Sabbath said:




5MLOjZ8KRGGD8eIqWID9xrMGvXxbm9Raeze-1ZBKMfdSySFCh6QbnL7I4OjO-wqf_rv-8jIpE6k66JrFJHH0OYWWZNQZmbyr7OMDVxFmTprdiDbSi7vgOmXs18ttlR8yDK6jBoaf  vHtYmF_2tfbfjIq5u84F7Cs8TSVAgqBGvQlhvFiWeGKUqky5Ug9mgrZmNVFed8PGj0iPnj_nNwFG6AFn773T8fROMKyx8_mjr3smtPnzGV_Z2sEUzkMp4-Yr8x_kJdPJ8Di43qxc  OqXLApd-T90oUH1vnNbQO3fGXu2jIGf2KAZHJY0pHdrsGboTfIqakjadA8CIB6h8MU9d_3GuYaab1xPSwOK0XCE8oly9DdH3GhtCdHyV7zSQ0Pn4_WeXF7YYpFQmp3kOapKr6qQZ




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Aquaria is a queen who lives and breathes fashion, with her inspirations including iconic designers and and pop queens. I chose these three looks as her best this season because they are a good representation of Aquaria. They are fashion forward and diverse, talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it… just like Aquaria.


The first look displays a beautiful latex gown, and she looks stunning. In the second look, Aquaria serves high fashion aristocrat and looks flawless. In the third look, Aquaria puts her own spin on a Thierry Mugler look from the 90s, an example of her respect for iconic fashion designers and ability to reference. All three looks are diverse and stunning in their own way. Aquaria is not simply a model wearing designer clothes or pageant gowns; she curates and flawlessly executes her looks to create cohesive and memorable moments™️.


Now, why should I win? Well, I have the highest amount of points on the scoreboard (73 points vs Adut’s 70 points vs Catriona’s 66 points). I have NEVER fallen in the Bottom, whereas Adut and Catriona have both been in the Bottom multiple times. Unlike Kylie Jenner last season, I have the wins to back this up (7 overall wins, 5 being #1 wins). On top of that, I have served consistency this season, whereas Adut has been inconsistent, bottoming one week and topping the next, then going back to bottoming soon after . As for Catriona, her looks rarely stood out of the pack, as she only has one #1 win; pretty pageant gowns do not a Color Game winner make. Lastly, both Adut and Catriona have infamously recycled lewks this season, whereas I have not.


Ultimately, I believe I deserve to win Color Game 8 because I have been consistent, had several great and memorable looks and have always brought something different to the table (also, a kii if Aquaria wins after Sasha, like in real life ). My opponents have served some great looks this season but have not been as consistent, slayful and diverse as I have.


Thank you to the judges and all the contestants for an incredible season! I never expected at the beginning of this season to make it this far with Aquaria, but I believe I represented her to the best of my ability, and I have a newfound appreciation for her, and hopefully so do you. I had tons of fun this season and even made it to top 3 after just missing it last year! This time, I feel like a winner.





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Good evening Judges, Finalists, Players and TV Audiences all around the world, the universe rather.

I want to share how ecstatic I am to be part of this Grand Finale. This is my debut performance in this wonderful game so reaching this far is truly a great honor and a great experience in my NewTRL Journey! This Finale Entry of mine might be a handful to read but I hope you can bear with me as I pour my heart into it.


ATRL Universe, let me present....


Catriona Elisa Magnayon Gray, 25, from the Pearl of the Orient, Philippines!

Tonight is a monumental event as it signifies a chance to get the 8th crown of this game, I will do my best to prove why I deserve to win this title and while I do that I can’t move forward without reflecting back at the same time.




The decision of beginning my "The Colour Game 8" journey is synonymous to reaching a goal, a career, a milestone or a dream that is never easy. At first, signing up with a non-pop star, acclaimed model, or even an international actress like Catriona Gray seems so daunting because I felt like reaching the end of this game with Miss Universe 2018 seems to be so far away. To add more pressure, the people I look up to in ATRL seem to have had such a big head start, unmatchable portfolio of looks, or too charismatic of a personality that seemingly can have an easy way up. I must believe that there are so many obstacles I faced before I’ve even started…but the reality is: most of those obstacles exist only in my head. Aside from being an honor and great experience, this game was also synonymous to my journey of overcoming obstacles.


But those obstacles seemed to be lifted as my time in this game goes by and all thanks to my growing passion to showcase Catriona Gray's diversity and my own country, the Philippines' colorful history of arts and folklore.The first rounds made me realize that I need to have the fighting spirit of Catriona and not let the obstacles in my head get the best of me and it paid off as I got more inspired and connected to my model which is a brave soul that steps up and shows us that sometimes the road to success is the path you’re already on. And that’s exactly what Catriona Gray did! She still proudly represents the Philippines and has brought home the 4th Miss Universe crown and it truly made me believe in the looks that I've been sending and it paid off as I got to have one of the longest streaks of Wins and Highs of this season and I never got into the Bottom in the early to middle rounds ( I only ended up in the Bottom when I reached the Top 5 and Top 4 - which is inevitable when we have few players in the game) and just like Catriona Gray, I want to believe that I made sure to let everyone know that underneath her exquisite physical beauty is an even more beautiful theme and mindful inspiration on her looks. And this game witnessed how Catriona slayed her way to the top with her well-loved and memorable looks.

That's why I am more than excited to present the three looks that I chose to showcase Catriona's colorful journey to the The Color Game crown






from Round 8

Image result for silver glitters gif png

"I’ve always taught myself to look for the beauty in it, to look in the beauty of the children and be grateful. I would bring this aspect as a Miss Universe to see situations with a silver lining and to assess where I could give something, where I could provide something as a spokesperson"

- Catriona Gray


First off, this look and the story behind it is one of the reasons why I humbly believe I deserve to win, my first #1 WIN. Wearing fringe-themed outfits is not a guarantee of a gag-worthy moment, most especially if there is a "nude illusion" element attached to it. But Catriona successfully pulled it off making it as one of the memorable look in the game (it is nominated in the Best Look category at the TCG8 Awards together with my other memorable look) and it was the first baptism of fire within me in this game as it made me believe that I can actually have a shot at winning. This fringe silver gown is my first WIN in this game and it wowed the judges based on their CRITIQUES seeing the word "SERVE" on the four judges' critiques made me believe that seeing the silver linings in hopeless situations pays off. As you know, there was a round before this that made me feel really bad and that was the Orange round where my supposed First Win was cancelled due to a rank #23 from a judge that dragged the #2 and #3 rankings I got from the other judges. Admittedly, it was hard to be okay with it but looking at the bright side of things made me continue my TCG journey and it paid off as I got a win from my Silver / Gray entry.

I deserve to win because I did everything I can in looking for potential entries, I worked my hardest in each entries I sent, all because I believe that if I do those I might have a shot at aSILVER lining.



froRound 12


"Inside each and every one of us is a king or queen with the ability to conquer the universe, whatever that may be for you. But we must first conquer ourselves, conquer what others perceive of us, and finally, conquer with a purpose. To conquer our dreams. Philippines, I will forever raise our flag."

- Catriona Gray

Image result for catriona gray natcos miss universe HD

If my first look didn't convince you enough to give me the win, let me share this second look and the lessons I learned from it. This look came from the Unconventional round and it scored me a HIGHplacement at #4. The judges were not prepared to see Catriona walking the ramp with a giant lantern while sporting a traditional look. This look is not just an epitome of being "extra" which that round is looking for, instead, it was a celebration of my country that's why this look is called "Celebrate" by Catriona herself. The ensemble itself looked like a magnificent mishmash of designs: a patterned bodysuit, a beaded headdress, a molded brass belt, various fabrics on her thigh-high shoes, and a brightly-colored lantern as backdrop. You may call it a costume but it is still wearable outfits – and one of the prettiest ones that with some adjustment, would not have looked out of place in a high-fashion editorial. This is also one of the looks that started my long record of Win/High streak record in this season and it is one of my biggest risques in the game that paid off. It is so special since it was right after the PermabanGate drama that I've been to, wherein I was so close to giving up but good thing, there were people who believed in me and I owe it to them to do better in this game by risking more, hoping it can lead me to reach and maintain higher placements. That leads me to another reason why I deserve to win -

In this game, there's a notion that sometimes cultural appropriation by Asian contenders aren't being rewarded properly or Asian pegs doesn't go too far, and I am pretty sure Beauty Pageant Queens like Catriona did not reach this far yet in the game. but those circumstances did not stop me from showcasing my country's colorful culture. Let alone stop me from aiming to win this game, not even the permabangate can break my spirit. My whole run in this game is all about risks, it takes me long preparations and constant internal debates with myself to get a final entry. It is always a risk for me and I love that I took those risks because it took me where I am right now. An Asian Beauty Queen that is so fond of sending in Cultural Appropriation-themed looks who is now in the FINALE. 

I deserve to win because "taking risks" is my middle name as I play maybe because I already know I have nothing to lose since I have a very UNCONVENTIONAL contestant in the game and I remind myself all the time that those who play win, only those who risk win. Tracing our history, life favors risk-takers and it forgets the timid while everything else can be regarded as commentary.



from Round 16


"I think first of all, it takes bravery. To win is to carry a burning torch. It is like action carried out by one to illuminate the lives of many. And I would dedicate my whole self, my love for the arts, and my voice to trying to uplift, empower, and educate people. And it would be my greatest honor and duty to hold this torch high enough so that all the world could feel and see its light"

- Catriona Gray


The final look that I am very much proud to present and I will hate myself if I will not submit this entry without it is the....LAVA DRESS that Catriona showcased in the Red Round where it got a HIGHPlacement at #2. This look is even regarded as a WIN-worthy look by some players/viewers of the game, one notable player who praised it was my co-finalist Kipperskipper who adored it and thought it was DESERVING of a WIN during her Eulogygate. This is also nominated in the Best Look category in our Awards Ceremony, if those reasons weren't enough to solidify Catriona's worth in this finale and winning the crown, don't worry..I still have some tricks up my sleeves. This gown was dubbed as Catriona's Best Gown by the panel and I believe it is her best since its COLOR pops so vibrantly and it excellently flaunts Catriona's assets. The gown in motion (that's why I asked clearance from Sabbath if I can use this gif for this entry) is very reminiscent of lava dripping and exploding from an active volcano, very similar to the burning passion I have in me to win this game. Since Day 1, I never got complacent and worked hard with my entries and I always give my 101% effort in perfecting my entry due to my passion of showcasing the beauty of her look and to share the story behind her looks. I deserve to win despite the dramas I've been involved to, I always resurfaced with a burning desire to prove my worth in this game as much as I could. 

I deserve to win this explosive season of "The Color Game" as I identify myself as a passionate player of this game that I am very much willing to go the extra mile just to do wonders and polish my vision on every round that all of us were assigned to slay. Until to this very minute of doing my Finale Entry, I can still feel the bright RED fire of passion within me, it is so palpable that I advice you all to keep your torches burning since mine is burning stronger than ever.




I may not be the player with the most number of #1 placements or wins but I strive hard just like everyone to be here in this very moment and I have a great record of consecutive high/win placements for seven rounds - that's what you call CONSISTENCY.

Yes, I do deserve to WIN.

I may have been in the bottom twice but it only happened when the number of players were down to 5 and 4 which is hard to avoid but I never let that intimidate me since I know in my heart, I gave my very best in every rounds as evidenced by my detailed and comprehensive submissions and served multiple wonderful and slayful looks - that's what you call GRIT.

Yes, I do deserve to WIN.

I may not be everyone's favorite in the panel or players, I may not be that well-known in this site, I may not have the most popular model in this game but I never gave up to each challenges I faced in this game with the hopes of my worth being recognized one day - that's what you call TENACITY

Yes, I do deserve to WIN.


Bonus Answer:




This game will always be a huge part of my 2019 and my entire ATRL journey as I experienced a rollercoaster of an adventure. For that fact alone, I am very grateful since what followed me in this game was an overwhelming experience of generosity, kindness and endless support. I get to know people who selflessly dedicated and invested their time and skills into my journey.  Thank you to the host and judges and players especially to my co-finalists, here's my small gift of appreciation to you guys :heart2: 

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In conclusion, most people only see the result of the tournament. But that's not all that was gained or maybe lost. I want to believe that my "Behind the Tournament" experience was a complete journey of self-discovery, revelation, challenges and faith. 

I became a more understanding, better atrler and a person, I still strive to be better and this tournament played a part on that self-realization journey. I fully realized that through this game that even though you’re faced with so many obstacles you just need to try, take that first step and persist. Let people help you, because no-one can do it alone. And last of all, never lose faith – in yourself, your future and your purpose. 

I am very much ready to take on the legacy of The Color Game if you, the panel, decides to crown me as your newest winner based on my run and how I fought for my worth in this game. I accept your final decision and believe you know how to crown a rightful winner.


I am Yvess representing Catriona Gray,

an Asian Beauty Queen that may merit her as an UNCONVENTIONAL Finalist but despite all that,

I have that burning RED passion and always determined to see and experience the SILVER linings as we head the conclusion of this tournament.

And that's why I Deserve To Win


And I, Thank You!



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Throughout this competition, Adut Akech showed that she was fierce competition showing us look after look after look and taking risks that would pay off, showing off kipperskipper’s great strategic mind as well.


Adut Akech brought moments like EulogyGate and NoahGate, that will always be in our hearts. But today also brings a new memory, a last minute new memory: heartbreak.


It is with a heavy heart that I let you all know that kipperskipper has failed to meet the deadline, ask for an extension, read my message or DO ANYTHING.


Out of respect for our now top 2 that sent on time, and considering it’s been over an hour of unofficial “extension” and you were online before the deadline passed, kipperskipper, your Color Game race ends here.


Sashay away.





BUMP :heart2: 

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On 8/14/2019 at 9:43 PM, Sabbath said:





First of all I wanna thank all of you for signing up for this season of Color Game. Whether you lasted 1 round or made it all the way to the finale,

all of you have my eternal gratitude and helped make this season a lot of fun.

I also want to thank everyone who took the time to participate in the nomination phase. Now that that’s over, let’s get to fun part!


Voting is now open, and a lot of you got nominations, even if your time here was short, so check it out!


Anyone can vote whether you were a player or just lurked every once in a while. You are allowed to vote for yourself if you feel like you deserve it.


Voting will be open until the finale and the winners will be revealed before the crowning this weekend (hopefully)





I got snubbed. :deadbanana: 

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2 minutes ago, Yvess said:

OMG! SO ECSTATIC TO BE HERE! :-* Being in the Top 2 is such a great honor. What a journey!






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2 minutes ago, Psycho said:

Image result for whats going on gif veep


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1 minute ago, PinkBox said:


OMG i cant believe it... :weeps:

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