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Ultimate TABS S1 : The Ultimate TABS is BEYONCE (Touch It)


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  • Yvess


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2 hours ago, Sempiternal said:

Some of the bops are.....

omg LOVE ur new avi sis :heart2:

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2 hours ago, Sempiternal said:

Some of the bops are.....

But the dances I'm keen to view.


Something to do while my bf works all weekend  :grump:

Good thing sis!???

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the C U N T and TABS our gifs possess :jonny5:

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4 hours ago, Sabbath said:

the C U N T and TABS our gifs possess :jonny5:

Luvs it :-*

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9 hours ago, Guero said:


Might just pop it on a handstand

I also love vogueing soooo.. :-*

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1 hour ago, Yvess said:

I also love vogueing soooo.. :-*

Invi for #1 :clap3: 

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TEAM @Speezy

@Touch It @Overprotected



 Touch It - Beyonce

Yvess - Touch It 
Best Dance:  I didn't expect this to be sent as your entry but I can say you definitely highlighted her talent skills but I feel like with the talent of hers, I kinda wished I have seen more of her mad dancing skills. 
Best Bop:  Yes! This is a BOP mama! I feel like this song stood the test of time and I actually wished you have sent in her CIL dance choreo for your best dance since it is a classic. :-* 




Overprotected - Bjork


Yvess - Overprotected 

Best Dance:  I commend the bravery in the early apology you did in your explanation. I kinda enjoyed the video due to the production value of the MV and I feel like I should give you some points to that. Now, the dancing,,, definitely she aint a Janet Jackson of dance but I appreciate her trying to bust a move. 


Best Bop: Now, you can say you make up in this category. I like this bop. I enjoyed it. :katie2:


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TEAM @Sabbath

@Psycho @KatyCatPH @Invisibility @PinkBox



KatyCatPH - Taylor Swift

Yvess - KatyCatPH
Best Dance: This is like Bjork's more dynamic version of Its Oh So Quiet, I am not a fan of her gorilla moves but I feel like the dance in the rain is a great highlight in this video. 
Best Bop: This is an anthemic bop for sure but I feel like it gets annoying sometimes especially when you get to hear the lyrics. But a bop is sometimes paired with cringe-y lyrics so I guess I find it to be a minor issue or a non-issue at all. 



Pinkbox - Celine Dion


Yvess - PinkBox 

Best Dance:  My mom would definitely love this performance. I actually liked it, I expect nothing from her in the dance department so this is a cool surprise for me. Kudos for the explanation too! I love reading explanations coz it gives me more of your reasons why it was chosen and you pretty much sold me into it. Maybe it is a voodoo black magic tho that you used on me jk :-* 

Best Bop:  Not a super fan of this song at first listen but it grew on me as I gave it more listens today at work. The high notes in the succeeding choruses is heavenly. 



Psycho - Lady Gaga 


Yvess - Psycho 

Best Dance: I stan the dance routine of Judas back then, it is such a gayous moment tbh! I also liked that she is singing live while serving us her dance moves.  Kinda wished you sent in one of her Applause or BTW performances but nevertheless, this is still a solid entry for me. :worship:  

Best Bop: The one that started it all. This is a great bop! 




Invisibility - Madonna


Yvess - Invisibility - 

Best Dance: The theatrics is such a great moment! She definitely outdanced a lot of young girls this round and the girls in here should be taking notes from her :jonny5:  
Best Bop: Well, this is a good choice since the message of the song is like a tribute to what "bops" are all about. 



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TEAM @Element

@Solarie @Guero @kiiwii @EriKills



Solarie - Avril Lavigne


Yvess - Solarie

Best Dance:I haven't watched this performance since I don't like Melissa but looking at it now, she truly gave her fans a different canvass to play with in this era with her songs and live performances. I am surprised that she is actually moving and she is enjoying her dance routines - something I rarely see from her. 

Best Bop:- The only correct answer when you ask to play a great bop from our childhood. A solid choice! 



Kiiwii - Katy Perry


Yvess - Kiiwii 

Best Dance: I stan. She gave the gays what they want. The struts, the hops, the poses, male dancers in super tight white tights and the flawless dance steps that fits the airy vibe of this song is truly great.  The flawless vocals is such a serve too!

I wanna say more but I will let this guy say it all for me.


Best Bop:  Another solid choice for me, Her TD era is so flawless from start to finish and this song will always remain a classic. Such a bop!




Guero - Ariana Grande


Yvess - Guero 

Best Dance:  A pleasant surprise and I stan this song so this is a great choice. The voguing thingy is my favorite. 

Best Bop- SLAY ME. 



EriKills - Tinashe


Yvess - EriKills 

Best Dance: I GOTTA STAN HARDER, I GUESS. 4 MINUTES OF DANCING IS SUCH A FUVKING GREAT TALENT. I LOVE IT! This is your golden TABS moment tbh. Mentor wars shouldn't stop this from getting the acclaim it truly deserves.

Best Bop: You can never go wrong with this Top 30 Classic Bop. Slay us! 



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Thank u, I expect to do better with my dance than bop




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24 minutes ago, Speezy said:

my crits are coming

Yay! :-*

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some of yall







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11 minutes ago, Speezy said:

some of yall







Drag them 


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Lost it when i saw "crack a knee a bit" in Speezy's critiques





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  • ATRL Moderator

@Yvess @Speezy @Sabbath @Sempiternal @kipperskipper 


Good evening everyone. I write to you with urgency, on this, the night on which Katy Perry's future top 80 hit single "Small Talk" releases to all streaming and purchasing platforms. Just a few short days ago, our dear friend Ms. Hudson was sidelined in an unfortunate accident while in the TABS house. You see, her teammate, Miss Ariana Grande, went to cast her vote in the elimination ceremony... but then something happened. Ariana was so busy defending herself from her own fanbase's heinous!! rumors about her on social media, that she didn't see how quickly the hours had passed by. She realized her mistake, but it was too late. Her slender, five foot body could not move fast enough and she failed to make it to the voting booth in time. The deadline struck, locking in a self-vote, which unfortunately combined with other factors, and sent Katy into a battle for her LIFE... a battle we are now judging. If this game had played out normally, Miss Katheryn would have advanced to this round without any issues. She had the votes to stay. She should not be going home. Tonight, she would have been bopping for fun, but now she's forced to dance for her chance to stay -- and on a sprained ankle too! You must understand the horrible domino effect that has now overshadowed Katheryn's once vibrant experience in the TABS house. The joyous Katheryn Hudson Perry Brand Bloom. My Katheryn. Your Katheryn. Our Katheryn. Tonight, I humbly request that, as we review who should stay and leave this competition, please recall that Our Katheryn is an innocent victim. Our Katheryn was supposed to stay and continue living out her dreams of becoming THE ULTIMATE TABS. Do not forget all of these good times. If you are not swayed enough by Our Katheryn's dance entry this round, please recall the circumstances of the previous elimination ceremony when the time comes to enact the judges' save. There is no one more deserving to stay than a person who was never going to leave. We have the power to bring the scales of justice back into balance. Do not miss your chance to right the wrongs of the past.




(it's low-key bad so actually don't)


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Good evening everyone,


Lady Gaga actually has TABS and was unfairly targeted. When doing your critiques consider this: she's not Katy Perry. 

She should not be leaving since she's doing better than Katheryn and has many more talents to display, both in this game and irl. Thank you. 




@Yvess @Speezy @Sempiternal @kipperskipper 

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  • ATRL Moderator

Good evening everyone,


This game is not about talent. This game is not about artistry. This game is not about beauty. This game is not about success.

Not at this point. This game is about strategy for the contestants now. There is no "unfair" targeting of anyone. Everyone is fair game. 


Why did Katheryn receive votes when other contestants with lower averages did not receive votes? We all know what is happening here. The mentors have been playing fair in the past, but it is clear the contestants are fighting for themselves now. They are in charge of their decisions.


I did not once ask for Lady Gaga to leave. In fact, I did not mention Stefani's name one time in my post. This post was not about Stefani Germanotta. This was about Katheryn Hudson. 


Stream the sensual bop, Tsunami!



@Yvess @Speezy @Sempiternal @kipperskipper 


Tag me next time, @Sabbath


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