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Ultimate TABS S1 : The Ultimate TABS is BEYONCE (Touch It)


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1 minute ago, Black Canary said:

That told me everything it needed to I was about to do my bottom 3/top 3 for pose but let me save my vocal chords for the lashings I'll hand out before my exit

what about lashing at all the pose girls instead cause more than 3 deserve that

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Gaga got a 9 overall from me not 8. :fan:  i was doing these during charmed and sorta wasn't paying attention whoops

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Just now, Sabbath said:

what about lashing at all the pose girls instead cause more than 3 deserve that

I know they do but my GOD am I a tired bitch right now you really want me to summon up all that energy to drag them girls

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@kiiwii @KatyCatPH

KatyCatPH - Taylor Swift



Yvess: KatyCatPH - 7.5

Photo: 3: This is cute. I get that you went pedestrian-like in this shot of hers. I love her overall aura in RED era btw.

Video: 4.5: A bop! I like the vibe of the video + summer song vibes rolled into one :clap3: 


Element: KatyCatPH - 7/10

Photo Score: 3/5 - Very cute, very preppy. I feel like this is a safe choice that could have had some more interesting lighting or natural elements. 

Video Score: 4/5 - Another good option that checks the boxes for your theme. I liked the different sources of light throughout the video (including the sun, the LEDs, etc)... and the energy throughout was very cheerful and fun. 


Speezy: KatyCatPH – 7.5
Photo:3.5  MV:4
This is a fun video tbh. It gives off light and day vibes from the fun and being around your friends. You can feel the feeling through the video and song. There is some night vibes given in the video
The photo is very City-like day time


(Sempiternal ): (KatyCatPH) - (8/10)

Photo Score: (4) - (this is adorable photo of her, bright colours, bright background! It works )

Video Score: (4) - (naw cute choice. :)


gotintoririfever1 - KatyCatPh - Taylor Swift

Photo - 3
I love the fun and youthful vibe of the video. The video gives off that fresh and radiating feels from the video and is one the kind of videos i wanna see when the theme for "Light" is about. Cute photo btw.


Kipperskipper - KatyCatPH - Taylor Swift


NNnnn idk why her face makes me luagh. Like she looks so nice and sweet that it makes her seem evil :emofish: Anyways, this is a good entry but a little vanilla and safe. 


5/5- Video

i HATE this song :angry: But the video is a serve tbh. Love the aesthetic and the filter on the video. Visually we see the brightness of the lights, the sunset, and we can also see the everlasting "light" energy of Taylor and her friends. Great job!


kiiwii - Katy Perry



Yvess: kiiwii: 8.5

Photo: 5: I stan the photo. It gives me surveillance camera realness. :clap3:

Video: 3.5: I miss this era! The visuals is so outstanding! :jonny5: 


Sabbath: kiiwii - 7

Photo: 5 - I’ve never seen this pic before and I like it a lot. I love how it’s telling a story and it fits with what we were looking for for “dark”

Video: 2 - Not loving this choice tbh. Half of it might be set in the night but it feels to fairytale-esque and dreamy for a true “dark” video. The scenes in the garden don’t help either.


Speezy: kiiwii – 6.5
MV:3 Photo:3.5
I love the approach you took on this honestly. The video was good for the Dark thoughts humans are known for but the video has a lot of positive/light aspects in it towards the end of the video.
The photo could be better, but I understand what you were hinting at. 


(Sempiternal ): (Kiiwii) - (8.5/10)

Photo Score: (4.5) - (darn this photo gives me chills, never seen it before but it is very dark indeed. It works. Well done)

Video Score: (4) - (This video is cute and fits the theme in so many ways, she needs more videos like this, she suits it.)


Gotintoririfever1 - kiiwii - Katy Perry
Photo: 1
Video: 4
Okay first thing's first...i dont know where you're going at with the photo entry. Ummm the photo sweAty...ummm no. However, i LOVE the video entry and its explanation. The video and song was a great representation of darkness with feeling lost and isolated.


Kipperskipper - kiiwii - Katy Perry

5/5 Photo-

Wait is she trying to kermit :dancehall: I've never seen this pic before :deadbanana4: Well can ou get any darker than this? The only problem I have is her hair. This would be a 100/10 if she had long black hair. But now it's a 0. :eddie:


3.5/5 Video

Ok this is def one of her most stunning videos. I do agree that it is one of her "darker" videos, but even then it doesn't scream dark. I guess the fairytale/fantasy theme and ending kind of throw it off. But I do see how the sentiment of the video and scenes shot at night work for this theme.


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is it CRACK what you smoked for that Ariana pic scores? 

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1 minute ago, Sempiternal said:

Gaga got a 9 overall from me not 8. :fan:  i was doing these during charmed and sorta wasn't paying attention whoops

@Yvess :eek:

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2 minutes ago, Solarie said:

Me at Conchechita score ?



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Just now, Black Canary said:

I know they do but my GOD am I a tired bitch right now you really want me to summon up all that energy to drag them girls

it's what they deserve for being pedestrian

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3 minutes ago, Sempiternal said:

Gaga got a 9 overall from me not 8. :fan:  i was doing these during charmed and sorta wasn't paying attention whoops

its fine sis, i fixed it on the excel sheet yesterday xoxo 

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3 minutes ago, Sempiternal said:

Gaga got a 9 overall from me not 8. :fan:  i was doing these during charmed and sorta wasn't paying attention whoops


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2 minutes ago, Psycho said:

@Yvess :eek:

it is a 9 on the excel sheet xoxo


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Looking at these 5/5 Ariana pic scores like :cm:

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okay im sorry but HOW is that Katy pic a 1? literally HOW? the bitch is about to jump the ****ing bridge, the set is dark AF, the theme is dark AF, the expression is dark AF, HOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW

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Just now, Black Canary said:

Looking at these 5/5 Ariana pic scores like :cm:

Guerito really out there paying some judges, I see you @Guero

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Pinkbox - Celine Dion


Yvess: Pinkbox - 9.5
Photo: 4.5: I love the photo, it gives me the vibe that she is truly the LIGHT in the Haus of Sabbath. She looks so fresh and like a deity in that photo too.
Video: 5 Ok Miss Celine, you did not disappoint despite not sending in my favorite music video of hers which is ANDHC :'( The overall vibe is infectiously fun and lighthearted which what your assigned theme embodies :clap3: 

Element: PinkBox - 9/10

Photo Score: 5/5 - Serving 3rd grade communion class textbook cover! This picture is so ethereal and just gives me all the warmth I would expect out of daybreak.

Video Score: 4/5 - They looked like they had a lot of fun shooting this video. I think the energy and activity throughout absolutely serve ~daytime~ so this was a good pick


Speezy: Pinkbox - 9
MV:4  Photo:5
I love the photo a lot, seems very peaceful and relaxing
Nothing like sweaty moist men gathered around you outside on a summer day. I stan a bit. But some of these activities can be done at night


(Sempiternal ): (Pinkbox) - (9.5/10)

Photo Score: (5) - (I like this photo, looks like she's laying in heaven which fits well with the light round. )

Video Score: (4.5) - (very bright and cheerful video, this is adorable)


Kipperskipper - Pinkbox - Celine Dion

5/5- Photo- Ooooo stunting pic!! Celine looks so heavenly and like a goddess. She knows she has the ultimate TABS and is just bored taking a nap in the clouds waiting to be crowned.

4.5/5- Video

Great pick for a video! I def see how this fits in with the light theme. Everyone is smiling, dancing, and having a great time. It's about unity and coming together!!


Overprotected - Bjork



Yvess: Overprotected - 9

Photo: 4: I love this one! It gives me grandmom of the universe realness! :jonny5: 

Video: 5: P E R F E C T! :clap3: 


Sabbath: Overprotected - 8

Photo: 3 - I like this. I love how everything is so over the top, from the hair, to the outfit. It’s not as dark as other entries, but it works.

Video: 5 - You REALLY had me sitting thru a 10 min video? With my poor attention span? And that ratio aspect? the NERVE! Anyways, it really paid off, the entire video is very eerie, the locations and her expressions really sell it (without taking the music into account, which also make it dark). The last part in the mountains give it a lighter vibe, kinda like “the light at the end of the tunnel” tho. I wanted to say it feels like art and I read in the description that it was actually commissioned by the MoMA, whew, Ga wishes!!!!! jk.


Element: Bjork - 9/10

Photo Score: 5/5 - Exquisite! Queen of the cosmos is right.

Video Score: 4/5 - The things I do for this game. Watching a ten minute music video with strobe-like distortion? Yvess, this was NOT in my contract! Visually, this was a very stunning video, and I think there were enough dark/night scenes throughout to drive home her emotions, lyrics, and the theme of this round. I would have loved to see a bit more diversity in the scenes to take this to the highest scoring level, but this submission as a whole is your best of the competition by far.


(Sempiternal ): (Overprotected) - (9.5/10)

Photo Score: (4.5) - (This photo works. Bjork outdid herself here. I love it. )

Video Score: (5) - (great video, fits the theme, even has a dark name..)


Gotintoririfever1 - Overprotected - Bjork
Stunning entries. Probably my favorite entry for the night theme. That photoshoot still gives me life up to this date and the video for Black Lake is a musical and visual experience. WE DECIDED TO STAN FOREVER.


Kipperskipper - Overprotected - Bjork

5/5: Ugh i ****ing love this pic. Love what she is wearing and the constellations! It's zany, whimsical, fantastical, and magical!


5/5 Yes mawmaw!! Love how emotional and eerie it is. She just takes you there. :cries:It's so visually stunning and compelling, and the part where she is floating i the air was as serve!

Solarie - Avril Lavigne



Yvess: Solarie - 10

Photo 5: Under My Skin is her best album so I am delighted to see her album photo in this round! 

Video: 5: Queen of doing promos for her fave! I love this MV as it matches the dark theme of a toxic love affair. The night scenes are so beautiful, I did not expect her to snap that hard. :jonny5: 


Sabbath: Solarie - 10

Photo: 5 - Absolutely. The pose, the styling, the mood, everything about this says “dark”. Perfect!

Video: 5 - She’s driving a hearse!!!!! Literally that’s the first thing we see, how darker can we get omg and then she’s in a coffin, WEEEEEE-. This is just great. I love her solo scenes in the forest, some of them with the piano remind me a little bit of Evanescence. This hits the right mark in every way, the sets, the outfits, the coloring, everything is just DARK. My favorite entry of yours by far. Poor that photo you sent like a month ago with the purple smoke. If someone doesn’t give this a 5, I literally don’t know what they were expecting from this round. At times it could get a little cheesy I’m not gonna lie, but it’s just so well put together and fits the round so well, that you can overlook that.


Speezy: Solarie – 8
MV:5 Photo: 3
First the photo is pretty good. The filter helped a lot.
The song & video matched amazing with dark and night theme. I love the thorns and graveyard scenes.


(Sempiternal): (Solarie) - (9/10)

Photo Score: (5) - I love this photo of her, I see the darkness and emotion just in this picture alone.

Video Score: (4) - ooo the new music video, honestly even though this is the 2nd time watching this. I can see it fitting the theme :) gives me those chills.


Gotintoririfever1 - Solarie - Avril Lavigne
Photo: 5
Video: 5
Finally! i love the imagery and visuals that represented Avril for the round. The photo sent dark, eerie and mysterious vibes all over it. I can feel the angst and heavy emotions from the Under My Skin shoot and the music video's aesthetic is really stunning. Great entry.


Kipperskipper - Solarie - Avril Lavigne

4.5/5 Photo- 

Very 200'2 grunge goth scene :mandown: Love how angsty and edgy she is XD. 

5/5 Video-

Whew!! Didn't expect anything less from dark queen miss Avril. However, I was given more than expected!! Love that she is driving a hearse and transporting her own dead body, and then we see her in the coffin. A concept. This is the perfect entry for this round!!



@PinkBox / @Overprotected / @Solarie 


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3 minutes ago, Sabbath said:

okay im sorry but HOW is that Katy pic a 1? literally HOW? the bitch is about to jump the ****ing bridge, the set is dark AF, the theme is dark AF, the expression is dark AF, HOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW

maybe ur not a saboteur after all :eek:

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1 minute ago, kiiwii said:

maybe ur not a saboteur after all :eek:

ofc im not, i have refined TASTE!

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Céline "Queen of Visuals" Dion :clap3: 

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Black Canary is under probation

and the only way for her to go back into the competition is to rank in the


only me, sabbath and her knows about this condition


Black Canary - Britney Spears



Yvess: Black Canary - 10

Photo: 5: Visuals-wise, britney can deliver and I guess even without the explanation, you can get a great score for the photo you chose. She looks like she is the gatekeeper of a dark realm and she is waiting for her next preys. Kudos!

Video: 5: I stan that MV since it is a visual feast, I even went to a point of checking for esoteric easter eggs in the video when it came out. Having said that, choosing this for the Music Video is a no-brainer since it slays. :alexz: 


Sabbath: Black Canary - 8

Photo: 3 - Honestly I liked this photo better before I read the description. The smirk on her face and the flames around her paired with the leotard made it all look very……hell-ish and I liked that, it did look like a dark photoshoot. The description kinda took away from it since it painted it in such a positive light.

Video: 5- Yeah, I think this was a very well chosen pick. The vibe of the whole video IS very dark, I kinda feel like it even feels Halloween-esque. Even the song itself is very moody. Slé.


Element: Boys - 7.5/10 

Photo Score: 3/5 - I think the Vegas Strip is a very iconic setting, especially during the night time with all of the bright lights and signs flashing. On a base level, you get the theme across, but the color palette is extremely bright for a photo that is supposed to represent darkness. I understand your explanation and what you were going for, though… btw that was full of superfluous information. 

Video Score: 4.5/5 - Very strong video choice. This embodies an energy of the sensuality and drama that happens “after hours”... The colors/lighting (despite being very bright at times) still supports the overall theme. They did a great job with this concept tbh. 


(Sempiternal ): (Boys) - (6.5/10)

Photo Score: (2.5) - (stunning photo but I don't really see it fitting the theme at all.  )

Video Score: (4) - (actually for the video I like the description you put. Which gives you points :))


Gotintoririfever1 - Boys - Britney Spears
Photo - 2
Video - 2.50
Yikes. Imagine having an iconic artist like Britney Spears with a wide range of amazing shoots and videos that would be a great fit for this theme and we get this. Added points because of the explanations, it was fun and cool which is fun and great.


Kipperskipper - Boys - Britney Spears


The story is cute, but girl we know it's just a promo shot with no true meaning or backstory. Nonetheless, I do think it fits the dark theme. The flames give it a sinister flare matched with that scary evil look she is giving. 

Image result for elmo rise gif


5/5 This is like the only recent Britney song that I like. Too bad Tinashe had to feature on it and curse it. :mandown: Anways, that's irrelevant. I think this is a perfect choice for this round! I mean what else says dark/night like a slumber party? It's sensual, seductive, and perfect.



@Black Canary

I am very sorry sis, but it is the end of the line for you since you did not pass your probation status

I still believe you do not completely hate me or maybe I'd like to believe it in that way.

Thanks for bringing in too much fun in this game.

You will be part of the TABS Council though



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Just now, Sabbath said:

Céline "Queen of Visuals" Dion :clap3: 

The only Dion thats queen of visuals is Dionne Warwick



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