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Ultimate TABS S1 : The Ultimate TABS is BEYONCE (Touch It)


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15 hours ago, Psycho said:

Top 5 and I am #5 and highest on team TABSbath oh wow oh wow :eek:

if only Madonna is still here, 

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  • Replies 9.9k
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Top Posters In This Topic

  • Yvess


  • Sabbath


  • PinkBox


  • thecptz


Top Posters In This Topic

Team Speezy :heart2:

Image result for spice girls gif


1 Wannabe - Bawdee
2 Viva Forever - Touch It
3 Spice Up Your Life - Boys
4 2 Become 1 - Loyalty
5 Stop - Pinkbox


Team Element :heart2: 

Image result for destiny's child gif


1 Survivor - kiiwii
2 Say My Name - Not Like the Movies
3 Independent Women, Pt. I - Solarie
4 Jumpin', Jumpin' - Guero
5 Emotion - PoKiTaurus


Team Sabbath :heart2:

  Image result for pussycat dolls gif


1 I Hate This Part - KatyCatPH
2 Buttons - Alena
3 Don't Cha - Psycho
4 Jai Ho - Queen Conchita
5 Hush Hush - thecptz 



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1 minute ago, Yvess said:

if only Madonna is still here, 

Don't blame me.mp3



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16 hours ago, Psycho said:

Don't blame me.mp3



anna ou 

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10 minutes ago, Psycho said:

Don't blame me.mp3



oop drag me x

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C R I T I Q U E S 







Guero - Ariana Grande
90s Divas Sketch from SNL (TV Sketch)



 Ariana not only plays a shy intern in this clip, but she also plays various artists (even some fellow hopeful TABS artists).  This clip shows her charisma and also is pretty entertaining to watch her pull off the multiple, different personalities of the artists she’s embodying at a moments notice.



Yvess: Guero - 10: I love this skit. I am not expecting heavy dramatic scenes from everyone so sending in a comedy skit is really a smart move! Plus, her showing her vocal flexibility is such a stan worthy moment tbh. Love the description! Great!

Speezy: Guero - Ariana Grande - 7: Very good talent and entertaining but the acting at points was a bit cringeworthy. It does show off her flexible vocal skills and her bubbly personality

Sabbath: Guero - Ariana Grande - 9: I like that you went the comedic way so that even if her comedic timing failed (which didn’t) you could still rely on her vocal talents, kinda like what Courtney Act did on drag race during the comedy challenge.

Pressure - Guero  7.5/10  haha this is really cute and have not seen it before. I admit I found her acting terrible in that Disney show she was in. but once she started singing her real talent came. She shows more of her singing talent in this but fact she can change her character in voice and way she sang those hit singers. Gave ya points.

gotintoririfever1: Guero - Ariana Grande - 9 Pretty strong entry from Ariana. I was entertained by her acting and impersonations. I was smiling through out the clip. Slay


kiiwii - Katy Perry
The One That Got Away (MV)



 For the music video of this ballad, Katy showcases the raw emotions of lost love. We get to catch glimpses of a beautiful relationship turned sour that ended in her lover's death and the affect it still has on a wrinkle-ridden Katy.



Yvess: kiiwii - 9: Well, I am glad you sent this entry, the drama is here and I love the storyline too, Just like what I sent in for the Sample Entry (Over by Lindsay Lohan), this entry banked on the story which entertained me. The explanation won me over too!  Now, I feel sad for an artistic ex I never had!

Speezy: kiiwii - Katy Perry – 9:The storyline was good, That tattoo scene was cringeworthy especially with the fake yelling. The scene where she sees his ghost or spirit was very well played

Sabbath: kiiwii - Katy Perry - 8: Ahhhhh not this video   Literal perfection besides the old Katy scenes which I’ve never liked that much, and some scenes feel overacted to me but BESIDES THAT, I loved this video so much since the it came out. What her best song deserved, brb crying.

Pressure - kiiwii  7/10  the video still gets to me. It breaks my heart.. I do love the story and twist.  She shows real emotion in this and can understand why you sent this.

gotintoririfever1: kiiwii - Katy Perry - 10. I am rewatching this music video again after 8 years and felt like a trainwreck AGAIN. The storyline and setting really fits the song. Easily one of Katy's best videos. Ended up crying when the song ended and the outro buried me. :(((. Wish this Katy will comeback.

Not Like The Movies - Janelle Monae

Scene from Hidden Figures (MOVIE) 


click here

Yvess' note: due to YT rules, this video cant be embedded , pls open it in a new tab.




Yvess: Not Like The Movies - 9: This girl can actually act! This scene is cute. It leaves me wanting for more tbh.

Not Like The Movies - Janelle Monae – 7.5:Well this is odd judging my former mentees, I hope your new tribes are treating you well and giving you the proper air quality…anyways. This scene definitely reflected that point in time. The excitement at the end was key point too. But I do wish there was a tad bit more emotion in the judge scene

Sabbath: Not Like the Movies - Janelle Monae - 8: The script is good for this scene and I liked her little reaction at the end when she got what she wanted lol. She’s obviously very talented from what I’ve seen of her acting projects, but I’m not sure if this was the best choice. I like how composed and secure she is during the courtroom bit but that doesn’t really allow us to see her range.It’s still a good entry.

Pressure - Not Like The Movies 6/10  Maybe it was just the scene but I just found her acting boring tbh. I'm sorry sis. Sorta just turned off right through it.

gotintoririfever1: Not Like The Movies - Janelle Monae - 10 Wow. I am astounded by this powerful scene from this movie. I was really taken away and convinced by Janelle's acting on this one. Homegirl was ready and kept pulling all them receipts from left to right. Pretty much my favorite scene in that movie. What a great choice of an entry. Slay mama! Tens across the board! #BlackExcellence

PoKiTaurus - Mariah Carey
   Obsessed (MV) 



 In this video Mariah Carey plays not only herself, but the male character as well (you can clearly see it's her during the limo door scene). I chose this video because it showcases how she is able to play as a male character. 



Yvess: PokiTaurus - 6: I expected a different MV if you will not send in a clip from Precious or even Glitter. Color me a bit underwhelmed.  But I still enjoyed this tbh but not 10-worthy.

PoKiTaurus - Mariah Carey – 8.5:This video was iconic for reasons. Her playing herself and the obsesser. I do love the humor in it too. It did feel like some expressions were unauthentic in the video.

Sabbath: Pokitaurus - Mariah Carey - 5: It’s a fun video and since she’s “playing 2 characters” I see why it would make sense for you to want to send this, but there’s not much acting going on in here if we’re being real. The real her is just singing the song like on any other video and the male her isn’t doing much but touching his merch of her or staring at her and that’s……not acting. I think you should’ve sent a different video or used her role in Precious, that would’ve been more impressive since it’s so different to her real persona. My first time being disappointed with one of your entries :(

Pressure -  PoKiTaurus 6/10  I know for sure Mariah hasn't got much when it comes to ideas for her videos because she always does the same thing. But i agree she played the male pretty well. it's only video out there that shows a fun personitly from her.

gotintoririfever1: PokiTaurus - Mariah Carey - 5 Okay. The song is an ABSOLUTE BOP YES! But Mariah has more stronger entries than this. It showcased how she was able to portray a campy kidz bop version of Eminem. I just cannot take it seriously in any aspect. A No No

Solarie - Avril Lavigne
Sex Education Skit from MADTV (TV Sketch)  




Yvess: Solarie - 9: First off, I am such a hardcore MADtv stan as a kid so this checks the entertainment value for sure. Avril blended very well with the superb cast, I love the campy aura and slay at the DONT TELL ME reference as swift promo

Solarie - Avril Lavigne – 7.5:Honestly I am familiar with MADTV and the dullness of SEX-Ed videos and she nailed both honestly. Some of the comedy moments fell flat compared to what normal MAD TV produced

Sabbath: Solarie - Avril Lavigne - 8: first of all, I wasn’t expecting that at all  I mean, she’s not a comedian but I laughed. Could it have been better? Yea. Was it better than i expected? Also yea! She lacks that comedy or acting overall experience but as far as I know it’s not something she has delved into a lot so I can’t blame her much for lacking a bit of spark. Dynamite Solarie, love MADTV.

Pressure - Solarie 7.5/10  **** she's adorable tho that guy is giving me Eric Forman tease. Anyways she's not the greatest actress but I friggen find anything she does adorable. She can do comedy that's for sure.

gotintoririfever1: Solarie - Avril Lavigne - 7 Its a cute and campy entry from Avril Lavigne. The song reference was a also slick. Anyway, i always thought the girl in that black friend parody was Avril the entire time before lmao.











Bawdee - Rihanna

Death of Rihanna Scene from Valerian (MOVIE) 



 While she's part CGI, Rihanna still manages to show depth as an actress in this scene.



Yvess: Bawdee - 6: Scrihming in the first 50 secs but she somehow did what she had to do. Her resting bitch face even at the time of her death sends me tbh

Sabbath: Bawdee - Rihanna - 5 : first of all, i haven’t watched this movie so thanks for the spoiler (jk, at this point i was never gonna watch lbr). I think I liked it better when she was an alien (?) ‘cause the voice sounded right, but when she transformed back into Rihanna I wasn’t feeling it. Her expressions weren’t that convincing so it made the entire conversation not very believable (as in, an interaction that could happen not an alien/magician/artist/whatever being realistic). I think she was better on Guava Island.

Element: Bawdee - 3.0 - WHAT was this? I’m dead, Rihanna’s dead, we’re all dead. This was so monotone. I didn’t really feel any acting prowess, emotion, charisma, or entertainment factor here. The most interesting part was when she turned to dust. Sorry bb

Pressure - Bawdee  10/10  I already know she's an amazing actress. Shes been in so many movies and few shows now. This is a great entry. Fact she can play good spot being an alien to dying. She legit can do anything

gotintoririfever1: Bawdee - Rihanna - 5 What the f*ck was that. Rihanna swEaty. No. 5 points for 50 seconds of that acting with bare minimum effort. But i love her that even in a dying scene, Rihanna seem to not give a f*ck. An intergalactic disaster.


Boys - Britney Spears

Abby the Receptionist Scene from How I Met Your Mother (SERIES)    



 Fun fact: https://www.inquisitr.com/1123115/britney-spears-helped-save-how-i-met-your-mother-from-certain-doom/  
So basically Britney's acting chops saved an entire show no one else in this competition can say that



Yvess: Boys - 10: This is great, Abby is my spirit animal

Sabbath: Boys - Britney Spears - 8.5: Ahhhhh, I wish this was the episode of when she’s working at the clinic, I think it would’ve been stronger cause this video was too choppy and didn’t showcase her role as well, so I hope the other judges watched HIMYM cause she was really funny and knew how to play the role. But i have to base it on the actual entry.

Element: Boys - 7.5 - This entry was cute and fun! She definitely was energetic and entertaining, if not lacking a bit of depth. It was not the most groundbreaking and incredible acting of all time, but it was good for a cameo appearance.

Pressure - Boys 7.5/10  Britney is like avril. She can do good comedy sorta acting too.  Cute entry.

gotintoririfever1: Boys - Britney Spears - 7 Her acting on HIMYM did its part. Nice. Homegirl can do campy, comedy and fun acting for sure.

Loyalty - Christina Aguilera

Hurt (MV) 






Yvess: Loyalty - 7: Just like Mimi's problem, you ignored her acting excellence in a motion picture which is Burlesque, Ugh. This hits the feels tbh, I wished there were some dialog coz we all know XtinE is good with doing emotional faces when she sings.  I just feel like this is a wasted opportunity for you and Mimi coz clearly, you were one of the few who had decent acting projects compared to the others.

Sabbath: Loyalty - Christina Aguilera - 0: If I can’t have Loyalty no one will ?

Sabbath: Loyalty - Christina Aguilera - 7: This song always makes me cry   anyways, while I think she does show off emotions while singing the song and as story passes, she’s not acting that much, she gets out-acted a LOT by the young christina and the dad. I wish you stuck to your original idea or that considered Burlesque (which again I haven’t watched in a while so maybe it’s not a good idea? but i believe it was).

Element: Loyalty - 9.0 - Very good choice. I was worried that she was going to be overshadowed by flashbacks at first, but it worked out okay. Even without dialogue, Christina was able to sell a very convincing story through her characterization, facial expressions, and body language. I could feel the emotional tension building at times and would have loved a bit more. But overall, this was one of the strongest entries of the round.

Pressure - Lolity 7/10  another emotional music video. Good entry tbh similar what i said with katy.  Makes you feel what they feel watching them.


gotintoririfever1: Loyalty - XtinE - 9 I actually love it. The theatrical and cinematic approach for the music video plus her acting and expressions is always good. I love how she was able to portray the song through her acting and movements throughout the song. Pretty strong entry but she has better ones out there like her speech to Lady Gaga on The Voice. Now that could have been a great oscar worthy entry.



PinkBox - Celine Dion

Scene from Psalm 151, Touched by an Angel (SERIES)    






Yvess: Pinkbox - 9: This episode made me cry as a kid and I feel like Celine did a good job in this acting gig. This is a major stepup from last round's bottom performance

Sabbath: Fatbox - Celine Dion - 7.5: Her singing is definitely a lot better than her acting, but it’s still okay. About her acting, I think it was a little flat but I can classify it as ‘believable’

Element: PinkBox - 6.5 - Okay. Let’s unpack this. I think that Celine did a decent job in this scene. She managed the dialogue well and she was invested in the other characters. I just don’t feel very wow’d by her “acting” because she was playing herself and spent a decent portion singing on stage. She didn’t really have to create/embrace a unique character as many of the other girls did this round. That component really holds her back.

Pressure - PinkBox  6.5/10  this is cute and touching to see her young fans. Sorta can tell watching the boy was sick. Tho she's playing probably playing her young self here so it's not much of acting but it's cute.

gotintoririfever1: PinkBox - Cel*ne D*on - 8.50 This is the first time to watch the clip and i am pretty moved. Celine's performance in this scene is amazing.  


Touch It - Beyonce

Get Out Of My House Scene from Obsessed  (MOVIE)






Yvess: Touch It - 10: Meryl Streep of acting in this movie (also Dreamgirls), she's not. But great job for picking this effective scene! She looks hotter btw when she's mad and in control

Sabbath: Touch It - Beyoncé - 7: omg Lemonade looks different from what I remembered  She constantly crosses the line between being good and overacting, and having Idris acting along her makes it more obvious. Yvess sabotaged u by doing this round before Beyoncé’s The Lion King came out smh, for now I suggest he goes to the Four Seasons.

Element: Touch It - 10.0 - Whew, Beyoncé is BACK!! How can one woman be so talented? I really need to know. This scene was entertaining and powerful. She mastered the subtle nuances of this dialogue, morphing her tone from calm to explosive as needed. A memorable mixture of anger, confusion, and sadness permeated her entire being. This scene is a standout this round.

Pressure -Touch It  10/10  I Love this part and this movie, I remember I watched it just for beyonce. she's just a great actress. She shows such emotion, anger in this I love it

gotintoririfever1: Touch It - Beyonce - 10 Now THAT IS AN ENTRY. Basically embodied this whole round was about. Living for this scene, it showcased her ability to convey emotions as an actress and foreshadow the events that will be happening in her future. We stan.











Alena - Selena Gomez

Scene from Spring Breakers (MOVIE)  






Yvess: Alena - 10: Perfect choice. I believe you, Gaga, Mimi, Janelle and Xtina are at an advantage in this round for having decent acting projects, so I am ecstatic that you utilized her so well in this round

Speezy: Alena - Selena Gomez – 7.5:Personally a crying scene was not her strongest point. On several parts of this clip she was unable to shed tears upon fake crying nnn . But the bus scene was very relatable, because who hasn’t cried in with their head on a window of a moving vehicle?

Element: Alena - 8.0 - James Franco made me SO UNCOMFORTABLE watching this scene. Selena did a solid job acting here and capturing a mix of conflicting thoughts and feelings. There were some moments that were more emotive than others… like portions felt a bit flat to me, but overall, a good choice.

Pressure - Alena  7/10  it's just hard because this was a really bad movie. Even tho 3 amazing ladies featured in this. But we all know selena is a great actress. Wish u sent a better movie.  But this was good to show Selenas emotion.

gotintoririfever1: Alena - Selena Gomez - 9 I liked her acting on this one. Very believable. Great entry. Legit thought that she did this scene with Riff Raff


KatyCatPH - Taylor Swift

Blank Space (MV)






Yvess: KatyCatPH - 9: She's so good in this video coz she is portraying herself. Wise choice! Love the man in this video too btw

Speezy: KatyCatPH - Taylor Swift – 9:This is a prime example of a music video with a good storyline. I love the obsession Taylor had in the beginning, the fight she had with him near the middle, and the climax at the end. Also the story matches the song as a whole. Element is seething right now at your success
Element: KatyCatPH - 9.0 - Taylor’s portrayal of this love-crazed villain is extremely charismatic and entertaining. It’s a very fun choice on your part, and I think everyone was impressed by how in-character she got. The only thing that is a mark against her is that there is no dialogue to really enforce the character and test her nuances as an actress… however, the flamboyant facial expressions and body language help to balance this out.

Pressure - KatyCatPH  6/10  this is cute video but I feel any artist could pull this off. I love Taylor but never seen her true acting yet. Tho she was cute in the movie Valentine's day.
gotintoririfever1: KatyCatPH - Taylor Swift - 6 It was an okay entry from Taylor. Nothing really noteworthy on this one tbh. The aesthetics on this music video is nice tho.



Psycho - Lady Gaga

Bathtub Scene from ASIB (MOVIE)






Yvess: Psycho - 9.5: No question about her acting talent. periodT. But is this the best scene to showcase her acting talent?

Speezy: Psycho - Lady Gaga - 10:I AM SCREAMING. The escalation of the argument was pretty well. I do love how the scripts had them argue over each other. It seemed very real

Element: Psycho - 8.5 - I haven’t watched anything from ASIB yet so this was an INTERESTING first look at the movie for me. I think that Gaga did a good job overall with the dialogue and banter here. She embraced it and added her unique cadence to everything. I was hoping for something a bit more dynamic, but it’s a solid ****ing scene that makes me ****ing want to see more of her ****ing acting abilities.

Pressure - Psycho  10/10  she was so amazing in this movie. She is a great actress and this scene i loved. She looks so good here too

gotintoririfever1: Psycho - Lady Gaga - 9 LOVE this scene. It shows Gaga's authenticity and raw talent as an actress. A very heartbreaking scene that portrays an emotionally abusive relationship. Amazing entry.


thecptz - Kacey Musgraves

Space Cowboy (MV)






Yvess: thecptz - 8.5: You used this sad video and I can actually believe that she has the acting talent. I thought you will flop this round but you surprised me.

Speezy: thecptz - Kacey Musgraves – 5:The song was indeed sad. I wish there was more than that little altercation scene and her serving “Alone Looking Lost” syndrome we all know in ballad MVs. Unlike most of the music videos this round , this one just lacked a decent juicy story

Element: thecptz - 5.0 - There were very few scenes in this where she was really “acting”... the rest of it was pretty shots from the distance of her looking sad or pensive. And there was a lot of time dedicated to the man too. I think if you were going with the MV route, you had to really sell us on the character and acting scenes… this just doesn’t have them.

Pressure - Thecptz 5.5/10  sadly this just looked like a normal music video to me. Not much acting shown here :( I understand she's still a new star so she's she still showing herself.  So not gonna stay she hasn't got any skill to act. Guess we still haven't seen in shine as the others have.

gotintoririfever1: thecptz - Kacey Musgraves - 5 Okay. I love the song and the music video as a whole. It  atmospheric and melancholic but i do not see acting on this one. Its basically like any other sad dramatic video of a basic sad girl singing alone in some abandoned house or wheatfield. Idk.



Queen Conchita - Conchiita Wurst

Hit Me (Live Performance) 





 Yvess: Queen Conchita - 7: This is a refreshing choice. But im just a bit confused, this works well in a dance round or even in a showstopper round imo. This kind of entry actually needs an explanation. Sadly, there's none.

Speezy: Queen Conchita - Conchiita Wurst – 5:This was lowkey hot but the acting was awful , the performance on the other hand was a bit entertaining. I wish there was like a physical fight or fake fight scene to manifest the missing pieces.

Element: Queen Conchita - 6.0 - I imagine this round was a challenge for you, and I think the performance that you found patches you through a bit. The angst and expressiveness were powerful, albeit short segments of the overall performance. I bet Conchita could be a good actor in the larger scale moving forward tbh.

Pressure - Queen  Conchita 6/10  he isnt an actor but he sure is a performer.  The sass attuide he has here is hot.  Just doesn't show as much as the other entries is all

gotintoririfever1: Queen Conchita -Conchita Wurst - 8 An interesting choice indeed. I actually like this performance. It was very angsty and emotional and kudos to the fact that its live. Great choice.








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I got an average of 9 from mentors and the host but that one judge who is really all over the place and cannot be consistent and that special judge who gave that ****ing Rihanna a 10 really ****ed up my score. Can we stop inviting guest judges if they are just gonna be ****? We already have a **** judge, we don't need one more.

Edited by KatyCatPH
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16 hours ago, Yvess said:

So meaning to say,

The champion for ROUND 8 is

Image result for 1st place png

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ELEMENT Guero - Ariana Grande 10 N/A = MENTOR 7 9 7.5 9 8.5
ELEMENT kiiwii - Katy Perry 9 N/A = MENTOR 9 8 7 10 8.6
ELEMENT Not Like The Movies - Janelle Monae 9 N/A = MENTOR 7.5 8 6 10 8.1
ELEMENT PoKiTaurus - Mariah Carey 6 N/A = MENTOR 8.5 5 7 5 6.3
ELEMENT Solarie - Avril Lavigne 9 N/A = MENTOR 7.5 8 7.5 7 7.8
AVERAGE: 8.6 N/A = MENTOR 7.9 7.6 7 8.2 7.86





16 hours ago, Yvess said:

The team who ranked SECOND and must send in a tribute up for elimination is....


Image result for second place png

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@Touch It is IMMUNE 


SPEEZY Bawdee - Rihanna 6 3 N/A = MENTOR 5 10 5 5.8
SPEEZY Boys - Britney Spears 10 7.5 N/A = MENTOR 8.5 7.5 7 8.1
SPEEZY Loyalty - Christina Aguilera 7 9 N/A = MENTOR 7 7 9 7.8
SPEEZY PinkBox - Celine Dion 9 6.5 N/A = MENTOR 7.5 6.5 8.5 7.6
SPEEZY Touch It - Beyonce 10 10 N/A = MENTOR 7 10 10 9.4
AVERAGE: 8.4 7.2 N/A = MENTOR 7 8.2 7.9 7.74








16 hours ago, Yvess said:

The team who ranked third and must send in a tribute up for elimination is....

Image result for 3rd place png

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SABBATH Alena - Selena Gomez 10 8 7.5 N/A = MENTOR 7 9 8.3
SABBATH KatyCatPH - Taylor Swift 9 9 9 N/A = MENTOR 6 6 7.8
SABBATH Psycho - Lady Gaga 9.5 8.5 10   10 9 9.4
SABBATH thecptz - Kacey Musgraves 8.5 5 5 N/A = MENTOR 5.5 5 5.8
SABBATH Queen Conchita - Conchiita Wurst 7 6 5 N/A = MENTOR 6 8 6.4
AVERAGE: 8.8 7.3 7.3 N/A = MENTOR 6.9 7.4 7.54








16 hours ago, Yvess said:





Team Speezy and Team Sabbath

with a heavy heart ... I need to ask you to give Element a tribute to choose from.


1 will be eliminated from them and its all in


Element's hands rn.

You can choose to eliminate a tribute or use the power to not decide and have Team Sabbath/Speezy go on a merged elimination ceremony



Please PM me your tributes

plus a short appeal/plea asap






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16 hours ago, KatyCatPH said:

I got an average of 9 from mentors and the host but that one judge who is really all over the place and cannot be consistent and that special judge who gave that ****ing Rihanna a 10 really ****ed up my score. Can we stop inviting guest judges if they are just gonna be ****? We already a **** judge, we don't need one more.

hey, gotintoriri didnt gave RIhanna a 10 :ahh: 

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every judges has their own taste, their taste may be interesting but look at Bey's score

She had 4 10s and 1 7s from a mentor so.. its just like that...  :-* 


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gotintoriri's team rates

Team Element - 8.2

Team Speezy - 7.9

Team Sabbath - 7.4


pressure's team rates

Team Speezy- 8.2

Team Element - 7

Team Sabbath - 6.9 

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overall rankings:)

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5 minutes ago, Yvess said:

every judges has their own taste, their taste may be interesting but look at Bey's score

She had 4 10s and 1 7s from a mentor so.. its just like that...  :-* 


But it shouldn't be about taste it should be about objectivity, I have a Beyoncé avi ffs but if you read my critique I explain WHY i gave her a 7: she crossed the line between good and overacting constantly and got upstaged by Idris because he's a real actor, and I do that with every critique, I explain wHY and it's never oH i LoVe HeR

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15 hours ago, Sabbath said:

But it shouldn't be about taste it should be about objectivity, I have a Beyoncé avi ffs but if you read my critique I explain WHY i gave her a 7: she crossed the line between good and overacting constantly and got upstaged by Idris because he's a real actor, and I do that with every critique, I explain wHY and it's never oH i LoVe HeR

well then..i'll remind pressure to make bibles

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Just now, Yvess said:

well then..i'll remind pressure to make bibles

she can write 10 words for all i care as long as the critique provides a valid reason or thought process or insight 

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2 minutes ago, Sabbath said:

she can write 10 words for all i care as long as the critique provides a valid reason or thought process or insight 

tea. maybe you should set up a scoring rubric or summ?

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Just now, thecptz said:

tea. maybe you should set up a scoring rubric or summ?

we have a scoring matrix already :rip: kii

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14 minutes ago, Yvess said:

every judges has their own taste, their taste may be interesting but look at Bey's score

She had 4 10s and 1 7s from a mentor so.. its just like that...  :-* 


I honestly always liked her acting I didn't think she was ever bad. If always go see her movies because I loved seeing her on the big screen.  


We Don't need all of us with the same taste it gets boring haha.

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1 minute ago, Sabbath said:

we have a scoring matrix already :rip: kii

that's the gag of the season

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15 hours ago, thecptz said:

tea. maybe you should set up a scoring rubric or summ?

we have.

again, not all taste are the same.

maybe pressure is in the  minority of ppl who liked Riri as an actress.


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1 minute ago, Yvess said:

we have.

again, not all taste are the same.

maybe pressure is in the  minority of ppl who liked Riri as an actress.


oh yes. you gave me an 8.5 so i'm not gonna argue anymore :heart2:

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15 hours ago, Pressure ? said:

⁸Fine no more 10s from me in this game.



OR just pull me out if I'm that terrible a judge. To be fair this is my first ****ing game I'm judging I'm still ****ing learn


no. do not quit just because of this.

I still respect and believe that you are doing your best to adjust to their taste.

Like you already didnt give ur faves like Avril or Selena high scores coz of the comments u receive from them. (my observation) 


I mean, you can give 10s as long as you can prove it in the critiqs, besides its not like you murdered everyone's scores.


@Pressure ?

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the panel should be diverse as possible as it could be coz it gives flavor in the game and makes it unpredictable.

Not  everyone in the panel likes everything that you like, it is the way it is.


If she gave a 10 to Rihanna and believes that it is worthy of it, why take it away from her

just bec you guys are in unison in disliking the Rih entry? geeez. 



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Just now, Yvess said:

no. do not quit just because of this.

I still respect and believe that you are doing your best to adjust to their taste.

Like you already didnt give ur faves like Avril or Selena high scores coz of the comments u receive from them. (my observation) 


I mean, you can give 10s as long as you can prove it in the critiqs, besides its not like you murdered everyone's scores.


@Pressure ?

Thanks sis. I honestly deep down like rihannas entry and thought she WAS adorable. I guess others thought otherwise. Maybe i should of have her a 9 instead.  I enjoyed that scene..


Exactly I Stan Ariana, avril and selena and trying not to pick faves.  I guess because it's getting fair into the game people are getting competitive.  And i guess j was rushing these rates because i was running behide didnt help either.



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For pressure, take their comments as a way for you to be a better judge. Not for them, but for yourself. :)


If you feel like they will have a hard time believing your score, you can put in longer essays if you want to prove your point (but it is not necessary for me) 

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