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K.D.S. | Best of 2018 | TV Shows & Movies #5 - #1


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TV Shows


30. iZombie


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Another strong season for this likeable zombie girl. Now that everybody knows that zombie exists, a lot changed for the characters, but Liv and her personality changes are still so much fun. Also, the fourth season introduced us to Isobel, who only was a recurring character for a few episodes, but her ending still made me very emotional. I can't wait for the final season.



29. 9-1-1


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I started this show, because i like Jennifer Love Hewitt and wanted to finally see her again on my tv screen. But even without her, the show is so entertaining and much better than "Station 19". The characters are much more likeable, the cases of the week are sometimes emotional, sometimes really fun and for some parts remind me of the accidents in the "Final Destination" franchise.



28. Jane the Virgin


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When i first heard about this show, i thought "what a silly plot", but i gave it a chance when i heard that Britney Spears would appear for one episode and i completely fell in love with the show and the characters. It has some of the best family moments on TV right now and all the twists are so over the top sometimes, but also so much fun. The fourth season had some thrilling storyline about Petra's stalker and got very emotional with Xiomara having cancer. And the finale had one of the biggest twists of TV this year and i'm excited to see how everything will turn out.



27. Supergirl


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The third season was one of the strongest the show had. Reign was an amazing villain and i kinda hoped she would stay for another season, but sadly, that's not the case. In comparison, the fourth season is almost a little disappointing. The main storyline is just not that intriguing. The show always talked about political issues in a roundabout way, but this season it's kinda "in your face". But in the last few episodes, things got more entertaining again.



26. The Originals


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The spin-off of "Vampire Diaries" was always much darker, which i really liked about the show. In this final season, things almost got a little too dark and they made decisions to kill off some of my favorite characters, which made me mad sometimes. But it brought also back some familiar faces, like Caroline, Davina and also a cameo from Cami. Overall, it was a strong season and a good wrap up for the show, even tho i would've changed some things here and then. 



Movies (Streaming/DVD)*


*Streaming/DVD doesn't mean that the list don't include movies that were shown in theaters, it just means that i did watch them at home through DVD or Streaming.


30. The Princess Switch


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Before i even started this movie, i already knew how it would end. Movies like this are just so predictable, but it was also kinda cute and i love Vanessa Hudgens, who hasn't changed a bit. She still looks as gorgeous and youthful as she did in "High School Musical". And Nick Sagar is a snack.



29. Venom


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The idea of a movie about an anti-villain was intriguing and the movie has some cute moments, but overall, it wasn't that special. And Venom wasn't even that evil.



28. The Commuter


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I enjoyed the "Taken" movies and the trailer for this captured my attention, especially because Vera Farmiga was in it and i adore her. Sadly, she doesn't play a big part in the movie. But it was still a good and entertaining action thriller.



27. The 3rd Eye


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"The 3rd Eye" or "Mata Batin" was a cute little horror flick. It has its trashy moments and the ghost animations look horrible and cheap, but i still enjoyed it for the most part.



26. Extinction


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This science-fiction netflix movie had some great twists and was also entertaining for the most part, but i don't know if i need a second part and the ending makes it look there will be another movie.




18 hours ago, Remmy said:

I barely watch TV so unless Big Brother is here, I don't really have much to say :keir: Though if I had to choose one of these shows to start, it'd probably be The Good Place.

Well, do it :) 

18 hours ago, Maddox said:

I think i dropped/never seen most of this set except for TGP which like you said kinda sucked. Janet and Tahani are entertaining but the rest needs some more work...

I wouldn't say it sucked, but it was stronger in the previous seasons.

18 hours ago, Mr. Loco said:

13 Reasons why S2 was a complete letdown, it was depressing and not in the good way tbh


On the other hand, I loved the ending of Sense8. I'll miss that show.

I hope season 3 will be better.

6 hours ago, TayRianaPH said:

This 1-2-3-4 punch! :alexz: 

IDSB #1 on the album songs! Goodnight N Go up too! Taste! :heart2: 


5 hours ago, Kiss It Better said:

Sense8 :jonny4:my favorite show ever, i'm still sad they ended it

Yes, it deserved more seasons.

3 hours ago, Legend E said:

I need to watch 13RW :jonny: 

You should definitely watch the first season. :jonny:


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  • ATRL Moderator

Sad that Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is lame  now, the first 2 seasons were so good.... 

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I haven't seen any of these (don't watch that much movie or TV), but the last two movies sound pretty good. 

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Venom was worth the watch just for Tom Hardy ? The movie was cute and fun tho

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Venom was a messy mess but the trailer already told us that before it even came to theaters, so yeah. "Mata batin" is just 1 or 2 letters away from being a completely different movie...



Well, do it :) 

Too lazy, sorry :fan: Only planning on watching Celebrity Big Brother 2 this month, Big Brother Canada 7 in March and Big Brother 21 in June! Got a packed schedule already

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TV Shows


25. Black Mirror


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"Black Mirror" is one of the best science-fiction tv shows i've ever seen and had some unique and incredible ideas and episodes so far. But Netflix seems to have a fourth season curse, because the last season has some weak moments. "Metalhead" is probably one of my least favorite episodes of the show and "Crocodile" and "Arkangel" have some great ideas, but poorly executed. "USS Callister" is one of the best episodes of the show tho and "Hang the DJ" and "Black Museum" are also great. "Bandersnatch" will be on the movie list.



24. The 100


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"The 100" is one of the best shows on The CW and season 4 ended with a promising cliffhanger that indicated a lot of changes for the characters, but not all of them were satisfying. Octavia was my favorite character once and they turned her into a cold-hearted stupid bitch. The problem isn't that her character got much more darker, that i actually liked, but some decisions she made were just stupid. Also, it felt like nothing much or important happened between the premiere and the last few episodes. It ended with another promising cliffhanger and i hope the showrunners will go in a more satisfying direction this time.



23. Orange is the New Black


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The sixth season of the netflix show had its ups and downs. I really enjoyed the change of setting and some of the new characters, like Barb and Carol were really great and had some interesting backstorys, but there were also things i didn't like. The first few episodes were kinda boring, Badison was an annoying bitch and Black Cindy got on my nerves, because she rather let Taystee rot in jail for life than open her damn mouth. Overall, the good things outweighed the bad things and it was another nice season, but i am also not sad that this show will end this year. It should come to an end as long as it's still good.



22. Jessica Jones


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The best one of the Marvel netflix shows delivered another great season. Sure, it didn't have such an compelling villain like Kilgrave this time, but i really enjoyed seeing Jessica's complicated relationship with her mother. I also liked that she found some love in Arocho and embraced a more normal life. I didn't like Trish this season, but i hope her being annoying af will pay off in season 3 and she will become a better character.



21. You


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I started this show because of Shay Mitchell and because i'm obviously a big fan of thriller shows and the first season didn't disappoint me. It's a gripping show and Penn plays the charming psycho stalker perfectly. Elizabeth Lail is also good as the female lead, but i liked Shay's story arc a little more. The rising tension between her and Joe in the first half of the season was thrilling to watch. After what happens at the end of episode 6, the following episodes got a little boring, but it good more interesting again at the end of the season and the show delivered a great season finale. I am curious to see what they have planned for season 2, but i am also worried that i won't be as good again.



20. Arrow


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The CW show had its problems in the last few years and never got as good as season 2 again, but the new season started promising and delivered some great episodes so far. Felicity has an interesting story arc, Lauren 2.0 aka the best character on the show is finally a part of the team again and Diaz is kinda tolerable as a villain, even tho, i still think he is one of the weakest ones the show ever had.



19. Legacies


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I wasn't sure if i needed another "Vampire Diaries" spin-off, but now i'm kinda glad they made it. The mix between familiar faces and new characters is great and the new monsters are intriguing and kinda remind me of "Buffy" sometimes. It has a whole different feel than the other two shows and feels more lighter sometimes, but i wouldn't say that's a bad thing. I enjoy it.



18. Fear the Walking Dead


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"Fear the Walking Dead" is the only show i know that managed to exchange almost the whole main cast and even got better because of it. All the new characters are much more likeable than the original cast, even Morgan isn't as annoying as he was in TWD. I just hated that they got rid of Madison and still hope that she will come back. In the last two years, the spin-off was better sometimes than the original show, except this year, because TWD actually got really good again. Season 4 was still very strong tho.



17. Insatiable


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The polarizing netflix show got the SJW's so shook because of a trailer, that they even tried to get it cancelled, but i am so glad that they didn't win. I don't feel like it is seriously fat-shaming anyone. Is it a good show? I'm not sure about that. It's really over the top and almost stupid sometimes, but it's also batshit crazy and so much fun. I can't wait for the second season.



16. The Flash


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"The Flash" is still one of the strongest superhero shows of The CW. Season 5 introduced us to another speedster, Nora Allen, who is a great addition to the cast and her backstory finally begins to become interesting. The new season also finally brought us Killer Frost back, who always steals every scene she's in and the 100th episode took us on an amazing trip down memory lane.



Movies (Streaming/DVD)


25. Mayhem


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"Mayhem" is a fun, bloody ride with a good cast and also some great humor.



24. Veronica


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"Veronica" was marketed as one of the scariest horror movies of a all time. Spoiler alert: It's not. But it's still a very effective horror movie.



23. Meg


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Entertaining, but not the shark horror movie I was hoping for. I would have preferred a darker and bloodier movie, but I got a family hai movie instead. I understand that they didn't want to make it rated r, because of the budget and less people would've watched it, but it still leaves a bitter taste. Nevertheless, I liked "Meg" a lot.


22. Hatchet 3 - Victor Crowley


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The first part was a trashy, but fun gore fest and the second one was enjoyable, but not as good as the first one. In 2018, Victor Crowley returned for a third movie and delivered the bloody fun, that we know from the first movie, again.



21. Black Mirror: Bandersnatch


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To produce an interactive "Black Mirror" movie is a really fun idea, but take the interactive part away and the only thing that's left is a weak "Black Mirror" episode.



20. Peppermint - Angel of Vengeance


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Looks like someone missed "Alias". Jennifer Garner proves that she still has it and fights her way through a group of gangsters for 100 entertaining minutes.



19. Unsane


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Better than I expected, after the trailer, which made the movie look like a low-budget lifetime production. But the movie is indeed a thriller worth seeing with a good lead actress.



18. Le Jeu


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The idea behind this movie is kinda terrifying, but great for a thrilling movie. It's intense, has some fun moments and i really liked the cast.


17. Sierra Burgess is a Loser


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The netflix romantic comedy has some problematic scenes and the lead character is actually not really likeable sometimes, but it's still a cute movie with a great soundtrack.



16. Unfriended: Dark Web


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I didn't like the first movie at all. It was stupid and boring af, so i didn't expect much from this, but i actually liked it a lot. It's a nice, little horror thriller and i'm glad the reason for everything that happened wasn't supernatural this time. This makes the movie much better.



Movies (Cinema)


21. Insidious - The Last Key


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It is sad, what has become of this series. The first part is one of my favorite horror movies, but this sequel was just boring. It just doesn't happen very much and hardly anything was scary. Here and there are some jumpscares or some funny scenes, but that's about it. The movie is more a family drama, instead of a horror movie.



20. Slender Man


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The character Slender Man has so much potential for a good movie, but they didn't do anything good with it. The atmosphere is kinda nice, but the script is just trash (and they obviously were heavily inspired by "Rings"). In the end, "Slender Man" is just a medicore teenie horror movie. It's not the worst movie ever, but it's sad that they didn't use the potential of Slender Man.



19. Fifty Shades Freed


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There isn't much to say about this movie that wasn't already said. The dialogues are cringy, their is barely any chemistry between the leads and the storyline isn't very thrilling most times, but it's still entertaining somehow and the soundtrack is amazing.



18. The First Purge


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The film itself was not bad, but it's still the weakest sequel. "The First Purge" is more of a political action thriller than a horror movie. The purge moments, like the two women with the bombs or the man from the sewer, came too short. I would have preferred to see more of them instead of hired mercenaries who are killing people. The use of firearms was generally too much for me. I do not like that in horror films, or they should, in my opinion, be used only to a limited extent. Skeletor, however, was a really good and scary character who made the movie better. And the contact lenses were a cool and often effective effect. What I also missed was a great and tragic death. Of course you want some characters to survive, but at the same time it's also a horror movie, and it requires that main characters die and you think, "Oh no, damn, I wanted the person to survive." But all the important characters survived here, which I think is a bit of a pity. An effective death would have been good for the movie. Also, why was it even rated r?


17. Hereditary


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To be honest, I'm was pretty disappointed in this movie. When the trailer was released and after seeing so many good reviews, I was really looking forward to "Hereditary". Nevertheless, I have tried to keep my expectations low. I knew that it would be a rather quiet horror movie, which is not necessarily bad if the atmosphere is right. But for the most part this movie is just boring and not scary at all. Sometimes even involuntarily funny. There are also positive things. The cast, especially Toni Collette, is outstanding. There were also two or three scenes that were scary and made me feel uncomfortable, but overall, boredom prevailed. And that, as already said, has nothing to do with the fact that "Hereditary" is a rather quiet horror movie. That were "mother!" and "Suspiria" too and they fascinated me from start to finish. But i have to say, that i enjoyed the movie more when i watched it a second time.


16. Searching


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The concept of telling the story on a computer screen is not longer new and has been used in films either in a good way (The Den) or less good (Unfriended 1). "Searching" definitely belongs to the better variety of these films, even though the end seemed a bit too constructed for me. Overall, the film was still really captivating and interesting.




On 1/3/2019 at 7:04 PM, madonnas said:

Sad that Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is lame  now, the first 2 seasons were so good.... 

Maybe season 4B will be better. :) 

On 1/3/2019 at 8:57 PM, potent said:

I haven't seen any of these (don't watch that much movie or TV), but the last two movies sound pretty good. 

Watch them. They are on Netflix, atleast here. :) 

On 1/3/2019 at 10:41 PM, Mr. Loco said:

Venom was worth the watch just for Tom Hardy ? The movie was cute and fun tho

Tom is a snack :oh:

On 1/3/2019 at 11:09 PM, Legend E said:

Idk any :'( 

Maybe this time :) 

On 1/3/2019 at 11:46 PM, Remmy said:

Venom was a messy mess but the trailer already told us that before it even came to theaters, so yeah. "Mata batin" is just 1 or 2 letters away from being a completely different movie...


Too lazy, sorry :fan: Only planning on watching Celebrity Big Brother 2 this month, Big Brother Canada 7 in March and Big Brother 21 in June! Got a packed schedule already

What kind of movie? :fan:

On 1/4/2019 at 5:40 AM, Brandon said:


iZombie :duca:





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From this set I've seen Black Mirror and OITNB. I think I only watched 4/6 episodes from the last season of Black Mirror though, but Black Museum is a masterpiece.


From the movies I haven't seen any, but Slenderman, Purge, and Dark Web look the most interesting.

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Metalhead is like the everyone's least liked episode from this season lmfaoooo still haven't seen Bandersnatch though

yes at Unfriended making the list :clap3:i watched it when i was in class :fan: 

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FTWD, The 100,  Jessica Jones  &   Arrow  :clap3:

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TV Shows


15. Tell Me a Story


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"Tell Me a Story" is a new thriller show with a modern twist on classic fairytales. I loved how all the individual storylines were connected in the end and the cast was also great. The season finale only aired a few days ago and it was one of the best finales of this tv season. The show also has the most beautiful intro i've ever seen. I'm glad they renewed it for season 2 and i am curious to see if they will continue with the same characters or if this will be an anthology show, like "American Horror Story".



14. UnReal


Bildergebnis für Unreal season 4


I know, some people think this show got worse every season, but i actually loved the fourth season. It was far from perfect, but so much fun. I just love how ****ed up all this characters are, especially Rachel. She's probably one of the most broken and evil people on TV, but watching her being batshit crazy is so entertaining.



13. DC's Legends of Tomorrow


Bildergebnis für DC's Legends of Tomorrow season 4


I never thought this would become my favorite CW superhero show, because i didn't really liked it that much at first and had a hard time getting into it, but now i love it. It's thrilling, but also funny and after all the casting changes, i really feel like they have the perfect team now.



12. The Bold Type


Bildergebnis für the bold type season 2


"The Bold Type" is such a good, light-hearted show and i love the friendship between the girls so much. Even with all their drama, i'm sometimes kinda jealous of their life, even tho it's fiction. The show also talks alot about social issues and not in a subtle way, kinda like "Supergirl", but it fits the tone of this show more.



11. The Purge


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I've always said that "The Purge" would work perfectly as a tv show and they proved it with their first season, which was way better than the last movie. Not everything was perfect and there are some weak moments, but overall, the show doesn't need to hide behind the movies.



10. Take Two


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Ugh, i hate that they cancelled this show already. Has it similarities to "Castle"? Well, of course. But who cares? A lot of tv shows are similar to each other, which doesn't make them bad. This show was cute and fun and both lead characters have great chemistry. I also really enjoyed the cases of the week and was always happy about a new episode. And i was glad to finally see Rachel Bilson back on TV.



9. Grey's Anatomy


Bildergebnis für grey's anatomy season 15


This show did go through a lot of cast changes, but it always kept its quality. Sure, there are some weak episodes or even seasons, but it was always worth watching. But i really hate that they did write April out of the show. It's the first time, since Lexie's death, that something like this bothers me and i still miss her. That's also because this season isn't as strong as the last few ones. Maggie and Jackson are still annoying and some of the other storylines are also not that interesting. But this season also had some good sides. Teddy finally returned as a main character, Dr. Schmitt and Dr. Kim are a gay couple that i actually ship and the midseason finale ended with a great cliffhanger that felt like old Grey's Anatomy. Also, Meredith and Andrew seem like a good match.



8. Dynasty


Bildergebnis für dynasty season 2


This was my favorite new show of 2017, because it was so campy, bitchy and fun and it still is, but season 2 also has its weak spots. I hate that they got rid of Nathalie Kelley just to replace her with another Cristal, who doesn't even comes close to the original. But Fallon and Alexis still deliver some witty one liners and Bella Thorne look alike Kirby is a good addition to the cast. I also don't mind that they got rid of Steven and hope that Culhane and the Colby's are next. Liam should come back instead, because Fallon has much more chemistry with him.



7. How To Get Away With Murder


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Season Five of the Crime drama does not yet manage to top the previous season, which is also difficult, as scenes like the one with Annalise and the baby are hard to beat in terms of both acting and dramaturgy. It is still a strong season so far with an intriguing mystery, even tho he reveal in episode 8 was a little anticlimatic.



6. The Walking Dead


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I didn't expect this show to be so high on this list again after the last two seasons disappointed me so much. Angela Kang really saved this show and made it worth watching again. It feels more fresh, character-driven and tense than ever and the depature of Rick even was good for the show. The last few episode were so thrilling, that i even barely noticed that Maggie is gone, even tho she was my favorite character. And the Whisperers could become my favorite TWD villains ever.



Movies (Streaming/DVD)


I am stupid. I put the same movie twice in the top 10, which means there are only 29 movies on this list. So i now put "In Darkness" on the list at #30 and every other movie will go up one place. You will find the updated list in the OP.


30. In Darkness


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A lead character with a handicap always make a thriller or horror movie more tense, but i feel like they could've done more with it. "In Darkness" is still an enjoyable movie and Natalie's acting was great.



14. The Spy Who Dumped Me


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Funny enough, i watched a lot of my favorite movies of the year only a few weeks ago, like this action comedy. It's probably not the funniest or most original comedy movie ever, but Mila and Kate make a great team and it's a lot darker comedy film than i expected.



13. Tau

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There wasn't much buzz about this netflix movie, but i really enjoyed it. It has an interesting premise, the cast is good and i didn't expect to care so much about an artificial intelligence.



12. Breaking In


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I love home invasion thriller and this one was really entertaining. Gabrielle did a great job as the lead and it was a pleasure to watch her kick some ass to protect her children.



11. Hell Fest


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I only watched this movie last week and i loved it. I feel like critics are way too hard on horror movies like this. It's a fun hommage to slashers of the 80s and had some thrilling scenes. A horror movie is good enough for me when i feel entertained and when i care enough about the characters that i want them to survive and "Hell Fest" achieved both.



10. Annihilation


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If you watch this movie, you instantly feel that it was made for cinema. It's visually stunning and the acting is great. Besides some good horror moments, the movie also tells a captivating story and had one of the most interesting movie endings this year.


9. Bird Box


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"Bird Box" may sound like a copy of "A Quite Place", but it's much more effective in my opinion. Sandra Bullock did a great job as the lead as usual and not seeing the creatures made the movie even more scary.



8. Maze Runner: The Death Cure


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"Maze Runner" is one of my favorite franchises in the dystopian movie genre and the third part brought the storyline to a satisfying conclusion. Dylan O'Brien is still one of my biggest celebrity crushes.



7. Love, Simon


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I'm actually not a big fan of gay movies, but this one is really cute, heartfelt and charming. And it's nice to see that we live in a time in which a gay mainstream coming-of-age teen drama does well at the box office.



6. To All The Boys I've Loved Before


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This netflix movie is definitely my favorite teen rom com of the year. The lead actress is charming, talented and has great chemistry with her male co-stars. Also, the original premise makes for fun moments and the characters are really likeable and relatable.



Movies (Cinema)


15. The Nun


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Well, there were enough nuns in the movie enough, unfortunately there weren't enough scene of THE Nun. Nevertheless, the film was very nice, had some good jump scares and the location was cool, too. Only Taissa Farmiga was a little boring, as always. Her big sister is much better as an actress. In addition, Irene often behaved quite stupid. It was good how this film was eventually linked to the other films in the Conjuring universe. That's what I like about the movies. Overall, I would put "The Nun" behind the two "The Conjuring" films and "Annabelle 2", but clearly before "Annabelle".


14. Truth or Dare


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The movie was okay. The typical teen horror. Stereotypical characters, bloodless deaths, rarely scary, but quite entertaining. Actually, i would like it a lot less without Lucy Hale. The Syfy movie from 2017, with the same title and almost the same story, was actually a little better.


13. A Quiet Place


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The idea behind this movie is quite interesting, the acting is great and the movie has some very tense scenes, but i also feel like "A Quiet Place" is a little overrated. It's a good horror movie, but won't become a future classic for me.



12. Adrift


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I liked "Adrift", even if the twist was extremly predictable. It was foreshadowed too much, almost as if the creators of the film wanted the audience to know how it will end. I enjoyed the narrative structure, which alternately showed what happened before and what happened after the storm and the chemistry between the two main characters was definitely there. It's a typical love drama, but there are much worse. This one has consistently entertained me.



11. I Feel Pretty


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Sweet and funny movie with a good message. The best thing about the film is that you can somehow identify with many situations, even if they are portrayed slightly exaggerated in the film. Certainly not most original comedy, but good for some laughs and I felt entertained for the whole 110 minutes.



10. Suspiria


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I was very pleasantly surprised by the movie. Yes, "Suspiria" is more of the quieter sort of horror movies, but still captivating at every minute. Especially the dance scenes (and especially THE SCENE) were great and really intense. I also liked the ending very much. And Dakota was amazingly good in her role. But I've always thought that she had more talent than she could show in the Fifty Shades movies.


9. A Star is Born


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I really liked the movie. While Lady Gaga surprised me with her acting talent, Bradley Cooper surprised me with his talent as a singer. The only thing I did not like was the dubbing voice of Lady Gaga here in Germany. If you know her real voice, it doesn't fit. The soundtrack was also strong, but no wonder - if Lady Gaga is good in one thing, it's singing.


8. The Predator


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I never saw the first movies, just the two parts of "Alien vs. Predator" and in that movies I liked the aliens better, so I did not have high expectations for the movie. So, i was really surprised about how much I liked "The Predator". Not a horror movie that you can or should take seriously, but it's pretty funny, bloody and just really entertaining and that's enough for me.



7. Red Sparrow


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The move is somewhat predictable, but Jennifer Lawrence plays her role great and she looks fantastic. I expected a movie in the style of "Salt" or "Atomic Blonde", but "Red Sparrow" is rather quiet. Although there are some brutal and bloody moments, it's more about manipulation and seduction, instead of fighting with some gangsters, which I liked quite a bit.


6. Ghostland


Bildergebnis für ghostland


"Ghostland" was a positive suprise. In addition to the dense atmosphere, the film also convinces with its effective Jump Scares, something that not many new horror movies are able to these days. "Ghostland" is also surprisingly brutal. While not necessarily bloodier than other horror movies, the fight between the family and the intruders is quite hard and creates an uncomfortable feeling while watching. The twist was, in my opinion, a little bit predictable, which makes it not less effective.




16 hours ago, potent said:

From this set I've seen Black Mirror and OITNB. I think I only watched 4/6 episodes from the last season of Black Mirror though, but Black Museum is a masterpiece.


From the movies I haven't seen any, but Slenderman, Purge, and Dark Web look the most interesting.

I wouldn't recommend Slender Man.

13 hours ago, Kiss It Better said:

Metalhead is like the everyone's least liked episode from this season lmfaoooo still haven't seen Bandersnatch though

yes at Unfriended making the list :clap3:i watched it when i was in class :fan: 

This movie was quite good :clap3:

13 hours ago, Legend E said:

welp haven't watched any :-x 

Not a single one? Have you ever seen a tv show or movie in the last few years? ?

6 hours ago, Brandon said:


FTWD, The 100,  Jessica Jones  &   Arrow  :clap3:




Edited by Kevin2803
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  • ATRL Moderator

HTGAWM :clap3: I haven't watched it in a while tho :thing: 

ASIB yas ? 

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Love Simon and Bird Box :clap3:


I liked HTGAWM and especially Greys this year, but I’ve yet to be caught up with their most recent seasons.

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  • ATRL Moderator

I really liked Insatiable. I'm waiting for the second season :gaycat4:

I kinda liked the interactive episode of Black Mirror but I didn't like the different endings. It's so clearly to see which one is the real ending...

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TV Shows


5. Killing Eve


Bildergebnis für killing eve


I started this show, because i loved Sandra Oh on "Grey's Anatomy" and i thought the premise of the show interesting and now i'm hooked. This show is just so thrilling and tense. The chemistry between these two women is amazing and Villanelle is one of the best villains i've ever seen on a TV show. She's funny, but also terrifying. And i'm so happy that Sandra won the Golden Globe last night.



4. Heathers


Bildergebnis für heathers 2018 tv show


This show was done so wrong. I don't know how some people are offended by "Heathers". Sure, it has really dark humor, but it's so over the top that you can't take it really serious. The show is hilarious and i'm so mad that we probably won't get another season. It had some of the best one liners sind "Scream Queens".



3. American Horror Story: Apocalypse


Bildergebnis für American Horror Story: Apocalypse


Well, that's maybe an unpopular opinion, but "Apocalypse" is one of my favorite seasons from AHS. But they probably could've done everything with this season and i would've still loved it, because my favorite b(w)itch Madison Montgomery finally returned. It has some weak moments and the finale felt a little rushed, but it's one of the most entertaining seasons.



2. The Haunting of Hill House


Bildergebnis für the haunting of hill house


This show is so amazing. It's beautiful, but also frightening and the show has so many well executed twists. If you watch this show, i promise you a rollercoaster of emotions. You will feel scared, sad, entertained and sometimes even all at once. Carla Gugino is one of the most beautiful women i've ever seen and the casting of her children was also great and so fitting. I also loved all the little details, like the ghosts in the background. One of the best horror shows ever.



1. The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina


Bildergebnis für The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina poster


To be honest, i was skeptic at first. It's from the producers of "Riverdale", which is a mess most of the time, but "The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina" is so well done. It's so different from the original show, but in a good way. It's so dark, satanic & twisted, but also has a great sense of humor. I binge watched the hell out of the first season and can't wait for more. Kiernan Shipka does an amazing job as Sabrina and the rest of the cast is also very talented. Praise Satan for this show.



Movies (Streaming/DVD)


5. Bad Times at the El Royale


Bildergebnis für  Bad Times at the El Royale


I love movies like this, where we see the story from so many characters point of view and everything is somehow connected. It's like a fun movie puzzle and i really enjoyed it. The cast was also very talented.



4. Revenge


Bildergebnis für revenge


 "Revenge" almost literally spits on "I Spit On Your Grave." While Jennifer had to suffer longer torments in 2010, this film made me even more uncomfortable. Just how the mood turns from fun to threatening within a few minutes is frightening. And some of the bloody scenes are really hard to watch. I also tought it was strong how Jennifer evolved from a slightly superficial, cliché-laden blonde to a brutal revenge queen. Somehow it's always fun to watch how those nasty pigs get exactly what they deserve.



3. The Strangers: Prey at Night


Bildergebnis für The Strangers: Prey at Night


I thought the movie was really good. But I also understand why some might not like it that much, because is has a pretty different vibe than the first part. "Prey at Night" is more like a Slasher Flick than a suspensful thriller, like the first movie. But if you do not compare it with the original, it's great.



2. Skyscraper


Bildergebnis für skyscraper movie


I rarely had such sweaty hands during a movie. I am extremely scared of heights and the scenes in which Dwayne Johnson climbs at dizzying heights have literally triggered anxiety attacks. Sometimes so extreme that I was already close to tears. Nevertheless, the movie is very exciting, entertaining and visually appealing. I also liked the fact that Neve wasn't just an accessory and only played the helpless victim, but was also allowed to beat a few people up. If you kill a serial killer four times, you don't really buy the role of the helpless victim anymore. ?



1. Assassination Nation


Bildergebnis für Assassination Nation


Damn, this movie is amazing. It's very over the top, but also a frightening and true representation of our youth and society these days. I felt so many emotions during the movie, often even anger, because of the things some character did or said. It's also visually stylish, has a great cast and an amazing soundtrack.



Movies (Cinema)


05. Halloween


Bildergebnis für halloween 2018


THE horror movie of 2018 that I was most looking forward to and I was not disappointed. We have a final girl in almost every horror movie, but we hardly ever see how life goes on for the survivors. And with Laurie, it was shown in a very interesting way what impact such an experience has on a person. For that reason alone, the film has more depth than most horror films of recent years. The film has very intense moments, especially towards the end, when Laurie searches for Michael in her house and they fight against each other. The murders are also well done, though often not very explicit. Most of the time, the camera does not show it directly, but the original is also more liked because of its atmosphere and not because of its brutality, which is why it worked well. And it's bloody enough anyway, because even if you not always see the murders explicit, you get a gruesome look at the corpses. But sometimes, i would've liked longer chase scenes.



4. Ocean's 8


Bildergebnis für ocean's 8


With "Ocean's 8", I expected light, fun entertainment with a great cast and that's exactly what i got. Sandra Bullock and the rest of the cast did a great job in this movie and it's especially their chemistry what makes the movie a highlight of 2018.


3. A Simple Favor


Bildergebnis für a simple favor


I have to say that I really, really enjoyed this movie. An almost perfect mix of comedy and thriller with great cast, a good soundtrack and some surprising twists. Blake Lively also surprised me in a positive way. I've never been a big fan of her character in "Gossip Girl," but this slightly bitchier role suits her.



2. Mamma Mia 2! Here We Go Again


Bildergebnis für Mamma Mia 2! Here We Go Again


A sequel that is in no way inferior to the original. The musical numbers are better executed and the movie is just as heartwarming as the first part. A great feel-good movie with amazing actors and awesome music.


1. Wonder


Bildergebnis für wonder movie


A WONDERful movie! I particularly liked that the story was told from the point of view of different characters. Many films are rather one-sided and divide the characters into good and evil, but "Wonder" even manages to show the bully as an complex character. In some places, "Wonder" may be a bit too "hollywood" and cliched, but that doesn't make the movie any less worth seeing. A heartwarming story with wonderful characters.








23 hours ago, Legend E said:

HTGAWM :clap3: I haven't watched it in a while tho :thing: 

ASIB yas ? 

Well, you better start again :thing:

17 hours ago, Kiss It Better said:

HTGAWM :worship2:


16 hours ago, potent said:

Love Simon and Bird Box :clap3:


I liked HTGAWM and especially Greys this year, but I’ve yet to be caught up with their most recent seasons.

Great movies :clap3:

8 hours ago, Brandon said:


HTGAWM & The Spy Who Dumped Me :celestial2:


14 minutes ago, kelly-clarkson said:

I really liked Insatiable. I'm waiting for the second season :gaycat4:

I kinda liked the interactive episode of Black Mirror but I didn't like the different endings. It's so clearly to see which one is the real ending...

True, it was kinda obvious







Edited by Kevin2803
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  • ATRL Moderator

I still didn't see Ocean's 8. I need to watch it :duca:

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Me and my mom finally stopped catching up on Grey's Anatomy at the beginning of last season, or whenever Amelia found out about her brain tumor. It's weird because the beginning of that season was the best shape I'd seen the show in for a very long time (Krista Vernoff was back as a writer and the dark humor was back) but we just forgot to keep watching it for some reason. :priceless: For me it completely jumped the shark with the ridiculous plane crash because my Suspension of Disbelief was worn completely thin by all the disasters, but it was still always very enjoyable to watch and had occasional brilliant episodes like Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. How did they write out April? :ahh:

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3 hours ago, kelly-clarkson said:

I still didn't see Ocean's 8. I need to watch it :duca:

Yes, it's amazing :duca:

1 hour ago, Red Light said:

Me and my mom finally stopped catching up on Grey's Anatomy at the beginning of last season, or whenever Amelia found out about her brain tumor. It's weird because the beginning of that season was the best shape I'd seen the show in for a very long time (Krista Vernoff was back as a writer and the dark humor was back) but we just forgot to keep watching it for some reason. :priceless: For me it completely jumped the shark with the ridiculous plane crash because my Suspension of Disbelief was worn completely thin by all the disasters, but it was still always very enjoyable to watch and had occasional brilliant episodes like Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. How did they write out April? :ahh:

First, she was in a car accident and everyone thought she was dying, but she didn't. In the finale, she married Matthew and they left together

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Oceans 8 yess we stan!! :alexz:

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