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Survivor: ATRL Edition (Season 8) | FINAL. TRIBAL. COUNCIL!!


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Gather those first post for every minute from 5:30 to 5:40 inclusive. You'll know who got it.

Edited by KatyCatPH
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  • Buddy!


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  • kipperskipper


1 hour ago, kipperskipper said:

hit you with that ddu






this post won

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  • ATRL Moderator

The person who won the idol has been messaged 


if you did not get a message I’m sorry but u flopped 


results will be up around 9 good luck 

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1 hour ago, kipperskipper said:

hit you with that ddu






we love a smash



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SO I wasted a FCKING hour posting only to LOSE. Lemme delete my posts

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I've already packed my bags. It's been real yall



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Between 9-10 huh?

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3 hours ago, Element said:

The person who won the idol has been messaged 


if you did not get a message I’m sorry but u flopped 


results will be up around 9 good luck 


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I had a bit of a life thing, and we had the judges finish an hour ago! Will upload the results shortly.

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  • ATRL Moderator

Honestly y’all need to ****ing chill with asking for the results. No we did not forget them. We did not forget them this round, last round, or the entire previous season. We’re currently working full time jobs and trying to adult while hosting this for you. The judges are taking time out of their busy lives and have to actually sit down and reflect on an average of 20 songs each round, and write commentary for you. Having judged two seasons before it takes HOURS to do that. Two days of turnaround for everything is reasonable as hell and sitting here complaining about the results does nothing but add more stress to our lives. It will happen when it happens. Until then, go to Sean Cody to pass the time.


thank u NEXT

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11 minutes ago, Element said:

Honestly y’all need to ****ing chill with asking for the results. No we did not forget them. We did not forget them this round, last round, or the entire previous season. We’re currently working full time jobs and trying to adult while hosting this for you. The judges are taking time out of their busy lives and have to actually sit down and reflect on an average of 20 songs each round, and write commentary for you. Having judged two seasons before it takes HOURS to do that. Two days of turnaround for everything is reasonable as hell and sitting here complaining about the results does nothing but add more stress to our lives. It will happen when it happens. Until then, go to Sean Cody to pass the time.


thank u NEXT

I understand this, and safe to say everyone does. But not to be rude or anything but setting the schedule and eventually not folowing it also affects our busy lives too. We try to allot time for this too jsyk.


But anyhow, y'all are doing great and we're thankful for that. :hug:

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  • ATRL Moderator
6 minutes ago, KatyCatPH said:

I understand this, and safe to say everyone does. But not to be rude or anything but setting the schedule and eventually not folowing it also affects our busy lives too. We try to allot time for this too jsyk.


But anyhow, y'all are doing great and we're thankful for that. :hug:

The only reason we keep setting potential result times is bc you guys keep asking and then I throw out a ballpark but there are always variables that pop up. the only true tea i can offer is that they will be up as soon as possible every round. We try to get them out to you as soon as the judges finish

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Welcome castaways to your 5th results show! Below will be the rates of each entry from all four judges. You were all rated on a scale of 1 to 10. Your average score will be combined into an average which will determine who wins the challenge.

After I reveal the scores, I will post the final results which will include how you ranked against all castaways, and finally the overall rankings after this round.

The top tribe with the highest average score this round will win immunity.

With that said, here are the scores…



Buddy! - P!nk - So What

  • Dylan - 8

    • This works well, but i just wish it was more about things she’s doing in terms of self-care rather than a f-u attitude. But hey, this is P!nk we’re talking about. Anyway, good enough.

  • prézli - 5.5

    • In the song, P!nk wants to take revenge on her husband who is missing from home. She has even got a new attitude to get into trouble. That’s definitely not finding herself after a disagreement. The part that I mostly like is that she knows that she’s still a rock star and can behave like one, but I do not think it’s her real self.

  • Aciid - 8.5

    • I think this song is good enough and works well with what was asked of you. The self love portion is not as strong as it could have been. I see it in the rockstar line, which is empowering, but I don’t think she’s really finding herself here.  


305 - Ariana Grande - Thank U, Next

  • Dylan - 6

    • I mean, there’s two verses that fit very well in terms of self-love (the ones about her seeing herself)... but the majority of the track is about reflecting and being thankful for lessons learned. It’s a lot less about self-love than it is self-reflection.

  • prézli - 2

    • I would like to say that thank you, next… In the song, Ariana is grateful for her exes because they gave her happiness, but she’s already waiting for a new special one in her life. In the second verse, she sings about herself while being in love, the values she received, etc., but it’s not about enjoying her own company. The only thing that she talks about in the entire track is that she got wiser from her previous relationships.

  • Aciid -  4

    • This misses the mark for me because it’s about reviewing her past lovers and thanking them. It’s not about being down and then finding yourself/loving your own company, which was the point of the theme.


EriKills - The Muppets - Me Party

  • Dylan - 10

    • This actually fits so well, what the hell? Here’s your 10.

  • prézli - 10

    • This is perfect. What I didn’t give you last time, I’m giving you this time. :eddie:

  • Aciid - 10

    • Well this lines up perfectly with the theme so props to you. I like how the track is very just about her and her own company which is a home run.


KatyCatPH - Sara Bareilles - Little Black Dress

  • Dylan - 8

    • This reminds me of a VERY tame Party for One. It fits good lyrically, but it lacks the feel-good vibe I was looking for this round. However, this round was pretty weak so I’m being a little generous here. One of the better entries this round.

  • prézli - 6

    • Sara is trying to avoid a conversation with her lover, so she rather puts her little black dress on and plays her favorite music. She’s trying to find a way back to herself (“Now I'm fighting to find the ground again”). You grabbed the theme at a point well where she does enjoy herself, but it doesn’t feel as natural as it should be.

  • Aciid -  7

    • The direction of the song is correct, it just needed a bit more. I feel like she’s not truly enjoying herself and instead is just moving on. It’s lacking and could be much more oriented to loving oneself.


MusicLoverDude - Jessie James - I Look So Good (Without You)

  • Dylan - 8.5

    • I love this song! It’s about an 8 theme-wise but you get the extra half-point for having taste. This song focuses a lot on physical attributes, but that’s a major part of our self-worth and sometimes we lose touch of that confidence in relationships. Pretty good choice.

  • prézli - 7.5

    • In the song, Jessie starts a new life after ending her relationship with her now former boyfriend. I don’t feel that she enjoys her own company because she’s trying to love herself again as she focuses on her look a bit too much (she lowkey lacks confidence). She has a new hairdo which is a miss in here because she didn’t need to change anything on herself to find a way back to herself. Not bad, but there was more in the theme.

  • Aciid - 9

    • In my opinion even if the song is based a lot in appearance, she’s really loving herself. She’s feeling good af and you can feel that. She’s also clearly enjoying her own company. Good job!


K$Ellie - Christina Aguilera - Army of Me

  • Dylan - 6

    • This is moreso a statement of survival than a song about self-love and care. And yes, that’s a part of moving on and loving yourself. But we’re looking for the part that comes after that. This isn’t entirely off but it’s definitely not your best entry.

  • prézli - 5

    • I’m not a big fan of this song. Yes, she finds a way back to herself by taking control of her own life and is stronger after the break-up(?), but she keeps saying how her lover(?) misunderstood her. The song even becomes a little brutal in the last verse (“So how does it feel / To know that I beat ya / That I can defeat ya”). I’m sorry, but it’s your weakest entry in this season so far.

  • Aciid - 5

    • It’s kind of too aggressive in a way, almost vengeful. It’s missing the key component of self love, moving on and enjoying one’s company. Instead she seems fixated on the relationship and his demise.


Moonlightbae - Hailee Steinfeld - Love Myself

  • Dylan - 10

    • Duh!!!!! Amazing. You’re pretty talented for an ugly guy.

  • prézli - 10

    • The song sounds awful. But it fits the theme so perfectly. Great job!

  • Aciid - 10

    • Fits amazingly well. Positive and really loving.


Kiiwii - Jason Derulo - Ridin’ Solo

  • Dylan - 9.5

    • JAY SON DAY RULE OH. This fits the round to a tee and is one of the only songs submitted that is more than just “good” for the round.

  • prézli - 9.5

    • I love this track! Jason found himself after the things didn’t work out with a lady. I don’t give it a maximum point because it can only be for one time as he might be looking for one night stands (he says too many times that he’s doing fine tonight), but keep it up!

  • Aciid - 9

    • This fits really well with the theme, positive and carefree. I’m only giving it a 9 because the lyrics are a bit lacking in creativity but it was a nice choice.


PoKiTaurus - Britney Spears - Stronger

  • Dylan - 7

    • Britney is doing just fine post break-up. But, this doesn’t really talk about any of the things she’s doing in the present that we could consider to be self-love or self-care. It’s similar to Army of Me in the sense that her ex couldn’t take her down, but that’s about it. In the middle of the pack this round.

  • prézli - 7

    • In one of the seasons when I was a contestant like you, I remember that someone submitted this track fitting to coming of age, but I didn’t agree because for me, it was always about being confident after a rejection. She’s more focused on the other one than herself and the song is a bit more aggressive, but it has parts that fits (e.g. “I used to go with the flow / Didn't really care 'bout me”). Not the strongest submission this round, but above the middle ground.

  • Aciid - 8

    • This is more on the empowerment side but it does go quite nicely with what was asked of you. Like some other entries it suffered from not focusing on loving yourself/self care but it does the job and is one of the better entries.


Anvarie - Beyoncé - Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)

  • Dylan - 5.5

    • This comes across like a warning to a current boo rather than about breaking up and taking some time to focus on oneself. It’s clear Bey knows her worth, but this doesn’t talk about self-love as much as it does confidence one will want her even if her man doesn’t.

  • prézli - 6.5

    • I often dislike when a contestant prefers a song by her or his favorite artist because he or she submits the track in the belief that he or she knows it well, but… That happened this round. In the song, Beyoncé is about to end a relationship with her man as she goes clubbing with her girlfriends and calls her a single lady. The verses and the chorus could work, but the bridge makes the message clear that they’re still together and she wants to get engaged to him so bad (“Say I’m the one you want / If you don’t, you’ll be alone / And like a ghost, I’ll be gone“). She enjoys herself, but this song sounds like a threat towards him.

  • Aciid - 5

    • The song goes on a different route than what was asked. It’s more about revenge and showing your ex than truly finding yourself. Not to mention she’s with another guy when it’s supposed to be about self love and centered on being ok with being alone.


kipperskipper - Christina Aguilera - Fighter

  • Dylan - 4.5

    • Yeah, this isn’t your best round. This is about being thankful for someone’s wrongdoing as it made your stronger in the end. It doesn’t talk about self-love or doing things for oneself. She has thicker skin. But, that’s about it. There’s not really any mention of her enjoying her own company.

  • prézli - 3

    • Xtina doesn’t bring luck this round, I see. Christina became a stronger person after “all of your backstabbing” because she’s not the same innocent girl she used to be. The song is about overcoming her hurt, moving on and being a fighter. Does she love herself? We do not even know. You overthought this one.

  • Aciid - 4

    • Like it was stated, this submission missed the point of the theme. The message is about this relationship making her a stronger person but in no way does it talk about loving yourself. You needed a happier take on the theme.


Scene. - Kelly Clarkson - Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)

  • Dylan - 7.5

    • I wish the “just me, myself, and I” line was repeated more often because that would help this one out pretty significantly. This is very middle of the road in the sense that it fits the theme for the most part, but it doesn’t talk enough about Kelly enjoying her own company. If anything, it just says she’s moved on to someone else. It’s just realllllllllly mundane despite the overall fit.

  • prézli - 7.5

    • In the title, the text between ( and ) suggests that this song is not what the task requires this round. There are a few lines that fit well (e.g. “Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone”, “Doesn't mean I'm over 'cause you're gone” or “Thanks to you I'm finally thinking 'bout me”), but actually, the lyrical content is too basic and doesn’t go deeper, unfortunately.

  • Aciid - 6

    • Some parts fit what was asked of you but then it falls short in others. The song isn’t focused enough in loving yourself or enjoying your own company. There’s some lines that hint at it but not enough. I like the first verse but we don’t get more of that in the rest of the song.


Xedretinz Lododnz - La Roux - Bulletproof

  • Dylan - 6

    • The first verse starts off as promising, but this ends up just being basic self-empowerment. It focuses less on self-love and more on overcoming hurt. We need more about enjoying one’s own time to themself.

  • prézli - 7

    • Self-love =/= self-empowerment. The song has some parts that match the theme (e,g, “Been there, done that, messed around / I'm having fun, don't put me down”), but it’s another one about being stronger after a failed relationship than loving ourselves for the way we are.

  • Aciid - 5.5

    • This is more about not letting herself get hurt again rather than finding yourself post breakup and enjoying your alone time. Needed more self love and less focus on being strong.


thecptz - Icona Pop - I Love It (feat. Charli XCX)

  • Dylan - 7.5

    • This has the vibe we were looking for completely down. But, the lyrics are pretty weak.  A lot of them focus on the ex. And literally just the two lines “I don’t care. I love it!” emphasize self-love at all. Still, this is stronger than a good bunch of the entries this round based off the vibe alone.

  • prézli - 9

    • Great choice! They just want to feel good without caring about the consequences. They’re too irresponsible, but it represents that f-ck it feeling so well.

  • Aciid - 5.5

    • Eh I find this to be very weak. The don’t give a **** attitude is nice, but this is more about disposing of your ex and has like no focus on oneself. You get the feeling, but there’s never a point in the lyrics where the focus is loving your alone time/your own company/finding yourself. Also it’s quite repetitive.


wesleywalrus - Little Mix - Shout Out to My Ex

  • Dylan - 5.5

    • Very similar to thank u, next. But, at least thank u talks somewhat about enjoying her own company. This is really just a slightly snide ode to one’s former lover. It’s somewhat sweet, somewhat sour. But, I’m not feeling it for this round.

  • prézli - 8

    • It gives me thank u, next vibes, but this song fits the theme surprisingly well. They found theirselves after the break-up because their exes made them who they are today. It might also have a revenge vibe (“Here's to my ex, hey, look at me now” or “Boy, read my lips, I'm over you”), but it’s still alright.

  • Aciid - 4

    • The song just sounds resentful and mad. She’s fixated on her ex lover and all these details about the relationship instead of talking about her own self care and being ok with the breakup.


Clytemnestra - Kelly Clarkson - Since U Been Gone

  • Dylan - 7.5

    • Ugh, the chorus is perfect but the verses are way too focused on the ex than on herself. This is better than some, but also weaker than other entries here too.

  • prézli - 7.5

    • In the song, Kelly can breathe again after leaving her boyfriend. Breaking up and then enjoying ourselves can have correlation to each other and fits the theme, but I wish Kelly was more focused on herself instead of shading her ex all over again.

  • Aciid - 6

    • This, like the Little Mix entry in the same tribe, is way too focused on her ex lover. It has a bit more moments like the chorus which give you more points though. We needed to shift the spotlight to her.


Bey_Rihstan - Mary J. Blige - Just Fine

  • Dylan - 9

    • This talks a lot about Mary going out and enjoying her time by herself and it also has a feel-good vibe that makes you want to strip away negativity and just enjoy your life. That’s what I wanted this round. Less about the break-up, more about what comes after. Very few people really nailed it this round and I think you are one of them.

  • prézli - 7.5

    • The song is a recovery from break-up (“Got to keep it hot, keep it together”). I think she hasn’t found her way back to herself completely, but she’s on the right way as she keeps saying to herself that she has to keep her head high, believe in her, etc.

  • Aciid - 9.5

    • A really good entry, especially considering some of the others. You got it right because the theme was to focus on being okay and happy after a breakup, enjoy your own company and not dwell into the past.  


Final Results coming up.


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