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ATRL’s Hunger Games | S6 sign-ups | S5 Winner : Phoenixstar


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  • Queen Conchita


  • Kylie Jenner


day 8 & night 8 : @Wes thinks about winning while questioning his sanity





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Congrats to the 3rd season Champion  @materialboy !


also congrats to everyone who participated :clap3: 


@Cazy  @materialboy @Kylie Jenner @Loyalty  @thecptz  @ianwallace @shelven @RandomName @Moonlightbae @Queen Conchita @Henry   @Dibbles  @Alena  @Xedretinz Lododnz @Wes @Lukey @PinkBox @Fa1x intelectual @KatyCatPH @mxtthewdelrey 

@Yves @wabayou @Nacht @Diarrhoea @wesleywalrus @Gourgeist @DripDripDied @Legend E @EriKills @Sabbath @Kavish




6: materialboy
4: Moonlightbae
3: PinkBox
2: KatyCatPH
2: Britney Spears
2: Kavish
1: Remy Ma
1: Wes
1: mxtthewdelrey
1: fa1x intelectual
1: RandomName
1: Cazy
1: Yves
1: Sabbath
1: Cardi B
1: Xedretinz Lododnz
1: Kylie Jenner



1. materialboy
2. fa1x intelectual
3. shelven
4. Kavish
5. KatyCatPH
6. Wes
7. RandomName
8. Moonlightbae
9. Henry
10. Remy Ma
11. Dibbles
12. Britney Spears
13. mxtthewdelrey
14. Xedretinz Lododnz
15. Yves
16. Cardi B
17. Opium
18. Loyalty
19. Cazy
20. Kylie Jenner
21. thecptz
22. PinkBox
23. wabayou
24. Diarrhoea
25. Sabbath
26. DripDripDied
27. Queen Conchita
28. Alena
29. Gourgeist
30. ianwallace
31. Lukey
32. Nicki Minaj
33. wesleywalrus
34. EriKills
35. Legend E
36. Nacht

District Placements

1. District4
2. District7
3. District6
4. District8
5. District5
6. District1
7. District2
8. District12
9. District11
10. District9
11. District10
12. District3

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i ****ing flopped

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1 minute ago, Dibbles said:

congratz and of course sign me up if there is another game :cm: 

well, if y'all still want, just keep signing up :cm: 



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i don't even know if i want to put myself through it again 

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1 minute ago, Queen Conchita said:

i don't even know if i want to put myself through it again :dancehall2:

maybe you will win next time :gaycat5: 

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3 minutes ago, Opium said:

maybe you will win next time :gaycat5: 

can i bribe you to rig it? i don't know what i can offer tho :gaycat1:

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Just now, Queen Conchita said:

can i bribe you to rig it? i don't know what i can offer tho :gaycat1:

hmmm.... :gaycat4: 

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That was a flop one

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Sign me up again of course

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Top 5 finally! Almost there but stupidity got me again. At least I didn't fall from a tree this time. And I got my fruits! :ahh:


Also I should have outlasted @shelven but I spared him twice. A saint!

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