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Let's Spoon! (Season 8) | Winner: shelven


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Just now, Legend E said:

except for the times when I couldn't be here and the one time I won a challenge, I got #6 for all rounds :skull: It's like the fourth time I got 6th I think :skull: 

... girl you are POSSESSED you might want to get that checked out :skull: 

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  • Element


  • shelven


  • Navyofbadgals


  • alexanderao


  • ATRL Moderator

this was the most iconic round of the season so far 



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1 minute ago, minho said:

it's real nn



Mess. I didn't know we were playing Cluedo at the same time :deadbanana2: 

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What in the hellish hell happened

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  • ATRL Moderator




List Randomizer

There were 75 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

  1. 59
  2. 5
  3. 8
  4. 67
  5. 40
  6. 17
  7. 26
  8. 16
  9. 27
  10. 7
  11. 35
  12. 10
  13. 30
  14. 66
  15. 65
  16. 20
  17. 50
  18. 19
  19. 56
  20. 46
  21. 38
  22. 3
  23. 23
  24. 44
  25. 29
  26. 72
  27. 14
  28. 49
  29. 24
  30. 45
  31. 62
  32. 58
  33. 43
  34. 28
  35. 41
  36. 32
  37. 1
  38. 39
  39. 15
  40. 42
  41. 71
  42. 33
  43. 6
  44. 63
  45. 70
  46. 34
  47. 2
  48. 52
  49. 60
  50. 69
  51. 53
  52. 54
  53. 61
  54. 51
  55. 9
  56. 48
  57. 22
  58. 47
  59. 25
  60. 64
  61. 36
  62. 74
  63. 31
  64. 12
  65. 68
  66. 13
  67. 4
  68. 37
  69. 11
  70. 57
  71. 55
  72. 73
  73. 18
  74. 75
  75. 21

Timestamp: 2018-03-18 19:01:25 UTC



here are the numbers in case you were wondering!!

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1 minute ago, Element said:

this was the most iconic round of the season so far 



Nnnn Bingo is always LEGENDARY


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1. Henry

2. shelven

3. minho

4. Guero

5. Loyalty

6. Legend E

7. UFO

8. alexanderao

9. RandomName

10. Kylie Jenner

11. Navyofbadgals

12. Wes

13. Queen Conchita

14. fiercE

15. Sebas

16. Dylan'

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  • ATRL Moderator
  • winner of the 6th season
  • sixth person to sign up
  • sixth spoon multiple times
  • post #666

Devil E is coming for us

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2 minutes ago, Element said:
  • winner of the 6th season
  • sixth person to sign up
  • sixth spoon multiple times
  • post #666

Devil E is coming for us

@Kavish relinquished his powers to Legend E before he left :cries: 

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1. Henry

2. shelven

3. minho

4. Guero

5. Loyalty

6. Legend E

7. UFO

8. alexanderao

9. RandomName

10. Kylie Jenner

11. Navyofbadgals

12. Wes

13. Queen Conchita

14. fiercE

15. Sebas

16. Dylan'

17. rl231

18. Bloomers














10 Spoons Remain!

1. thecptz 
2. Fruity
4. Staryu
8. Riri.
9. Witch Privilege 
21. Alena
24. Diarrhoea

26. Sempiternal

32. Brodie

35. wesleywalrus

40. Lukey

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  • ATRL Moderator
5 minutes ago, shelven said:

@Kavish relinquished his powers to Legend E before he left :cries: 

thestdz is shook

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12 minutes ago, Element said:
  • winner of the 6th season
  • sixth person to sign up
  • sixth spoon multiple times
  • post #666

Devil E is coming for us

I KNEW this bitch was possessed :mazen: 

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  • ATRL Moderator
4 minutes ago, Legend E said:

thestdz is shook


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Oh... and in advance, I need Tuesday's round to be between 2:30 and 5:30pm or after 1am (I have finals from 11-2, 6-9, and 9:30-12:30) and Wednesday's round to be before 2 or after 11:15 (flight home from 4:50 - 10:30)

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1. Henry

2. shelven

3. minho

4. Guero

5. Loyalty

6. Legend E

7. UFO

8. alexanderao

9. RandomName

10. Kylie Jenner

11. Navyofbadgals

12. Wes

13. Queen Conchita

14. fiercE

15. Sebas

16. Dylan'

17. rl231

18. Bloomers

19. Diarrhoea













9 Spoons Remain!

1. thecptz 
2. Fruity
4. Staryu
8. Riri.
9. Witch Privilege 
21. Alena

26. Sempiternal

32. Brodie

35. wesleywalrus

40. Lukey

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