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2 minutes ago, Tsareena said:

riggery in episode 1. love the concept


In a shocking twist, the secret Asian queen Noah Fence snatches the win



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Just now, Citrus said:

In a shocking twist, the secret Asian queen Noah Fence snatches the win



Do it, the viewers want to see this 



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Just now, Citrus said:

EST, it's 10:43 AM

Oh okay, I’m good with either time then x

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Oh, is this because there's a tie, either between who is gonna win or who is gonna be BTTM2?




I can help resolve this issue, add me.

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Episode 1 - Sissy that Snatch Game

Judges' Critiques



Carrie said....

Pea: You mentioned not really getting the point of STLS, and I think for me it gives us a chance to get a feel for the kind of queen you are since a drag queen’s performance really shows off more than just dancing skill, but also personality, vibe, etc. (For a standout example, I think of Carbon’s S2 entry.) So I like that you showed off your creativity here and did something the other girls didn’t (and can’t) do, but I don’t like that there’s no music attached to the songs since all we have to go off for mood is the outfit/descriptions. The descriptions felt too simple; it takes an entire song to tear at a costume? I’m not sure you quite captured Queen E in Snatch, since off the bat you were disparaging poor people (and the line of cruelty runs throughout the rest), which isn’t what Elizabeth is known for or apparently how she acts in private either. If you were parodying her rigidity by showing us the ~true Elizabeth~ underneath her public persona, I would get it, but I don’t think you were going for that. Your runway is very striking, although I would have appreciated a short description of how you saw it fitting the theme, as the others provided. 


Melanoma: Your LS felt fully realized (and high budget) and your performance details were described well and seemed engaging to an audience. The songs are a little too similar for me (esp. 2 and 3), so I do wish we saw slightly more range here, but solid job overall. Ok, I already started laughing at the second line, which sounds so much like O. There were other moments like that that I enjoyed (“why don’t you answer mine?”) and I liked the dragging out. Still, in comparison with the other girls, this naturally felt a bit underbaked at times. I appreciate the brevity in places and think it comes across as lazy in others. But at least I laughed a few times. Not everybody has that. Wow, Koko’s white dress is shaking @ your runway. I like what you were going for more than I like the aesthetic of the final product.


Gladys: Oh wow, DTIP(JOODD) and Pool are two of my favorite songs and Noah Fence is one of my favorite drag queens, so slay @ that pandering!! Your LS was planned out well (though I wonder why you let Noah share so much of your spotlight…) and you seem to put on an entertaining show, although it lacked cohesion a bit for me. To link Monica and Paramore is difficult, and I don’t think your rationale and pacing got there. Your Snatch Game was good overall, although I think your choice kind of automatically helps you a lot since I can read every answer in NY’s voice and find it funnier because of that. You hit the key points (I liked the late David reference) and I didn’t really see any jokes that fell completely flat for me. For your runway, I’m lovingthatconcept.gif, and think the broken glass idea is pretty cool. The drawing style being so cartoony takes away from the club kid aesthetic for me, but I still love the creativity in the face, the plug, etc. I prefer a strong concept to something that just looks pretty, so I was happy with this one.


*****: If you’re going to use performances from other artists for your LS, I expect you to put a lot of work into presentation (show us outfits, explain why you put these songs together in a cohesive narrative, etc.). We didn’t get that, so it felt a bit lazy. Oh wow, so excited to perform in Amulet of Love. Can’t wait till you girls have to write the script for week 3 :eddie: Anyway, your Snatch was a cute, but simple girl. I think you channeled your character well, but because she’s not the most dynamic person, a lot of the humor felt somewhat static. I smiled a few times, so that’s good. Not pots for shoes nnnn. ngl, I like the drama of the face and the hallucination inspiration, although the look feels a little lazy outside the hallucinogen effect.


Carbon: Loved the storytelling in your LS and the inclusion of Dame Rose, although that bit probably would have worked better for me if only the initial interview were long and the other segments were edited down. While I appreciate the drama and plot of it all, I wish there was more performance worked into it; is the second performance just the water stuff? Why would an audience tip you for that? Never watched 30 Rock, but it seemed like you were also playing the blonde woman from Kimmy Shmidt in Snatch, so I just pretended that was true and it was funny enough. I love Oliver tbh, and appreciated that joke, and the Cosmo joke was really funny too (though I didn’t know if it was original or not). I don’t like exposed nipples and wish you had a better explanation for going with a boy look (not “real”? sis. it’s drag race.), but the Lulu inspired look is still cute and I’m not too mad at you. I wish you explained that look on the right.


Colleen: I wanna be at any drag show that begins with Video Girl tbh. That said, I don’t know if lyrically that song quite fit your theme as perfectly as the others did, but I like the musical progression and range here (though I wish the last song got a bit more explosive in the chorus and also who is that singing?). Not you having Stone and Kunty be two of the first queens you knock out in the second song though. I only watched a couple clips of this Gemma character before judging here, and you do seem to capture her personality. I didn’t find many of the jokes particularly funny, but admit that not knowing the character super well may have impacted my response to it. Still, the jokes should be funny enough on their own to make up for lack of knowledge, I think. So this was just OK for me dawg. Your look is really striking and I like the color palette, but I think it could use some editing. The veins, buds, dots, and small flowers (?) all going up the leg is a bit much. I don’t have a sense of how the hair moves on the runway (is it stiff?) but I like the use of color there.


Pixel: Imagine me loving a LS that opens with a Beyonce song :rip: I basically loved all the details of this, from twerking on Satan to the surprise ending. The songs were cohesive and I LOVE that you embraced the DARK part of your name/character, which I felt was very underexplored in your last season. Anyway, I remember having a pet peeve with you in the past re: a lack of careful editing in your writing, and that’s back again (“draws an incantation”; tense changes in the last song, etc). Just be careful with that. I don’t know Melanie Martinez toooo well, but I thought your Snatch performance of her was a tad easy and two-note (all jokes go back to molestation or childish behavior). I also didn’t love the inconsistency in her not acknowledging the assault but then having a song about it. I like the fan hair in your runway look, but think the dress (?) is too big and would swallow you up on the runway. I also can’t help but think a lot about how it would look from a side angle, which I assume is a lot less glamourous. The fan in the hand is fan overkill.


Chanel: Making your LS Melodrama-themed after I revealed Melodrama as my top album of the year? Interesting. Anyway, your LS was an experience; it was well-written, cohesive, and clearly the product of a lot of effort. My one small gripe is I(WHN), which doesn’t feel like the best fit thematically, even with your explanation of the lover being validation. That metaphor just doesn’t track for me given that the song is very much about the lover being in love with a different person. I also thought the performances were a bit similar, BUT because you recorded them and couldn’t do the kind of crazy things seen in other performances, it’s alright. The “Hello” intro to Snatch had me screaming. The rest was cute too. Some of it was rather repetitive and I think you lost the accent at times (for example, in the intro you say “ting” followed a line later by “everything”), but I blame the first part on CitRu asking you so many questions and the second is kind of forgiven given how there are so many moments where you nail it. The Michelle bit was very cute. Nice runway, although I’m not sure I get the bottom part; the main outfit is wearing tall white boots, and then that black shoe has the flowers going up the leg; are they replacing the boots? You melding the two concepts? Please explain these things in the future.

Aciid said...

Pea Enculo

I really like your take of the Sissy That Lip-sync challenge. I can get where you’re coming from and it’s a nice way of incorporating more talents into consideration. You know I’m not like the best at judging songs but I can appreciate what you did and its uniqueness. However I feel like you should have expanded more on the actual performance. Maybe you don’t like it, but it’s what the challenge is about. Just showing what you would do with a stage. It’s just a forum medium of finding out how Pea Enculo would perform live. Flicker was my favorite song of the three.


I feel like in general I enjoy old characters a lot for snatch game. They make me cackle a lot and you really went there. It’s my favorite snatch game this season. I’m glad you referenced Diana’s death too f. 


I was really surprised by your runway to be honest. From what we’ve seen from you in s2 to now is amazing. I love the aquatic theme and those tentacle arms. I honestly love this. That face I think Moonchild used in s3 but I don’t really mind since the look is entirely different. Great job. 




I like this idea a lot, kind of like the a retro robot. The .exe thing is also witty, I adored that detail. I also like your not so conventional choices of songs, tbh I like this more than people doing pop numbers. Very fun number overall and the word document formatting was on point.


Your snatch was a fine number and I think you improved a lot from your original performance. The bitch thing suited you well and it hit sometimes. 


You had my favorite runway. It’s grotesque, disgusting and also kinda offensive in a way. But as someone who’s had a lot of cancer situations in his life, I don’t really mind. My one critique is that the face is too normal and I hate the hair. 




I thought the story you had to share with the songs was really good. You also served choreography, like you took me through it, not just saying “I was dancing”. I enjoyed the Lovegame mashup it oddly fits. My critique for you is that this is nothing revolutionary or out there. It’s a cute performance but not one that would make you come on top with all this competition. You really have to go there. Use other mediums, show us something different, or write something more than just a regular lip sync number. I adore Pool so much, I’m glad you stan btw.


I think you did New York fine and I was impressed that nice and quiet Richard went there. Something out of the box for you and I applaud that. I didn’t cackle as much as I wanted to, but I enjoyed most of it. 


The TV and plug really makes this. It’s just so cool and executed really well. I adore the whole top part, and I find the bottom to be a little much but it is a club kid look. You’ve upped your game on the look department so I’m excited to see what else you will bring. 




I honestly really appreciate what you did but it fell short. Ugh it could have been really good I feel. I guess it requires more editing effort but it would have been nice seeing different visuals in there other than copying the kylie performances with some other outtakes here in there. Like a collage performance/video. Potential but not fully committed. 


I have the disadvantage of not knowing who your character is (yeah I’ve not seen the show). So what I looked for the most is laughing at the responses/jokes and I almost never did. I’ll take into consideration my ignorance though.


The makeup you chose is quite cooky and I kinda like it. Despite the colors of the outfit I find it to be a bit dull and boring for a club kid look though. It needed more to it. 




This was so unique that I enjoyed it quite a bit Carbs. The interviews were interesting interludes, your thoughts and such. I like your song choices and you’re a great writer. Love the ending too and how it kinda goes with the last two songs.


I didn’t know your character for snatch game but you still managed to make it funny for me regardless and I think you did a good job. 


The runway was very interesting. I love the buckle skirt, its such a unique idea and you captured that in the drawing really well. I also like the table you’re wearing, just really creative ideas I think. I feel like I would have liked to see a feminine chest though, at least painted on or something regardless of what you said in your description.




Ok Video Girl as a starter is such a slay. The intro of the video really does that and I can envision everything you wrote. Your artistry and storytelling is amazing, I think out of all the girls through the seasons you’re the one who best uses this challenge in the writing medium. Great ideas, put into words well.


The way you portrayed Gemma’s accent was so good, it came across and idk that alone made me chuckle. Most of the references probably flew over my head but I enjoyed your snatch.


You doing something with plants for your look was bound to hit home with me. I think you did a fantastic job. I like the bodysuit a lot and the head piece. The fibers/hairs are really interesting and I think that for some reason just takes it up a notch. 



Pixel Dark

You had the most club like and realistic performance if that makes sense. Even just in the extreme fantasy of it all, I’m speaking of the songs, the look and such. I honestly loved this cause it feels like Pixel Dark came into fruition if that makes sense. You seem confident, you, in a good mindset and it comes across. Also this is the type of thing I was waiting from your character, its very Dragula like but also funny. I just really enjoyed this and I’m very proud to see the leap you took. 


For snatch game you exploited Melanie’s scandal quite well and that song you did was hilarious. Sucker for extra **** like that.


You had an interesting concept for a look and I quite like it. I just wish the fans were more origami like. It would have stepped it up and made it more futuristic and modern. 



Chanel DiAngelo

You absolutely killed the lip sync Chanel. I’m so proud of you, I was in awe. Not only are the lip syncs good, they are thought out and just really well done. My only critique, and I’m grasping for straws here because I wouldn’t be able to do what you did, is that while the drama is amazing you don’t need to look like a psychotic bitch all the time, mostly on the eyes. That’s it, hats off.


I think your snatch was fine, you worked well with Melania and embodied her. I just didn’t find myself laughing like I wanted to or cackling, aside from the intro Hello which caught me off guard cause I didn’t know about. 


Like I said your dress was something I already loved. I love this look even with the weird ass pointy shoes. I feel like the headpiece could have been better, maybe adorned with some flowers like your feet and dress but its nice nonetheless. I just didn’t like the way you changed the colors. The original is much better. It’s too opaque.


Tangerine said...



best judge reportin for duty




Good idea to show off your talents while still keeping the character of the challenge but my fear here is that you might've shot yourself in the foot if another challenge comes up, a talent show or something, and you wanted to do more songwriting and it could be seen to come across as repetitive. The songs were nice, the act description could've done with more but I still enjoyed it overall. Good.


Much better than your S2 performance, I actually find that most of the answers were well-thought out and decently funny. Perhaps a bit too much on the "filthy commoners" angle for some of the answers but it wasn't overdone to the point of being one-note. Good.


Awfully ugly in that very club kid kind of way, I think it's a decent package. The pieces initially had me like "what" but they can come together actually quite nicely. Not a look of the season but I like it.


Love the juxtaposition of futuristic run-down Tokyo nightclub sexbot android performing to old school style music, and not some generic techno robotics. You really made a scene here, from the way you described the stage hands helping like it was some public theater production, it just all went together really well. I would go and see this show, call me in 2034.


You had the worst original performance in this challenge of all these girls so well done on being most improved. I thought this was just ok at first but it did get better as it went along. I smiled a lot at this, good job.


Love the outfit, hate the face and hair, wish you had gone out like full bald and with some alternative makeup to really sell the club-kid look.


I kind of love that Gaga mash-up, thanks for that. Anyway, I love dance so I like a lot of what you're saying here. I really like the second number in your set, that's my favourite part. The intro does a decent job setting a scene but the third act could've used better music. Not even saying this as a Paramore hater, I just feel it's a departure from not only the first two songs but also not super fitting for the flashdance-esque act you've assigned to it (which I love the idea of).


I'm sad to say that this is disappointing for me. Better than Naomi? Perhaps, but a low bar there. You relied on just re-quoting New York memes and jokes for some the answers and for the others I appreciate you trying to make your own but they didn't have the quick wit or snapiness of a real NY drag. And you really dragged out a lot of answers for not much payoff in laughs. I'm not super impressed unfortunately.


I do like this however. Not so sure about the torso, but the TV head with colour bar makeup is cute, and the ponytail plug is the kind of campy drag I love. Pretty colours too. A very mundane yet abstract idea made into a cute look.


I like the non-standard way you did this entry, was nice to watch instead of read. I love the second part, the lingerie section, that was a highlight for sure. The finale was ok, if a bit... tired? In fact this whole thing came across a bit disparate, like there was no relation between the 3. That's not like it was a requirement to tell a narritive but seeing what some other girls did, it feels a bit plain in places. Also sonically the Sophie song is so jarring next to the other 2, maybe something smoother would've helped it feel more complete.



Doing a non-NY Flavor of Love character is a choice, since the jokes kind of end outside of that franchise (and Charm School I guess). Hottie is probably the best you could've picked but still a lot of the jokes and images were just "hey remember this Flavor of Love moment/character/joke?". I happen to know the reference material and I still wasn't really impressed, so for someone who doesn't... It was just a poor choice to begin with I think.


Super tacky, gaudy and ugly. Oh my god I'm disgusted just looking at it, and the awful haircut on the look that you never cropped off. That said, those things are very club kid in essence so have some points. Nice face at least.


The Dame Rose segments were a bit... jarring at first read, I was planning to tell you that they should've been cut until I read the final act. I liked the whole thing more after I finished reading, but I can't help but feel you could've made the execution more seamless. I get that this is the revenge/rebirth of Carbon, but I feel you could've done more. Spending the whole second act getting dressed was a choice, and I feel if you did some rejigging you could made the finale (and the whole thing) more bombastic. You've piqued my interest in this new persona (hihi) though, so let's see what you got.


I didn't know the character so I did my research and although I loved this snatch at first glance it does borrow a lot of direct quotes. I will say, unlike some others, you did at least sometimes have a different set-up to the punchlines that you used so points for that. And importantly you did make me laugh even with borrowed material so at least you took funny lines. Some of the other girls should've tried that. I really can't drag you for that, you chose a good character and although some more original material would be good I still enjoyed it.


I like this belt skirt, and although I understand your thoughts on the male look I don't quite agree. The bare chest isn't so much a concern, I just don't like the face that much, very Sasha Velour does Applause. I think maybe some bodypaint might have broken this look up a bit. All in all, still a totally original idea that I was not expecting. Good job.


This is not my kind of drag show but I applaud you for sticking with a concept and really going all the way with it and making a sensical story in your act. You did a good job of making this somber act and giving it a soundscape to match, I don't remember much of S4 but I definitely find myself curious about the character of Colleen so nice work. I'll be watching you in future.


Better than your S4 performance for sure though I definitely thought you relied too much on direct quotes rather than trying to make your own essence of Gemma. That said, you did get some original lines in there so it's got potential. I want to see more in weeks to come. I love Gemma, and I smiled a lot at your answers but I feel like if you did more I would've been outright laughing. Kind of a safe entry.


I really like this look, the bodysuit is very cute but the headpiece is so ****ing crazy and weird, yet still mesmerizing. The one detail that makes me really love it is the hair-ribbons, I can just imagine you strutting and spinning with those swaying behind. Gorgeous.


I love this, you really hit the perfect balance of your "satanic" Pixel persona with natural comedic talents and picked some great songs to do a really campy gore performance. The best part is how even without the comedic additions you put in you can still see how this would be entertaining as **** to watch... from afar. This is like... an All Star entry for sure.


Once again a good job at combining the baby jokes about Melanie with the topical rape ones, thank you for that multimedia experience. I did actually laugh at some of these jokes so clearly you did something right here, though I think the second half was maybe not as strong as the opening questions. Still, a really good job with this.


I knew there had to be a downside here, but to be fair this is definitely a step up from most of your S4 fashion. That said, I like the basis of the look but I feel that as a whole it just looks... odd. I get the fan-shape design in the dress and hair but I can't help but think it's a little too direct with the fan interpretation. I do love playing with geometry in fashion, so maybe more emphasis on shapes would've helped for me.


Reading your writing is always a pleasure, especially when it's not in a mediafire link and 28 pages long. This was like... amazing. The drama, the emotion, the camp (!!!) all rolled into one perfectly put together performance... I am gagged. I loved the scene you set and the soundscape you used already, but the little details like taking the tip or turning the light off were what made me unabashedly love this so much. This is talent. You've set the bar so high already, do not drop it.


Not all of this was funny, but I feel more than anyone here you kind of embodied a character and made your own humour rather than just rewrite things they said. Rough around the edges? Sure, but when it hits it strikes gold. I was chuckling throughout, and you made something that could be super one note into a really great performance. Attention to detal here is again superb with Melania's things on her desk in the picture. And as for the hidden help notes, I think it might've came across better if you instead put them into her actual card answers though, but maybe that would be too subtle for some judges.


Everything from shape to details is really good here, I love the dress itself but goddamn if that shoe isn't ugly. Still, it kind of goes with the wilting look. Loving this headpiece too and that you keep it mostly simple above the neck. 

Moonchild said...


Sissy That Lip Sync is less about the set list and writing about doing ten death drops and more about your artistic direction and showcasing your creativity. Using your own songs is fine, but it’s hard to get a sense for how your set would go since there’s no music, singing or significant performance description. I would’ve liked to see why you chose this theme for your set, since it is cohesive. I would’ve like to see the emotions and physical part of your performance. I think you used “The Owl” before in Platinum Hit, so you could’ve used that extra time to flesh out the rest of the entry. This isn’t a bad entry, but I wanted a lot more.



This was cute. It did feel a little one-note by the end but it got laughs out of me and the jokes were pretty original. I like that you went all the way there with what you wanted to do.



I’m not sure if it was intentional, but I had a kii at your runway being water-themed after using Platinum Hit for your lip sync. This is good. Aquatic outfits aren’t the most original, but you did this in your own way and I like the exoskeleton theme. My favorite parts were the spine and the metal braids (though I question the braids with the fin headpiece). This is polished and it fits the theme, so good job.



This is so cute, and really everything I look for in a Sissy entry. It’s original, cohesive and tells us about your drag. Reading your write-up was a kii with the computer commands and file names, too. The retro sex robot bit is fun in general, and your individual songs slay. Great job with this.



This was okay. It got better as it went on and it did get a few laughs out of me. The Twitter part was my favorite.



I think the idea here is a lot stronger than the execution. I like where you’re going with the bulbous and tumor theme, but it doesn’t go all the way. I don’t think the make-up, hair or shoes add much to the look, and I think the effect could’ve been a lot more visceral. I wanted to see you bald with maybe veins popping out in the bodysuit and dramatic, deathly make-up. I like where I think you were going with this, but as it is, the look is pretty bare-bones and uneventful.



I love the way you write your extended narrative entries like this, n. It set the stage and I like how you took us through each performance. The song choices are good individually but I didn’t think the set list was as cohesive as some of the other entries. The Gaga mash-up is a bop! Overall, this entry was solid, but I didn’t get much wow factor. It’s not something I’d normally criticize, but it’s important to stand out in this cast so keep that in mind for future entries.



I think you did an okay job of doing New York, and I think it was cool you chose someone so different from your normal personality. This didn’t blow me away, but the jokes were there and consistent.



Whew, slay me, I love this. This hits every beat for what a club kid needs to be and it’s so creative. I like the contrast of dark purple with the other neon and chromatic colors. You have a fun silhouette (though the skirt is a little extra) and this is so creative. The highlight is definitely the TV head, face paint and plug ponytail. This is giving me everything I need, so bring some more!



I commend you for going for a unique direction with this. It definitely stands out from all the essays. But I don’t think it goes all the way for me. The song choices feel kinda random and the editing and performance choices sometimes break the illusion a bit. Bonus points for using Kylie, though.



Kudos for an offbeat choice, but I don’t think it paid off. I think you had some good references here, but I don’t think the humor landed. The character seemed to limit you.



This look kinda takes me there, but it drops me off at the arts and crafts store instead of the downtown rave. The hallucination idea was a good one, but I don’t think your look actually lives up to it. The pot shoes and make-up camp it up but your dress is more runway glamour, and neither really give me the full LSD fantasy. Good idea, but it needed more time in the garden.



+1 for using Persona 5 but -1 for not using “Rivers in the Desert.” This was different. I liked reading it. I would’ve liked to read more about your performance angle for these songs, but that wasn’t the necessarily the intention. Your interviews were cute and I can always tell your voice in your writing, which is great. This was creative and I’m ready to see what you bring this season.



I’m not familiar with this character, but I think you did a pretty good job. The Oliver soundtrack joke made me cackle, and the rest of the entry had consistent humor.



Your runway is interesting. I get club kid right away, so that’s a plus, and I don’t mind the exposed boy chest, either. The belt skirt, colors, body paint and dining table are all great on their own, but I don’t think they come together as well as they could. It feels a bit more like a scattershot of good ideas than a complete look. I’d keep that in mind for the future, but overall I like this and I’m ready for the rest of your runways.



C’mon, booking arenas. I think you did a good job here, and I’m getting a better sense for your drag style after last season. “Video Phone” was unexpected and I love “Princess Die.” You committed to a vision and delivered, so good job.



I think you did one of the better jobs of embodying your character. The jokes were funny and I laughed a lot with your entry.



This is perfect tbh. We’ve all seen a lot of flower looks before, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen one like this. Even though this is a body suit, the headpiece, shoes, shoulder pads and beads change the silhouette up enough to give it an alien feel. The palette is beautiful and I like how you incorporated a lot of different textures and designs in your outfit (especially impressive since it’s drawn). I’m looking forward to seeing your other outfits!



This was so good, I love it. This was dark and surreal and funny, but the details of the performance were great on their own, too. It feels like you have a strong sense of what you want your drag to be and you’re giving us 100%. Really great job with this.



This was hysterical. I think you had the perfect balance of exaggeration of Melanie’s tumblr-ish personality, allegations and self-infantilism. The song was a highlight and I was laughing throughout your entry.



I like where you’re going with this, and I think it’s one of your most creative looks. The color palette and overall theme are striking, and the mohawk is an inspired choice. I think the silhouette lets it down a bit for me, because I don’t think the fan layout is that flattering or visually pleasing. This is distinctly Pixel, though, and I like the thought you put into this. I’m looking forward to more.



Whew. This was amazing to watch. What I like most is how you thought out everything here, from the setting you’d do this in to the vibe of each song to shrugging off your coat to the beat. This was clearly thought-out and you knew exactly what you wanted to do. You deliver high camp so well, and the cellophane moment in I (Who Have Nothing) is one of my favorite ADR moments. Exquisite.



You did well with a character that could have easily fallen flat, so kudos! The “hello” moment at the beginning was probably the funniest, but you had consistent humor through the entry and it was enjoyable to read. The details like the bolded “help me” notes and the pictures of actual Snatch Game cards really added to it.



This is gorg. I like the color palette the most, I think. The cream, blue, purple and green go together surprisingly well. I like the wilting concept a lot, too. The headpiece doesn’t feel like the best fit, which sticks out more when the outfit is simple, and I also think the dress/shoe choice is a little too conventional for a club kid theme. But those are minor complaints because you obviously know how to put together a look.

Citrus said...



Your sissy initially polarized me, because I wasn’t entirely sure how here I was for using pre-written songs. However, it’s not really all that different from pre-writing an entry (which some girls have done in the past, knowing this challenge is coming). Anyways, I thought this was a very unique way to do the challenge. It’s not the most exciting but it gets the job done. I really enjoyed your snatch game, no complaints really aside from that most of the jokes were sort of one-note about her being a secretly raging bitch. Your look is a soft toot, I think it could’ve actually done with a little fewer prosthetics and some more detailed makeup.



Your sissy is well-formatted and has a consistent theme, which already puts it in the safe zone. I liked the illustrations you provided with your entry, although I do think the robot learning to be human thing is a tad overdone (see: Faye’s entry last season, Carb’s in Season 02). Your snatch was serviceable, wish you’d stuck with shady music facts. But I get it, snatch sent you home last time so you wanted to play it safe. Which you did. Your look is really ugly compared to a lot of beauty, which I think helps this round. Toot.



I could tell you put a lot of thought into your STLS, but, unfortunately it doesn’t really reflect in the entry quality. It’s not bad at all, and would likely be safe on a regular season. However, your descriptions are lengthy without actually telling us much. For example, telling us you “burst into modern contemporary dance” and “passionately and emotionally lipsync along” doesn’t paint a specific image like you want to with this entry. Your New York was better than expected, because I was worried as hell fslkfjslfs, you’re not really that kinda fight a bitch girl. But it worked. Your look is one of my faves, because it’s really original and creative. Tho you do serve power ranger villain a tad.



This was a really polarizing entry, definitely. Your sissy is kind of….weird. On the one hand, you utilized your editing and mixing skills to make essentially fan-made music videos showing your favorite performer doing your lip sync. On the other hand, there’s no clear aspect of the staging, set design, etc that reflects you or shows your creative input. Wh8re is filthy, edgy, and always figuring out new ways to push boundaries. Where was that here? Your snatch was well done but, as Sub said, I think your character choice hindered you. I enjoyed your performance still, it’s definitely a SAFE snatch and I really appreciated the gross Hottie PNG. Your look is a high toot for me, it’s tacky and disconcerting. Perfect.



Your sissy committed to the character you’d established back in Season 02, and it also addresses the issues you think you face regarding game presence, relevance, etc. Although having Dame Rose deliver the rebukes wasn’t as nuanced as it should’ve been, I commend you for still going for a different kind of narrative, self-reflective performance. Loved the song choices. Your snatch was fine, which is a huge relief from Claire Danes. I love 30 Rock, and I think you captured Jenny pretty well even if you didn’t extrapolate/make original quotes as much. Your look is probably my favorite, because it strikes this balance between Hellraiser villain, ****ed up Disney, and club kid. Shoot.


You won this challenge last season, so I was really excited to see what you would do. The concept was there, the written ability and communication was there, and I love the symbolism and shade of you eliminating your competitors in a specific order. It fit the drama and regality of the Colleen persona and expanded upon it, as well. Loved. Your Snatch Game was waaaaaay better than you Miranda Sings, and it was a stroke of brilliance to use the colloquial writing. Whether I wanted to or not, I read every single line in Gemma’s voice. Look is a total toot, serving Plant Man from Mega Man White Network.



Your STLS is exactly what I think of when I imagine an All Stars entry from Pixel Dark. It’s weird, uncomfortably sexy, and has some over the top and ridiculous humor. I loved every bit of it, and the Westboro Baptist Church members were a gag. Your Snatch was probably my absolute fave, because you WENT THERE. M O L E S T I N G, I did things that she found disgusting, a ****ing ANTHEM. You really hit the nail on the head in every aspect this week, even if the look is somewhat weak (the blade runner vibe is cute, but not the most original club kid concept).



I could spend the next few sentences telling you that you killed this challenge, but you don’t need any more ego. Your Snatch Game is probably what really sealed it for me, because you overcame the critique that people always lobby at you: that you’re not funny or self-aware. The Snatch was immersive and had enough funny moments to stick out as one of the best. Your look, while looking like a Chanel (designer) version of Colleen’s, was still really cute. I’ll never forget the way you look on that first fall to the floor in Total Eclipse of the Heart.



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Ack? My critiques are really positive. Thanks very much, it makes me feel quite nice! I can respond in a bit more detail later.

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really happy with the response i got from yall. i agree that i wanted to go more ugly and gross (you can see it in the vajayjay and the little veins on the hip tumour) but i got some positive response to just how it was so i didnt want to go too overboard, which i regret now. thank you for also being happy with my snatch!!!! i knew it was safe, but im glad to hear i got smiles. happy with this round even if i end up safe, which it seems i will

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Episode 1 - Sissy that Snatch Game




This week, you girls were tasked with taking down the two biggest challenges of seasons past. Some of you girls really tackled it head on, and some of you were...sacked. Will the following girls please step forward:


Pea Enculo (@keshaspearsxo)

Melanoma (@talent)

Carbon (@Vulnicura)


You three are all...






You may leave the stage.



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  • ATRL Moderator
5 minutes ago, Citrus said:

Pixel: Imagine me loving a LS that opens with a Beyonce song :rip:

I can't


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