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Drag Race All Stars | Our first (and last) ALL STAR!


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1 minute ago, CHANEL™ said:

No Melanoma? :'( 

Noma and Pea were the only two who didn't respond.

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Colleen is here to show us her new dog! So cute. I wonder which animal will outshine the other!



Carrie: What's with you placing Top 6 all the time? Did you quit just to keep that streak alive? If we're all unlucky enough to see an All Stars 2, would you compete again (and quit when you make the top 6)?


Colleen: You know I'm actually that kid from The Omen and I've just 2/3 of my 6's now so I'm gunning for a third one! Gotta embrace that satanity, you know?! And of course I'd compete again, and of course I'd quit! That's my gig sister!


Lady Royalty: Ariana Delivered with an amazing, emotionally complex bop MASTERIECE. So happy to say I’ve been a massive fan of this amazing girl since day one.


Colleen: As have I. I have openly supported her on twitter since 2011 and stanned during her Victorious era too. Although it's best to forget anything that was released before The Way music wise because even Ariana doesn't know that shite! But stan girl! To everyone reading, be sure to buy No Tears Left To Cry on iTunes. Stream it once, stream it twice - buy it on iTunes for $1.29!


Carrie: Since I didn't judge S4, All Stars was my first introduction to you and I found myself quickly becoming a Colleen stan. That's why after your elimination, I had a kind of "Be quiet Tiffany" moment with you. But you gave an explanation for why you quit the competition then that helped me and others understand your motivation. I'm not sure if you paid attention to the game after that point, but if so, did you ever end up wishing you hadn't quit? Do you think you would have liked to do the Week 6 or finale challenges?


Colleen: I would have liked to do a ball because I think I have better fashion skills than a lot of the queens. I don't regret quitting honestly because like... it was just an emotional drain that made me lose all motivation for the competition. It was my "I don't belong here" moment and that's okay. Competitions aren't for everyone! You need a certain mental stability! But that's not going to stop me from competing and trying and showing people what I can do when I feel up to it x


Lady Royalty: Which queen do you wish you had a bigger feud with?


Colleen: Chanel because I think her lewks are overrated and I would love for her to type out paragraphs about me just so I could quote it and put "ok work" to get on ha t!ts x

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ok work

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Oxygen, Nitrogen, Neptune, Mars,.. it's Carbon!


Carrie: You tied Chanel for highest number of appearances on draft teams (9). Do you think going into the season with those high expectations impacted your performance?


Carbön: Not really. I felt very humbled that people thought I would do well and were excited to see what I was gonna do on the season, so it did prop up my ego a bit. The biggest factors in my performance this year was just time and ultimately motivation. My circumstances compared to S2 are extremely different, so really dedicating time and trying to get my creative mojo back were really hard. As the season went on and Chanel racked up her wins and I racked up my... appearances, I couldn't justify making myself upset and try really hard to fight for my place when the finale will almost inevitably crown her. So, I guess it felt good at the beginning for others to perceive me as a competitive threat, which slowly diminished as everyone realises that's not really the case. Oh well!


Lady Royalty: if you had a giraffe, what would you name it without using the numbers “a”, “e”, and “o”


Carbön: idk


Carrie: You were a quite consistent performer throughout the season, winning a challenge and placing HIGH twice. We know you think Chanel deserved her wins already, but in an alternate reality which challenge do you wish you had won?


Carbön: I really would've liked to have won the playbook challenge. I consciously made the effort to break away from doing something quite serious or edgy and try something different. It was a challenge I really struggled with, and after seeing the sheer content of Gladys' entry beforehand, I was really worried that I hadn't done enough. After seeing all the entries, I think I was the only one that actually considered the length of the entry and didn't have too much fat. My song wasn't particularly good, but I think I had a cool idea, I thought my playbook cover was super cool, and I don't think it was particularly bloated and had 3 acts for the sake of having 3 acts. 


Lady Royalty: You said elsewhere that it was hard to work with Chanel on the team challenge. What was the best and worst thing about that


Carbön: Did I say it was hard to work with Chanel? :skull: Working with Chanel was really fun. We bounced off a lot of ideas and we're both as stupid, emotional, and creative as each other. I guess it's not a negative of a Chanel, per se, but I either dominated that challenge too much or Chanel didn't contribute enough, cos a lot of the work was mine and a lot of the work I made was critiqued, so I'm not sure if I should have taken more of a back seat. From what I remember, our actual fictionalised entry was last minute that I left to Chanel cos timezones etc. 


Carrie: You mentioned that you were looking forward to having the opportunity to draw regularly; did that turn out to be something you looked forward to, or was it difficult to invest the time into doing that for each challenge?


Carbön: It was very difficult but it was also my favorite part of this season. I mentioned that in S2, I only felt like I was "100% Carbon" in the final few challenges and that by the time I really had a solid idea of what Carbon was and what she represented, the season was over. This season, at least runway wise, I feel like I did everything I could, and I really like all of my looks. I wish runway counted for more, because it was the area I invested the most in and the area where I think I have the greatest distinction between other people. My references were a lot more personal and enjoyable, and I think a lot of my looks were distinct from others, so I hope everyone else enjoyed them too.

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I think my answers were messy



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It's like cranes in the sky, unless you're killing to bird with one stone like Stone is! 

I dont know, i hope you're more fun than your drag name sister, it was hard thinking of a joke to introduce you, so maybe you yourself is the joke? idk sis.


Carrie: You went from being top 7 in your first season to being a finalist this time around. We love a real grower :-* Most queens made it as far this time around as they did the last time, so you're a unique case here, especially given the high number of season 4 girls here. How did it feel to surpass girls like Colleen and Melanoma who made it farther in your original season together?


Stone: It felt...rewarding. I genuinely like the two of them, and having beat out Mel with my second lip sync this season was something that certainly shocked me. Mostly because I felt like she came in with a lot more hype than myself (I mean, she was a judges pick!) I felt jaded, I was proud with what I gave yet upset that I beat her. Colleen on the other hand, I don't think of her (this is not shade) mostly because we never interact. Every so often she'll throw little shady comments towards me, but, I don't care. Like keep my name on your grubby finger tips, chomping away at your keyboard That's fine. I look like this, and you look like that. God had other plans for us.




Lady Royalty: Your profile makes repeated references to Jesus, how well did you represent him in all stars


Stone: Hunnnnnnnnnn........for starters my jesus references are all ironic. "All for Jesus" is iconic, though. But did you read any of my entries? There's a running theme, sex and jesus. Both involve a lot of praying (we ain't got time for STD's) and bowing which, well, you do the math.


Carrie: You mentioned in the thread that you sometimes felt underappreciated, yet you never quit. Did you consider it at any time?


Stone: Oh of course lmaooooo. Yall whores really tried it. Considering and going through with it are, of course, two different things. Most of the time I wanted to quit when I had some srs sh*t going on. Ya know, power outage, almost dying, etc. Lot of yall don't realize I work like 30+ hours a week plus am a full-time student. But you'll never see me quitting. Which, btw, this question is semi shady. Why would I quit, fefe? hmmmmmm! Why would I wanna quit?


Lady Royalty: Which queen would make the best character in the new Smash Bros?


Stone: Smash bros? Is that some sort of porno?




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Gladys Lux Maure, or as the old folks like to call her, lil' ol Paula Deen, come to the stage you hot hunka woman!




Carrie: Some of us expected a lot from you, and you clearly served quality since you're one of the finalists. However, you placed LOW on Week 1. How did you feel starting the competition with a LOW? Did it make you feel defeated? Make you more passionate to do better? Something else?

Gladys: Starting the first week with a Low was disappointing, but it wasn’t totally unexpected. Sissy That Lipsync was the challenge I failed last time and I desperately wanted to do better. I knew I would struggle at Snatch Game, I’m not good at impressions and I don’t know any celebrity or public figure well enough to accurately nail all of the expected references and make them funny at the same time. I admit that my goal for that challenge was to be safe because I knew it’d be a difficult one for me. When I read the other entries and hints and knew I was at least low, I did have a well-documented meltdown because I really didn’t want to lipsync at all this season, let alone be the first one. Obviously, I was in no danger because we had two girls that didn’t end up submitting, but I was still shook enough that I knew I had to immediately put it in gear after that challenge. That was the shift for me from “I’m playing this game to have fun” like last season, to “I’m playing to win.” And I think that you can see the difference in my entries from last season because of this, for better or for worse.


Lady Royalty: What is your relationship with your priest? 


Gladys: Well, my parents are Christians, specifically, a subset of them called Seventh-Day Adventists. I don’t know the details of it, but the main difference between the two is that we go to church on Saturday instead of Sunday. But I myself am not really religious. I used to go to church to see my family and their friends, but I ended up zoning out during sermons, mainly because they were in Spanish most of the time and I couldn’t follow a word of it. The stories within the bible nowadays are either totally outdated with their messages or are so well known in the public consciousness that they’ve been done to death in media. And I’d like to think that there is some sort of something out there beyond our comprehension, something waiting for us after death, but how is anyone to know.


TL;DR, I don’t have a priest, nor do I know any. I’m always looking to meet new people though, so if anyone could direct me to a nice priest, I’d love to get to know him. I always wanted to live out a sort of Sweeney Todd fantasy and eat one out before I die.


Carrie: While some queens were fairly eliminated, we also had several drop-outs. Which queen would you have liked to have with you in the finale that didn't make it, and why?

Gladys: A very loaded question, and as the Miss Congeniality of the season as well as the politically correct queen, I need to tread lightly. Before the cast was officially announced, I imagined a Top 4 that consisted of me, Chanel, Carbon, and Pixel. I liked the idea of having a representative from each season and each of us were perfect for the roles. I felt all four of us had unfinished business and limitless potential, and I thought that we were a complimentary group of girls. Plus, we were the second-best scoring of each of our seasons (except me, I’m filling in for my wife Lola.) When the full cast was announced, I always wished for a Top 3 with me, Carbon, and Colleen. Having all of the drawing queens in the finale and seeing the looks we could come up with would’ve been a real moment. And then I really wanted to see Pea make it to the finale. I feel like out of everyone, she was one of two girls who really deserved to make it to the end and achieve their rudemption.


With all of that said, I’m beyond content with the Top 3 we do have. Chanel is the other girl who absolutely deserved to be here, and her journey has been so triumphant. It was a foregone conclusion she would own the season. And then there’s Stone. The little engine that could, the girl that kept going despite adversity and managed to impress everyone with her entries that only got stronger and stronger. I maintain that she has the strongest finale entry out of all three of us, and to see a success story like hers fills my heart with joy. I am very pleased and proud of the Top 3 we have. And again, I don’t blame any of the girls for choosing to drop out, this is a simple form game at the end of the day. I am disappointed because I wanted to see more from all of them, but I glad the girls put themselves first and I’m happy with what they gave while they were still here. I’m happy with everyone that participated this season, the entries have been sublime overall.


Lady Royalty: Your feud this season was iconic! do you think you went too far with what you had said


Gladys: Which feud are we talking about here? Because lord knows I have had so many. I'll spare everyone the details on what happened with Melanoma because it's too graphic to mention, I’ve forgiven Chanel for her Mariah Carey shade and she’s forgiven me for attempting to leak that information to you, Tangerine and I have both agreed to disagree on Kirby after making sweet love during our UPN & Chill session in her basement, and Kunty and I had both hate sex and make-up sex countless times during the last few weeks. But my most well-documented feud, the one you’re all dying to know more about, is one with a little cucaracha that I shall choose not to name because even though she is unable to post here, she might pop up like Beetlejuice or Voldemort if I mention her by her government name. I’ve really said all I could say to her, or at least tried to since she never listens to anything but the sound of her own indecipherable voice. If anything, I didn’t go far enough with what I’ve said, but 90% of you girls have said much more and worse than I ever could, so I’ll leave that alone. What is there to say except there’s simply no changing that fact that I’m me and… Well, they’re them. Poor that.

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Wig! Thank you Miss Carrie! :hug:

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Chanel DiAngelo is rich, strong, and agressive. Hide your men and your porches! Rawr!


Carrie: There were a lot of comments this season (including from you) about the poor ratings and consternation about contestants quitting. You even agreed with me at one point about how quitting kind of cheapens the experience for the other girls. Do you feel at all disappointed that your most successful season is also the one that features so many quitters/unmotivated queens, or did that ultimately not matter for you?


ChanelI don't think it mattered, because other people's shortcomings do not define the accomplishments of my own work. Sure, perhaps I would've been a little more anxious had some other strong competitors stuck out and provided even more heat, but I suppose that would only make me more driven, and I would imagine producing even better entries than I already did. Thank you for this genuine and not-at-all invalidating question!


Lady Royalty: If you had a million dollars, who would kill you first to steal it from you?


Probably @Subomie. It's always the spouse.


Carrie: You have a lot of experience judging, but returned to the contestant seat this season. If you were a judge this season instead, which queens would you want to see in the top 3 based on their performances this season?


ChanelI can solidly say Carbön; even if she lacked much of a story and showed some weakness with her lack of comedy skills, she was still a relevant and powerful creative source, one that I think will always be revered. I'm sad that she conceded with her lip sync, but I understand what she was going through. If not her, I suppose perhaps one of the quitters. I was disappointed the most by those two and by Pixel, who seemingly dug her own grave again. I'm tempted to say Pea would be the girl I would replace myself in the top 3 with, considering we all know what she has to offer and that she had something to prove (unlike others) since she was very much robbed on her own season, but I also felt like she didn't push herself here on All Stars, and didn't allow much room for growth; she phoned in approximately half of her entries before quitting, so I don't know if that would've worked out. Colleen, on the other hand, even if she also quit (which I'm still pressed about), could have very well won a challenge or two down the line, and so I suppose she would be a great candidate for the top 3.


Lady Royalty: Caption this photo: 



Chanel@Elliot looking kinda good.


And thats it! Thanks for tuning in and congrats to Chanel for winning!


Oh and if your wondering Miss Congeniality goes to


Carbon! Congrats!!!



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Carbon and I both sharing a #2 Trophy and an MC title, we really are long lost sister wives. @Vulnicura :date2:

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ASDFGHJKSYWF you ****ing bitch @CHANEL™ :ahh: 

but YAS, look how skinny I am!

Edited by Elliot
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One second I'm a woman, then suddenly the woman is me

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Not cucaracha. :dies: The fact that she let a game like Survivor (a game where you're supposed to lie and manipulate) affect y'alls friendship :rip: 

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1 hour ago, Aciid said:

Not cucaracha. :dies: The fact that she let a game like Survivor (a game where you're supposed to lie and manipulate) affect y'alls friendship :rip: 

Being too proud and loud and wrong all at once is a deadly combo. And I honestly don’t have a problem with her, I got over it quickly. But the few times I’ve spoken to her afterwards, it’s all she brings up.


I don’t think the ratings we could’ve gotten this season by casting her would’ve been worth the hourly essays and the attacks on our sanity. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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5 hours ago, Lémur said:

Lady Royalty snatched my wig at this reunion

Lady Royalty secret comedy queen confirmed.

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Off topic but does anyone remember Primarina's parody of Greedy from S4 for the pride challenge and it was like "prideeeeeeeyyyyyyyyy WOOOH you know that I'm pridey for gays" every time I think about that I start choking

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2 minutes ago, mxtthewdelrey said:

Would you like a cough drop

not you being shady one and a half months after the post you are shading was posted

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