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As side from like two people, I had like very little support this entire season. I thrived off being a nuisance. 


Not to say nobody rooted for Chanel, hell, even I do. I want to see you win because you did so well. But people root for unpredictability, an underdog, etc. Now, i'm not trying to discredit your wins, or as to why you deserve to be in the position you're currently in, but it's just a simple fact. People love to hate Chanel, mostly due to you being so blunt and argumentative (luv u xx.)




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6 minutes ago, Citrus said:

Stone tomorrow, I'm at work till 4 am

4 AM?!?!?! I will be reciting a hearty prayer for you tonight, and I hope that the check you better be getting for this is FAT.

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I worked from 9-8 on the busiest day of the week. I wanted to die



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Work was godawful today, but I didn't get called a ****** or any variation of the word so that's something I guess.



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  • ATRL Moderator
4 hours ago, CHANEL™ said:

judging with a bias (not a conscious dislike for someone, but acknowledging that someone plays right into their taste and how they'll obviously prefer their work)

Sorry if you answer this elsewhere (I'm on my way out and skimming) but who? You referred to this in your lunch too and then here you say the judge helped a contestant with their direction? Moony?


Also, just adding my two cents that there's a difference between liking a queen more and actually having a bias. Case in point: I like Carbon as a person best out of the AS contestants because she's an actual Snapchat friend, but she never got my top rank this season. So I understand your frustration from a hypothetical point of view, but keep in mind that these judges really seemed to be unbiased in the actual scoring/ranking, which is what matters more IMO.

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I'm the only good judge.

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6 hours ago, CHANEL™ said:

I didn't have to sit and worry about what the judges wanted from me because I knew what to gave


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3 hours ago, CHANEL™ said:

n you popping in here when there's mess just like the good ol' CaL days. :heart2: 

We're both in Chicago when are you going to get coffee with me

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AHHHHH i missed a hot mess. lemme read up and probably get involved later x

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3 minutes ago, Kylie Jenner said:

AHHHHH i missed a hot mess. lemme read up and probably get involved later x

Nvm y’all wrote essays and I have dyslexia (now showing at the West End) 

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So well I love my S4 girls, but I did root for Chanel.

I know my opinion is unimportant to this, and whoever wins AS is gonna be shaded to have won in the most lackluster season of ADR, but I want Chanel to win because she has been working for that title the moment she lost S1, I love Gladys touch of talent to this game tho.


EDIT: And please someone tag me when this thing got updated.

Edited by Jkawaii
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  • 2 weeks later...

Can someone help me brush the cobwebs out of my wig?


Related image


And also, Tony nominations were announced today and not a single one of us got a nod. Best Musical this year is between Mean Girls, Spongebob, and Frozen... :shakeno:

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On 4/16/2018 at 10:19 AM, Citrus said:

Entries are all in! Cute job girls. Will post in 4 weeks 

I just remembered this post, the way this is about to become true. :deadbanana4: 

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  • ATRL Moderator

Send in your reunion questions if you haven't yet fatties! Citrus says we're not doing results until we have a 100% response rate!



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9 minutes ago, feelslikeadream said:

Send in your reunion questions if you haven't yet fatties! Citrus says we're not doing results until we have a 100% response rate!




Let me get those done and send them to you before the site goes down again.



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  • ATRL Moderator
9 hours ago, CHANEL™ said:

Season 10 having the easily-dismissed fashion queen winning Snatch Game, as Melania Trump to boot, and proving herself a double, triple, quadruple threat. Once again, RPDR snatches ideas and storylines from the superior forum version.

I like your Eureka-lite run too :alexz3:

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7 hours ago, True Skarlet said:



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If ATRL is still working tmw I'll post the last tic tac.


Some judges still ain't scored so

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I'll judge this weekend. Sorry for the delay! 

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On 5/4/2018 at 1:19 PM, Citrus said:

If ATRL is still working tmw I'll post the last tic tac.

Image result for i'm getting little tired of your broken promises

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Yall don't wanna read mine anyway



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Episode 8 - The Finale

Lunch with Stone



Hi, Stone, dear. Take a seat and let's chat!






1. You applied relatively last minute, and, admittedly, at my bequest. What made you decide to compete?


- A few factors played into me applying. For starters, yes, I applied because I knew you were struggling to get all stars to play, and I know how hard it is to get people to play a game again who don't particularly want to. But also, I was kind of like, fck it, what harm can it do to play again? I figured I'd place somewhere in the middle, maybe even an early out (almost was lolol) and then i'd call it a day. But no ma'am. 


2. Out of the Top Three girls, your run has been the most tumultuous. From your sickness week one to a blizzard nearly killing you, do you think God was trying really hard to get you eliminated? What made you keep submitting?


- Bihhhhhh when I tell you God had it OUT for me. Lord this is what I get for sucking diq every weekend, huh? No but really, it was pure determination to continue. I'm not a quitter, that is something none of yall can call me. I never wanted to be that girl who just quit a game, like ok, how embarrassing first of all, but also it's just not in my nature to give up. Now this is no shade to anyone, I understand everyone is different and has different tolerance levels and whatnot, and sometimes life comes at you fast. So I kept submitting for that very reason: determination. 


3. Some were surprised to see you make it all the way to the Top 3 - why do you think that is? Which of your qualities made you best able to make it all the way to the end, do you think?


- **** yeah I was surprised. I've mentioned before, but I didn't think i'd make the halfway mark, like top 5 was a stretch for me. To answer your question, most were shocked I made the top 3 for a few reasons. My lackluster chart run throughout this competition, but also me not being seen as competition; by both judges and contestants.


- Qualities you may ask? I guess resilience and yeah, determination. Like, i'm not gonna give up on something I've put so much effort into.


4. What has been the most difficult part of this season? How is it different from your original season?


-Umm, probably feeling like i'm going at this alone. I felt very much like the outlier throughout most of this competition. It almost felt like I was never safe (3 out of how many weeks was I in the bttm?) so it was hard just on a moral level. Whereas my original season, lots of drama and game play, this time around it felt stagnant.


5. Do you feel that the judges were ever biased against you?


-Well, well, well. Funny how you ask! In certain ways, yes. Esp the last ball, some shady **** went down and as far as i'm concerned, it's a little fcked up. I don't entirely know but I can only assume. We all have our faves, like, I get it. We all have people we're rooting for and who we want to make it to the final 3. I understand. But that shouldn't reflect judging. I've been a judge in several games, and I had my faves. But that didn't mean anyone was safe just based off that. It is what it is, I guess. But entirely biased? I don't think so, well, i'd hope not. I understand almost everything I do won't translate well with certain judges, and I understand sometimes they will.


6. Do you have any questions for me, dear?




1) Who would've been your ideal final 3? (sure you're gonna get someone else asking this)


The ideal Top 3 is always the Top 3 we get (barring all but one season), but my original three draft picks were Chanel, Carbon, and Colleen. Three Cs!


2) Were you shocked to see me make it to the final 3? And if so, why? And if not, thanks! But why LOL.


No, because you'd been sticking it out the whole time. Most girls' eliminations are able to be seen coming from a few rounds away. They lose the fire, the drive to compete either due to not doing well or personal issues. You never lost that fire, so it makes perfect sense that you'd soar past those who burned out. 


3) Fck, kill, marry: Gladys, myself, and chanel.


Marry you, **** Gladys, and kill Chanel x.


4) What was your favorite entry of mine this season or last season? Describe in detail why it's your favorite, what makes it unique, qualitea, showstopping, etc. Remember, detail!


Who? My favorite from last season is the Holigay dinner, but I also loved both of your lip syncs this season. They were fun and quirky, and that's always my favorite side of you.


What was your favorite overall round from this season? And favorite runway?


Favorite round was probably Tales from the Orchard, because that challenge was SO in sync with the stuff I loved to watch growing up. It was fantastic, stars waving back, like a dream come true. My favorite runway was probably also that round because Dragula is one of my fave shows (and it's better than RPDR don't @ me), and I loved seeing all the interpretations of filth. 

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