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34 minutes ago, feelslikeadream said:

Well someone put this baby in me, so if that wasn't an angel from God, I'mma need an explanation.



Have you named the twins yet? :cupid:

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26 minutes ago, Rhisiart said:

Have you named the twins yet? :cupid:

Lady Royalty and Lord Royalty.

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3 hours ago, feelslikeadream said:

Done with judging all but Chanel (my local coffeehouse blocks YouTube) and they are so good. Congrats girls. It's a close one this week.



Wait, I hope for your sake no one peeked over your shoulder and saw mine sdgajldasjdhba

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I would just like to take the time to say that I love and am appreciative of our host and panel of judges, who are helpful, encouraging, dedicated, fair, and all have working brain cells. As well as all of the contestants, of course. :heart2: 

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2 hours ago, Rhisiart said:

I would just like to take the time to say that I love and am appreciative of our host and panel of judges, who are helpful, encouraging, dedicated, fair, and all have working brain cells. As well as all of the contestants, of course. :heart2: 

Thanks sis. I know ATRL games don't always have the best judges, which really detracts from the whole experience :)

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12 hours ago, feelslikeadream said:

Thanks sis. I know ATRL games don't always have the best judges, which really detracts from the whole experience :)

I was a terrible judge on S3/4. Sorry girls!

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7 minutes ago, Aciid said:

Preview of Stone next week



:-* is Stone Kennedy?

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A jury of idiots picked the coasting queen over a frontrunner queen at top 4. Sound familiar? 

Edited by keshaspearsxo
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no idea what Pea and Channel are talking about


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I'm predicting drama when scores are released at the end of the season



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Who rooted for Koko?



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Episode 5 - Tales from the Orchard

Judges' Critiques



Carrie said...



No shade but don't bother calling me biased when Citrus told us explicitly to pay special attention to how creative and out-of-the-box they were :alexz2: I love a girl who makes an effort, but I still have to judge based on the actual content and how it fits the challenge. (Also my scores are meaningless fff.)



I liked the setup of your tale—I’ve been reading fairy tales recently, and liked the woods/yellow roses stuff. I’ll admit that your humor doesn’t always connect with me, but I did find several moments in this funny (the sugar daddy debate, the squirrel gag). The actual construction of the narrative was a little messy when Noma took over; the sudden shift to third person wasn’t signaled to the reader and could have been polished a bit (which is true of the writing overall, which could use a good proofread). I don’t mind the craziness that ensues after Noma’s entrance into the story, but I do wish that if Jesus was going to appear that suddenly he had cleared things up so we could understand who killed who. The focus of the challenge is the murder, which felt like one of the less defined moments in the text.



Your newspaper article really surprised me… in that it made me laugh several times! I was especially into the Tsareena gag and the two cut-off articles at the bottom. (“No questions were asked” ffff.) This entry shows the typical Chanel polish in terms of presentation. However, in a week where most entries were strong and scores were close, I have to say that I do wish there was a more out-of-the-box death involved here. A beheading is certainly a fairly typical way to die and I expected something a bit more over-the-top from our competition’s biggest drama queen. After reading the article, I expected the video to give us the backstory that would make the death more unique, but the video wasn’t narrative-driven and didn't complicate the death. (Of course I appreciate the effort of making it... and btw, your hair looked really good/soft; girl what shampoo you using?) I also appreciate that you went for a real-life runway. Again, these moments show your dedication to the game and while I still judge the entry fairly based on the content, I always like to see how much time and energy you devote to this game. Looking at just the outfit objectively, I do have to say that I like it better on Robbie than as a runway outfit for Chanel the Drag Queen. With all the creative ways to respond to the runway this weak, dirt is not enough to carry a “filth” look for me, especially when the top half of the outfit is just shredded fabric. I love the boots though.



I feel like the “choose your own adventure” trope got played out at some point, so I was apprehensive of your entry at first, but I think you used it really well here. You provided more than one branch and the endings all differ widely. I’m impressed by the effort and the narrative threads here (like how the mirror demon is in Chanel’s bathroom mirror in the 2nd branch). I wish Pixel’s role in all this was defined slightly more; her appearance in the opening apparently sets up the drama, but I think she was underused and her motivations underexplained. And sis, the jumping between past and present tense gave me whiplash. Can y’all please check your tenses in future narrative-driven entries (and proofread in general)?? My only other complaint here is that the “good” ending doesn’t satisfy the challenge, fatty. You should have died in all the versions! I really like your runway. As a FF stan, the Anima reference was obvious to me right away, but I like the Wound Man interpretation even better. It’s perfect for the challenge and the colors make it beautiful. My only gripe is the exposed breastplate.



When I tell you I SCREAMED at that last drawing Daj7wql.gif I really like this entry. Because it comes last in the post, it feels a little underdeveloped compared to the other girls. And like I said for Chanel, the actual death could use some more creativity; are you… choked by Koko’s White Wraith? Bringing her in and having the haunted nightclub concept elevated the entry, but I want something a bit more dramatic for the death. I know drawing out a fuller, longer story would have been very taxing, but I wish we got just slightly more information about the white wraith and her backstory, perhaps in the text preamble before the cartoon begins. However, I think this is a really strong entry and I like your dedication in drawing that whole panel of cartoons. I really like this runway, which perhaps best captures the week's theme. I assume you crumpled the drawing to make it fitting for the challenge, but it actually obscures some of the details ffff. For example, what’s that smooth patch in the wig? Exposed brain matter? (Exposed skull would be cool.) I like the heart in the center a lot but kind of wish there were shoes of some kind.

Aciid said...





Your video was incredible. I mean no one has done something of the sort before and I have to applaud that. Your acting was good as well, I can totally see you on drag race now. Maybe you wanting to venture real drag and audition wasn’t such a bad thought after all. Fashionable, you can carry a script and can lip sync. Very well done. I guess If I have one critique its that I would have liked more to it dialogue/plot wise instead of it being all you. But I understand it would be difficult to have other people give you a hand with their voice or putting themselves in the vid. Also, I like the mood/setting of it. The lights and all. I like your runway because its very you. Again using yourself for a runway is a never before seen thing and it takes guts quite honestly. Love all the shots. I’d have different hair but because of the theme and how it suits your natural hair, I can forgive it. It’s filthy glam, just what I would expect from you, but maybe I wanted to see your take on real dirty you know. 





Despite your struggles you managed to give us a solid entry. I enjoyed reading it and I thought it had its charm, it was fun, light and very Stone like. Shame you couldn’t give us the full deal but I applaud you for sticking to the competition and not giving up.





You had the most well written entry by far. You really submerged me into the narrative and I felt like I was reading a short story. I liked it quite a lot. Find that the way you set this up is creative, but I was also left wanting more from you since it’s getting down to the wire. Like you handled it in a way that I can’t say you didn’t think outside the box but maybe it wasn’t enough. I also thought that dying by a demon was a bit uninspired, however you had an original approach with the mirrors so I’m not too mad at it. Your runway is scary and straight out of a nightmare, but maintaining a line of taste. This is what I was looking for with the theme. Maybe would have had a wig on (or like something coming out of the bandages, ponytail, material feces extensions or some sort of fantasy) and I could have done without the threaded mouth, instead I wanted some lipstick.




I enjoyed this so much. The comic is so fun and a great way for you to push yourself and your talents. Gagged at jpow’s ghost runway, gagged at the tentacle ****, laughed at the 6 pack. I ****ing adored this and I’m so proud of you. I kinda wish it were longer though, I feel had it been you could have really knocked it out of the park. Your runway is filthy, like you didn’t hold yourself back. You really went there and embraced the Dragula inspiration. It’s not fashionable, it’s not cute but this is what was asked from you. I think you could have toned it down in the face area though. Or draw it clearer.


Tangerine said...



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Faye said...




Bitch, take my money and RUN WITH IT.
Between the expertly crafted article, well executed hilarious video and of course your look (I'll say more in FPR): this was a home run.
I have no criticisms at all, condragulations.




You're writing style has been great the past few challenges. Stylistically this felt like some white girl sorority film turned campy gay slasher which is a genre of film I fully endorse. Stone, the comedy queen. A gag.
Saying that I didn't like the abrupt ending with Jesus coming out of nowhere. Felt rushed.
Having no look hurt your score this challenge but don't get that twisted: I enjoyed you this week!




Put the U in C.U.N.T. my friend. What a creative take on the challenge. Meticulously thought out and made for an interesting read.
On my initial run I got the good ending but I checked out the bad ending which gave me little hints of Chara from Undertale before descending into Dragula meets Silent Hill. Great job.





You done gagged me hoe. A full blown comic. Just WOW.

This reeked of Melissa Pierce in Parasite Eve (as you read her diary) in the best way possible. The death itself is gross yet kooky. I mean, look at the fruit blocking the crotch in conjunction with the pink hearts covering your ****. Loved it.


Moonchild said...




"Do I look like Marie Antoinette to you?" "How can I wear a choker without a neck?" "Can't you let me have this one thing to myself?" This entry was so, so good. I know you aren't always sure how your humor translates online, and I think this was your most successful attempt to capture it in ADR. It was funny and dry and dark, and I loved it. The news article was a great touch, too. I like your runway a lot, especially the exposed chest and touches of dirt. I wish it had gone a little more in the filth direction, but it has all the glamour we need. Great job this week.




Who gave you permission to borrow my bag of dildos? This is a cute entry. I know you were limited by time, so I'm glad you were able to submit something. at the moment, there's humor here but not many actual jokes, so it kinda reads as an extended anecdote. I like the ideas of Melanoma then Jesus taking over the narrative. Not too much else to say.




That text conversation after almost getting possessed by a demon is gay culture. Ah, bitch, I would've done a choose-your-own-adventure if I were doing this challenge, and you did it well here. Your writing has always been fun to read. I do like the tropes here because they fit the genre, but I would've liked more endings and choices even if it meant shorter sections. I realize time is limited here, though, so no biggie! And slay at the Anima runway. This look is basically filth but make it anime, which I'm 100% on board with. The spikes in the legs and head are so fun. I expect Yuna, Lulu and Rikku runways before the finale!




Scream. You really took this week by the horns and ran with it. The entry and the runway are so different from what you normally do but still ring true to your style. Koko's runway seeking revenge, the emojis, all of it served humor and NERVE. You definitely went full Dragula with the runway, which is okay with me. I like that you've kept experimenting with your entries and I hope we can see you push yourself and expand your boundaries even more. Really good job.


Citrus said...



Chanel - I really appreciate the effort that went into this, especially since the combination of DIY look and presentation give it a woeful community theatre vibe that I can't help but love. I think a beheading fits into your brand given your self-exaltation and whatnot, though it would've been nice to see a more wilder murder. That being said, the presentation of this was strangely reminiscent of your Scooby Ball entry, but like, 3 or 4 times better. The look is an obvious slay from concept to execution, and I'm continually impressed by how well you merge your personal aesthetic with the challenge requirements.


Carbön - This definitely fits the bill in regards to creativity! I love the concept and pretty much all of the execution, as well! Your writing ability is probably my favorite aspect of your drag character, from your winning Bio Queens entry to your absolutely stellar finale entry in Season 02. This fits in that trend, kinda cementing you as our resident intellectual (Carrie and Moon Child found dead in a ditch etc). The "Good" ending felt slightly forced with how emphasized Chanel's arrogance was (we been knew, no need to exaggerate too much). Your look didn't 100% hit home for me because I'm not a weeb, but I still enjoy it. You kept it draggy with the feminine silhouette and the fleshy heels, which definitely kept the whole thing together. Loves it.


Stone - I know you had external issues this week (you're the queen of complications this season), but I really enjoyed the shell of this. Would love to see it come to fruition, not much else to say n. Like the potential photograph usage. 


Gladys - I yelled when I saw you being tentacle raped by Koko's Season 02 sloth runway, because that panel is such a MOMENT. It's gross, hilarious, and much edgier than we'd expect from Gladys. Plus, you know being referential to earlier seasons is always a safe bet. That being said, it's still only a few panels and a relatively unoriginal storyline aside from the hentai tea. Since the comic was so short, I would've loved more of the external writing or maybe an outline of the previous issues of the comic? Just something more to augment the relatively quick visual.The outfit is inspired but not particularly fashionable, which, as you'll recall, was still part of the challenge. This is more of a Halloween costume for me, and you need shoes girl. 


@EJQL8 @Rhisiart @Buddy! @Kylie Jenner @Hug @CHANEL™ @keshaspearsxo @Witch Privilege @Vulnicura @talent @feelslikeadream @Aciid @Subomie @True Skarlet @Moonchild @Lémur @PinkBox @mxtthewdelrey 

@Alena @Stan @Tsareena @Slut

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(Say what?!)


Used to be the best judge now I'm givin' up.



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6 minutes ago, Citrus said:

but maybe I wanted to see your take on real dirty you know. 

no one wanna see that



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Episode 5 - Tales from the Orchard




This week, our surprise Top 4 was tasked with creating creepy and campy supernatural deaths for their drag characters. For the most part, you girls absolutely killed it.



Stone (@Buddy!)


Your Pebble was stone's throw from the bottom, but you ain't out of that well yet. You are safe.


Gladys Lux Maure (@Rhisiart)


Oh, Gladys! Your nerve is showing, and it looks fabulous on you. You are safe.


Chanel DiAngelo (@CHANEL™)


How's your beheading? The judges thought it was fine. Condragulations, you are the winner of this week's challenge.



Carbon (@Vulnicura)


Your choose-your-own adventure was a choice. A good one. You are safe.







Girls, in this week's death challenge we ended up with a lot more suicides than we anticipated. As such, I have...reached out to some of our former contestants and consulted with the judges to determine just WHO would be most acceptable to take their place. That's right, kittens, the game is not over yet.






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